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Is roping at dec 24 2025 a good idea if nothing good changes



This is the end
Feb 11, 2023
I have a few methods at hand.

At first we would have the boulder, But little bit smaller yet big rock

1 I would attach this to my neck and throw it down, It would then make me fall head first and kill me by exploding my head.

2nd roping with an actual rope, Tried 3 times this year and failed the gag reflex thing in my throat pushing against the rope makes it extremely painful and i swallow upwards and it collides with the rope.

3 Euthanasia in belgium if i am able to

4 Jump from Eiffel tower tallest point with heavy thing attached to my head so i will fall head first and splat.

I had a botched surgery that has ruined my ability to function and gives me extreme chronic pain, The doctors in my country refuse to even look or talk about my damage or fix it where they would fix others they are rude and dismissive to me, I also have ADHD so socializing is over for me basically and autism.

I have severe anxiety and barely leave the house other than getting groceries at some points.

I have no reason to live as i am told its my fault i cannot have children and im not entitled to having a family so my life is basiclaly useless.

Another point is, Id not like to live rotting infront of whatever, Whether a book a vidya and whatever in pain the rest of my life.

Another point, What i was born with was collapsing aleredy from day 1 and looked horrible so it never really began.

Another point, I have too big goals and dreams and ambitions but despite trying to reach them, The goverment always taxx the shit out of me so i barely make a cent.

Another point: Whenever i try something or join anything, I am always told that i dont belong somewhere.
i then try joining something else and its the same again, Im just too ugly.

Another point: Another year of loniness and watching couples outside when i DO go outside is pure suifuel because i once had a goal towards this with self improvement since 15-21, Personality, Soft looksmaxxing, And now a failed nosejob which has cost me my health which hospital refuse to look at.

The fact that my parents are getting tired of me whining about the pain and that i feel like a burden for trying to fix a birth defect, They come with gaslit rather than understanding.

Another point, I dont want to look like a jew living in a nordic country should my nose fully collapse and would rather commit suicide.

Another point: I am extremely mentally unwell, I have OCD and sometimes i panic even the slightest thought can send me into complete mania.

Another point: My ADHD has made a living hell living with my family where i always got timeouts rather than understanding.

Another point: Im now being given medicine for my damage but it doesnt help and my thing is curving day by day and im watching the old boy come back which has ruined my face from day one and social life.

Another point: I am stuck on welfare with no resume and a gap year of 3 years so there will be no job for me except shitty paid jobs, They will just place me there thru the welfare center and have the welfare center pay me instead so the business get free labor, This has happened in the past where im forced to work long hours for scraps till my mentality just collapse, This goverment is evil!

Another point: I cant see myself living as a subhuman anymore, They say Were all gonna make it but i dont think imma make it boyos.

The goverment wants me dead, My family see me as a burden, And trying to have them sit down with me is too much of a task than just watering a plant.

To get the right medical health i need in one of the richest countries i live in, I think surviving mount everest completely naked and not freezing to death is more successfull than getting help here.

The fact that im autistic prey eyes, Wonky nose, And ugly, With extremely bluepilled parents makes me just wanna rope.

My mother doesnt even care about this, She says, Medical problems you talk to stepdad, I distance myself from this.

I have nothing to look forward to other than a long long rot with videogames i dont even enjoy anymore and a mind that is slowly declining.
My memory is going bad, All the joints in my body hurts and the fact that my medical problem prevents me from working out makes my health in extreme risk so im going to die of cardiovascular disease anyway.

I think in all, I was born to die and there is no end in sight for my pain.

I set this dato as its 1 year from now, Its not a definite date so im not sure im 100% choosing that day.

Im just tired of rotting, I rotted since i was born with legos up until 15 got job, Work, Rot, Come home, Work rot come home, Been like that all my life, I eventually got myself into gaming on PC, it was fun at first and now it doesnt feel the same anymore, At 17 i got into college and finished then got back to work rot work rot work rot work rot, My life has been a story of work, School and rotting and being bullied and ridiculed, I see no end in sight.

Ive always wanted to have a social circle and glide thru life, I thought things would get better after schools/college, Sadly it never did.

If i could get a GF i would have had one by now, Sadly my face is so repulsive even the most troglodytic foid has rejected me.

