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Theory Is the main focus of blackpill for you the "female nature" or the absurdity and brutality of genetic determinism?


Destroyed lonely

Feb 18, 2024
I see a lot of discussions here putting the entire blame of our situation on women, female nature and feminism, x foid said this, y foid did that, I want this type of foid not that type of foid, they want this and hate that, etc

But for me personally most of that is irrelevant, if I were to become good-looking right now all of those chattering about female nature would cease to exist, romantic relationships with women would become a casual part of my life and I would stop stressing about it

For me the blackpill is not about the evilness of women but rather the cruel indifference of the universe as a whole towards my predicament and how your entire life is so ridiculously predetermined by "codes" aka genes from the very beginning and how we have such strong physical and emotional needs crafted by 4 billion years of evolution and these needs torture us if they aren't fulfilled

Everyone is selfish and has their own best interest in mind, the real problem is people aren't born equal, especially in traits that are permanent and cast a shadow over your whole life, some of these constant unchangeable traits can render you completely unattractive sexually & aesthetically and there's nothing you can do to change it, this permanence destroys your soul and things gradually become meaningless and you become depressed and suffer
@CopingForBrutality @incelerated thoughts
It's 100% nature, yes I agree that feminism has pushed female standards off the board but it has been and always will be the chads that get the girls, it's just that the definition of a Chad has been pushed in recent times. A 6/10 today could very well been a Chad in 1800s. Because it's in our DNA, obviously the girl would want to pick the guy that looks like a leader, the one that looks healthiest, things that height and good looks do.
It was never about attracting women for me, I don't care that I'm not getting laid. It's the fact that I'm on a lower tier of existence than most people.
We may as well be living in a different reality.
It's 100% nature, yes I agree that feminism has pushed female standards off the board but it has been and always will be the chads that get the girls, it's just that the definition of a Chad has been pushed in recent times. A 6/10 today could very well been a Chad in 1800s. Because it's in our DNA, obviously the girl would want to pick the guy that looks like a leader, the one that looks healthiest, things that height and good looks do.
The moment men's [genetic] looks became a requirement for getting any sort of sexual relationship at least 30% of us automatically became incels, because since the start of civilization up until a few decades ago men never had to have "beauty" to mate and have kids

But here's the thing, even back then although looks weren't a requirement they still mattered, no ugly man has ever been attractive to women, marriage was just a contract to start a family and have kids, but there was never any real attraction between unattractive men and women, "dating" was only ever an activity of attractive men

The world has now changed due to female independence and everyone's decline of interest towards starting a "family", this has made having good looks a requirement to have heterosexual relationships as a man

So I understand how some incels believe modernity and women's rights and their heavily enforced and encouraged social protection is their real enemy not genetic "luck", we never had to look good before, it's like expecting a herbivore to become a hunter and compete with natural hunters, it can't, the herbivore never had to hunt so it never developed the required utilities, the only thing it can do now is die out, we aren't hunters
The latter. For me, being an incel is minuscule compared to my other problems caused by my genetics. I already have to suffer from loneliness and being treated differently just for how I look, and not to mention my brain which not only is lacking in social skills, but also made me completely useless in every field of life. My face alone makes women uncomfortable, so ascension will never be a possibility. My life is totally worthless and not worth living, and that is just because I lost the genetic lottery :blackpill:
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Definitely genetic determinism. Genetic determinism is almost EVERYTHING in life. In the past, subhumans might have gotten sex sure, but even with that addition their lives were still miserable, because they are subhumans.

Everything you need for an easy or comfortable life is only possible with 80 percent of genetics 10 percent environment and 10 percent of luck. How healthy you are, how smart you are, how much you can mentally tolerate is ALL genetically determined because there's some hardcoded gene responsible for the outcomes. And everything I mentioned doesn't have to be related to sex but rather how easy it is to obtain an easier life.