Its fucking over, There is no end in sight for the misery awaiting me, I was born to rot.
Why kill yourself when it makes more sense to kill the people that wronged you (in CS2).
Why kill yourself when it makes more sense to kill the people that wronged you (in CS2).
Dont have access to a weapon so it would be pointless cant kms after the deed is done due to strict gun laws and no gun, Fuck sitting in jail, Besides im not a violent person irl anyway.
dont rope.
In Love Cat GIF
Tbh, Being a subhuman is just utter and pure torture and id rather rope than be bullied and in pain the rest of my life.
Tbh, Being a subhuman is just utter and pure torture and id rather rope than be bullied and in pain the rest of my life.
i am a subhuman too but we gotta keep moving forward as bluepilled as it may sound. Life is a struggle for sub5s.
ofc i care about mentally unstable NEETs like myself. We have only ourselves and nobody else. Normies won't understand our pain. Hold on.

:cryfeels: Broooo


Same, We need to take care of our NEET brothers, The fact this was the only option in to get some peace in this society says alot, That humans can be such cruel creatures that the only way is to be banished by them and isolate ourself.

I used to have a friend group in school that always try theyre best to get rid of me, It never ends.
:cryfeels: Broooo

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Same, We need to take care of our NEET brothers, The fact this was the only option in to get some peace in this society says alot, That humans can be such cruel creatures that the only way is to be banished by them and isolate ourself.

I used to have a friend group in school that always try theyre best to get rid of me, It never ends.
ive never had real friends. I always got mocked bro. I Don't know the feeling of having a real friend because I am ugly.
i am a subhuman too but we gotta keep moving forward as bluepilled as it may sound. Life is a struggle for sub5s.
A life of torn and misery awaits, I hear what your saying, Im all alone and roping seems like the only solution.

Im tired of pain medication, Im tired of being told that im not even entitled to having a family, Im tired of consumer society, Id give everything to be sent back to the 1700ds have a farm and grow happy with a wife and some kids and a chickenfarm with wheat and horses.

To atleast be content.

I cant remember the last time i even had a hug.

I cant remember the time someone told me i was worth life.

I cant remember the time i heard the word, We care about you from my family.

They speak of empathy and can afford to pay my medicals, Ive even offered to work it back once im healthy enough, I got NO.

They keep posting snaps of themselves being all happy, Talking about my brothrs new babies.

Im just here looking at it rotting, Looking at what ill never have because i was born deformed.

My eyes are extremely round and stick out.

I have an extreme overbite but not recessed jaw but still fucked up teeth.

Ive seen mothers pull theyre kids aside as i walk by because im seen as a threat.

Im treated like a savage would be treated back in the slavery days.
A life of torn and misery awaits, I hear what your saying, Im all alone and roping seems like the only solution.

Im tired of pain medication, Im tired of being told that im not even entitled to having a family, Im tired of consumer society, Id give everything to be sent back to the 1700ds have a farm and grow happy with a wife and some kids and a chickenfarm with wheat and horses.

To atleast be content.

I cant remember the last time i even had a hug.

I cant remember the time someone told me i was worth life.

I cant remember the time i heard the word, We care about you from my family.

They speak of empathy and can afford to pay my medicals, Ive even offered to work it back once im healthy enough, I got NO.

They keep posting snaps of themselves being all happy, Talking about my brothrs new babies.

Im just here looking at it rotting, Looking at what ill never have because i was born deformed.

My eyes are extremely round and stick out.

I have an extreme overbite but not recessed jaw but still fucked up teeth.

Ive seen mothers pull theyre kids aside as i walk by because im seen as a threat.

Im treated like a savage would be treated back in the slavery days.
dont take jewpills , bro. Smoke hashish better. Stop drinking too because it makes u feel like shit. Do anything but harm to your body . Be active, take a lot of walks. This is how I cope tbh. Night walks are the best if you live in a safe area perfect cope for inkwells.
dont take jewpills , bro. Smoke hashish better. Stop drinking too because it makes u feel like shit. Do anything but harm to your body . Be active, take a lot of walks. This is how I cope tbh. Night walks are the best if you live in a safe area perfect cope for inkwells.
Jew pills are the only thing my hospital can offer, I can literally push my nose back in place and it would be fine but since they wont even look at it, They give me jew pills and let it collapse partially instead of attaching the loose peace, I should never have done rhino in the first place, I should just lived with my collapsed jewnose so now its just halfway hanging and can be pushed back in place.

Nightwalks, Back in my doomer days i wore beanie, Red tshirt, Black hoodie like doomer does, I would listen to Viktor Tsoi and just walk endlessly around.

Oh and im quitting drinking aleredy, It has no effect on me anymore.

Ye if im able to find drugs i might see if that treat the pain better, Im just left to die by the goverment anyway.
dont take jewpills , bro. Smoke hashish better. Stop drinking too because it makes u feel like shit. Do anything but harm to your body . Be active, take a lot of walks. This is how I cope tbh. Night walks are the best if you live in a safe area perfect cope for inkwells.
Shiiiet, How about finding Heroin and overdosing on that, Good idea, I heard its painless if done right so i might have another suicide method there.
Shiiiet, How about finding Heroin and overdosing on that, Good idea, I heard its painless if done right so i might have another suicide method there.
take drugs that won't physically and mentally harm you. A good quality weed will do the trick then enjoy the ride. If you can get your hands on a good quality hashish then you dont need heroin.
Jew pills are the only thing my hospital can offer, I can literally push my nose back in place and it would be fine but since they wont even look at it, They give me jew pills and let it collapse partially instead of attaching the loose peace, I should never have done rhino in the first place, I should just lived with my collapsed jewnose so now its just halfway hanging and can be pushed back in place.

Nightwalks, Back in my doomer days i wore beanie, Red tshirt, Black hoodie like doomer does, I would listen to Viktor Tsoi and just walk endlessly around.

Oh and im quitting drinking aleredy, It has no effect on me anymore.

Ye if im able to find drugs i might see if that treat the pain better, Im just left to die by the goverment anyway.
they profit off your misery and ban actual medicine such as weed. Do not take jewpills anymore. It's not worth it. It numbs all of your emotions and "gets rid" of your problems temporary just for them to become worse the next day.
take drugs that won't physically and mentally harm you. A good quality weed will do the trick then enjoy the ride. If you can get your hands on a good quality hashish then you dont need heroin.
ill think about it but drugs would still just postpone my problem, People with ADHD are 10x more likely to die from disease and have a shorter lifespan on average.
they profit off your misery and ban actual medicine such as weed. Do not take jewpills anymore. It's not worth it. It numbs all of your emotions and "gets rid" of your problems temporary just for them to become worse the next day.
I know that but the heck am i supposed to do
ill think about it but drugs would still just postpone my problem, People with ADHD are 10x more likely to die from disease and have a shorter lifespan on average.
I have ADHD too and OCD although not diagnosed (ive never been to jewish therapists) I experience the symptoms.
I know that but the heck am i supposed to do
nightwalks, weed, being active in general. Buy a static bike and workout from home, get lean and once you see how your body changes youw ill be happier. Are you fat or skinnyfat ?
I smoke cigarettes a lot they help believe it or not. I've smoked over 300 packs inmy life.
they profit off your misery and ban actual medicine such as weed. Do not take jewpills anymore. It's not worth it. It numbs all of your emotions and "gets rid" of your problems temporary just for them to become worse the next day.
Should i save up so i can try and fix the problem myself?

Another thing i could do is take out a HUUUGE loan, Fix the problem, Fly to gookland and never pay them back just like @itsOVER did, Impregnate tons of gooks and make more mutts and then KMS

Not to get it confused, The KMS part was about me and unrelated to another user.
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I smoke cigarettes a lot they help believe it or not. I've smoked over 300 packs inmy life.
Cigarettes gave me bad throat burn so hard i had to quit, Its been a month now and the throat burn is stopping, Im not sure i wanna get back into cigarettes.
nightwalks, weed, being active in general. Buy a static bike and workout from home, get lean and once you see how your body changes youw ill be happier. Are you fat or skinnyfat ?
Ive done all this aleredy.
Ive done all this aleredy.
have u tried quitting cooming ? Takes over 60 days for the brain to recover though. I still struggle . I get awful brainfogs that last the entire day after cooming.
bro id say 40% of my life problems come from cooming makes me fee llike complete scum.
have u tried quitting cooming ? Takes over 60 days for the brain to recover though. I still struggle . I get awful brainfogs that last the entire day after cooming.
I coomed yesterday after weeks of not cooming, I dont even look at porn anymore, Only when i have to fap.