Even WITH attributes related to sex, a large portion of torment a manlet gets isn't only from rejection from foids, time and time again manlets will be bullied to oblivion for their subhumanity and the same goes for uglies, you will be thrown under the bus at work even by Chads, making your life miserable.

If me and you lived in the past we might have had dead bedroom ethnic sex and it would have made our existence slightly easier, but kid you not overall our existence would still be extremely miserable because of genetic determinism. Subhuman can't escape subhumanity because culture changes, he will ALWAYS be a filthy subhuman.

I'm glad you brought up this thread because I'm tired of some users making it seem like our whole existence is dire because no passionate sex when it's only a small subset of the entire picture.
Genes + being born in a poor stupid family
The world has now changed due to female independence and everyone's decline of interest towards starting a "family", this has made having good looks a requirement to have heterosexual relationships as a man
Definitely true, it also explains why ugly people still exist now. In the future (atleast in the west) we will see a big population decline and everyone being Chad tier (since they will look like their parents)
The moment men's [genetic] looks became a requirement for getting any sort of sexual relationship at least 30% of us automatically became incels, because since the start of civilization up until a few decades ago men never had to have "beauty" to mate and have kids

But here's the thing, even back then although looks weren't a requirement they still mattered, no ugly man has ever been attractive to women, marriage was just a contract to start a family and have kids, but there was never any real attraction between unattractive men and women, "dating" was only ever an activity of attractive men

The world has now changed due to female independence and everyone's decline of interest towards starting a "family", this has made having good looks a requirement to have heterosexual relationships as a man

So I understand how some incels believe modernity and women's rights and their heavily enforced and encouraged social protection is their real enemy not genetic "luck", we never had to look good before, it's like expecting a herbivore to become a hunter and compete with natural hunters, it can't, the herbivore never had to hunt so it never developed the required utilities, the only thing it can do now is die out, we aren't hunters
You cannot develop 'skill' to look attractive.
Because it's in our DNA, obviously the girl would want to pick the guy that looks like a leader, the one that looks healthiest, things that height and good looks do.
Everyone wants the "best", but it's not the reasonable ask. Their entitlement totally hinges on men not exploiting their leverages unlike foids who exploit theirs to the extreme. I understand, though, why incels like you have chad-fantasies.
Everyone wants the "best", but it's not the reasonable ask. Their entitlement totally hinges on men not exploiting their leverages unlike foids who exploit theirs to the extreme. I understand, though, why incels like you have chad-fantasies.
I literally can't understand what the fuck you just wrote there, or what you tried to prove but sure bud. Whatever you say
Both are just facets of human nature more broadly (which is in turn a facet of the cruelty of nature).
For me the blackpill is not about the evilness of women but rather the cruel indifference of the universe as a whole towards my predicament and how your entire life is so ridiculously predetermined by "codes" aka genes from the very beginning and how we have such strong physical and emotional needs crafted by 4 billion years of evolution and these needs torture us if they aren't fulfilled
I think the female nature is the more brutal part. I can accept the fact that nature doesn't treat everyone fairly. Hell, I can even accept that I would probably be weeded out by natural selection alot earlier if I was alive a few hundred years ago. The most painful part of the blackpill for me is the fact that women have no sentience. Though the circumstances of men are determined at conception, we are able to set ourselves apart from the physical world and strive for something greater, be it a cause, a religion, or just personal beliefs. Women have no such gift. Their religion is superstitious and primitive. Their causes are all centered around their vaginas. They are unable to hold any independent beliefs and are easily influenced by advertising and propaganda. In every instance, their thought is grounded in their base desires and instincts.