Fap? I dont find pleasure in it anymore either, Trust me i used to be a big coomer back in the day, Ive killed more children than a hellfire missile hitting starving kids in africa.
bro id say 40% of my life problems come from cooming makes me fee llike complete scum.
Thats not the problem with me, After the coom, I feel suicidal because of intrusive thoughts about my medical problem
bro id say 40% of my life problems come from cooming makes me fee llike complete scum.
Ye im somewhat done with cooming, Its like short release and then its over again and your left with thoughts 10x harder than they were before because the body is in a state of panic.
But all in all, I just dont want to be here on this planet anymore, It has nothing more than i aleredy explored to offer me.
But all in all, I just dont want to be here on this planet anymore, It has nothing more than i aleredy explored to offer me.
Real brother i feel the same way but suicide is too scary :cryfeels:
As the old saying the rope finds its way, I appreciate the fact your trying to stop me, But if it doesnt get any better i will probably try to find solace in the afterlife or nothingness, I dont feel like the man, I dont feel like me and my body are correct, I feel like if i was someone else there might have been a better circumstance for life, I was just born into the worst possible timeline where loneliness hits men like a brick train and destroys them one by one.
Smoking and drinking my monster rn on my nightwalk and i stopped to reply for u brocel
Listen to Viktor Tsoi Summer is ending, It gives you those doomer vibes in the snow.
I must yescoom on day 90...
Find a real nose doctor? Different country?
I’m sorry man it sounds like you have had it really rough. Try to stay as strong as you can, at the very least you can keep hanging out with us and coping.

I share a few of the things you described but not everything and it sounds like you are struggling with a lot more. I also have a lot of difficulty making it outside due to anxiety and also hard to accomplish anything due to adhd but I don’t take either of these that seriously for myself although I do for others… somehow I always convince myself that I’m just lazy and undisciplined.
I’m sorry man it sounds like you have had it really rough. Try to stay as strong as you can, at the very least you can keep hanging out with us and coping.

I share a few of the things you described but not everything and it sounds like you are struggling with a lot more. I also have a lot of difficulty making it outside due to anxiety and also hard to accomplish anything due to adhd but I don’t take either of these that seriously for myself although I do for others… somehow I always convince myself that I’m just lazy and undisciplined.
Thanks for making me not feel alone


Its a bugger it truly is, To think were from a complete different planet from those born healthy.

Find a real nose doctor? Different country?
Yeah was thinking about it, But im scared of doing it again, The nose tip goes so much inwards in the middle its hurting me! Imagine a huge flake, And the upper flake goes inwards, What the doctor needs to do is pull it outwards a bit correct the bone and tighten it so it may never fall again, ive gone to multiple doctors now that refuse to do anything, Theyre visibly angry and treat me like a 3rd class citizen.
Thanks for making me not feel alone

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Its a bugger it truly is, To think were from a complete different planet from those born healthy.

Yeah was thinking about it, But im scared of doing it again, The nose tip goes so much inwards in the middle its hurting me! Imagine a huge flake, And the upper flake goes inwards, What the doctor needs to do is pull it outwards a bit correct the bone and tighten it so it may never fall again, ive gone to multiple doctors now that refuse to do anything, Theyre visibly angry and treat me like a 3rd class citizen.
WE are always here for you because as i said we only have each other and our families. Irl friends are deceisive like snakes.
if you want to rope why not run until you pass out just to see what happens? you're 5'10 you can still ascend
I set this dato as its 1 year from now, Its not a definite date so im not sure im 100% choosing that day.
If you actually want to rope then why wait a year? It would be best to do it ASAP if you're truly in pain.
I think you don't actually want to rope. Maybe explore avenues that you could continue living comfortably? In the next 20 years we'll have virtual vistas indistinguishable from reality. Infact, being a leech now is hardly significant as most HUMANS will become redundant in the next couple of years due to the AI revolution... so if you wait until UBI is inevitably instated and jobs are mostly abolished, you could have the potential to live forever due to medical advancements and inceldom becomes irrelevant at that point.

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