For millennia men controlled women like chattel because that is what they are. For 100 years we have let women run wild and free, and in all that time, they haven't shown a shred of evidence that they possess the ability to be equal to men in mind and soul. Thus, everything we have been taught about relationships and "love" is a total lie. There is no equality in "love". No respect. No understanding. A woman can only love you the way a dog loves its master, and you can only be that master if you are more dominant and genetically gifted than the other men in her orbit. And for me that is the most blackpilling part of the Blackpill. The fact that we are truly alone in this world. That women, despite being good at hiding it, are ultimately no different from the beasts in the field. And once you know this to be true, there is nothing you can do about it. Women, despite being completely inferior, have all the power. And all that we have left is humiliation and despair.
Its the unfairness / Luck Based Nature" of the World and how Gynocentric It Is .
I think the female nature is the more brutal part. I can accept the fact that nature doesn't treat everyone fairly. Hell, I can even accept that I would probably be weeded out by natural selection alot earlier if I was alive a few hundred years ago. The most painful part of the blackpill for me is the fact that women have no sentience. Though the circumstances of men are determined at conception, we are able to set ourselves apart from the physical world and strive for something greater, be it a cause, a religion, or just personal beliefs. Women have no such gift. Their religion is superstitious and primitive. Their causes are all centered around their vaginas. They are unable to hold any independent beliefs and are easily influenced by advertising and propaganda. In every instance, their thought is grounded in their base desires and instincts.

For millennia men controlled women like chattel because that is what they are. For 100 years we have let women run wild and free, and in all that time, they haven't shown a shred of evidence that they possess the ability to be equal to men in mind and soul. Thus, everything we have been taught about relationships and "love" is a total lie. There is no equality in "love". No respect. No understanding. A woman can only love you the way a dog loves its master, and you can only be that master if you are more dominant and genetically gifted than the other men in her orbit. And for me that is the most blackpilling part of the Blackpill. The fact that we are truly alone in this world. That women, despite being good at hiding it, are ultimately no different from the beasts in the field. And once you know this to be true, there is nothing you can do about it. Women, despite being completely inferior, have all the power. And all that we have left is humiliation and despair.
High IQ

At this point as being nearly 26 year old i stopped nearly compltely caring for foids, but point is...
I was born with autism bullied cause of it heavily entire life, my dad wanted to kill my knife when i was 14, i had to take meds since i was 16 and now i'm fat since this, i tried to lost weight two years ago ( i lost 45 kg in 6 months ) only to regain most of it. It's reaciton chain

That's genetic determinism, once you realize that there are invisible walls which seperates all kinds of humans in our societies, rich people are born in rich families and every simps for them, tall good looking are born like this and every women spread their legs for them...

and you ? you are poor, ugly, short, some are autistic ?
was it your fault ? society ? women ?

it was fault of YOUR own parents, cause they think that this is fantastic idea to gave birth despite being non appealling looking, poor or having kid at being nearly 40. It was fault of your own parents...


At this point as being nearly 26 year old i stopped nearly compltely caring for foids, but point is...
I was born with autism bullied cause of it heavily entire life, my dad wanted to kill my knife when i was 14, i had to take meds since i was 16 and now i'm fat since this, i tried to lost weight two years ago ( i lost 45 kg in 6 months ) only to regain most of it. It's reaciton chain

That's genetic determinism, once you realize that there are invisible walls which seperates all kinds of humans in our societies, rich people are born in rich families and every simps for them, tall good looking are born like this and every women spread their legs for them...

and you ? you are poor, ugly, short, some are autistic ?
was it your fault ? society ? women ?

it was fault of YOUR own parents, cause they think that this is fantastic idea to gave birth despite being non appealling looking, poor or having kid at being nearly 40. It was fault of your own parents...

Our parents should be held accountable for bringing us into this world despite the faults they have and the suffering we were going to endure as a result.
It's being a loser in everything and wanting to die every day. Who gives a fuck about muh women and shit. I give a fuck about my own life.
God is a foid
Blackpill applies to life in general bro but it’s most pronounced in the sexual market. Blackpill is just another word for harsh truths that are painful to internalise and the mind usually wants to stay stuck in delusion and denial (aka coping with it).

There’s black pills in human nature, female nature, nature of love itself, the divide between rich and poor fags, NT vs non NT, how your born, your genetic potential, how cooperations and governments are fucking up the world and shit ton of other stuff most people don’t want to think about

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