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Is /r/MGTOW/ legit insane? They really believe they're destroying women



Dec 28, 2017

meanwhile a 2/10 obese women gets 2000 likes in one hour on tinder
Let them have their play fantasies. they really aren't our enemies. they're the only non hypergamous red pill movement
if every man on reddit never talked to a woman again it would make zero measurable difference
MGTOW is just as delusional as TRP
They are a bunch of delusional losers who believe females even give two shits about their antics, MGTOWs are just enabling women by isolating themselves from them, that is what females want ugly males to do, while they continually spread their legs for chads.
There are blackpilled MGTOWs out there. You won't find them on plebbit tho
The point of MGTOW is you don't give a fuck if a 2/10 gets 1000 likes. You've given up on femoid whores and the feminist society and mind your own fucking business. It's cope just like a everything incels do in the hope of getting a femoid is cope. Only difference is most MGTOWs I know are successful or trying to while most incels are full LDAR mode.
mylifeistrash said:

meanwhile a 2/10 obese women gets 2000 likes in one hour on tinder

Haha, we undesirable men will show those roasties we mean business by dropping out of the dating scene and letting women continue fucking Chad.
That'll show them!
universallyabhorred said:
They are a bunch of delusional losers who believe females even give two shits about their antics, MGTOWs are just enabling women by isolating themselves from them, that is what females want ugly males to do, while they continually spread their legs for chads.
Fine, but fucking chads is going to be a dead end if men refuse to marry women. There are always tons of women turning 18 every day. By the time those women hit 40 they are going to be alone and no guy will touch them with a 10' pole.
They are insane. MGTOW is awesome in itself, but I notice that there are a lot of tin foil hat wearing wannabe srategists who have an opinion on everything and can forecast everything. Like this cunt on youtube who told fellow MGTOW to buy bitcoin. One month later and the price went down the toilet.

MGTOW has become over-intellectualized.
If they think they will have any effect on women and society, then they're delusional
TheVman said:
Let them have their play fantasies. they really aren't our enemies. they're the only non hypergamous red pill movement
They think that them removing themselves from the sexual market has any effect on women, but they were already invisible to begin with, so women don't even notice or care.
UncannyValley said:
If they think they will have any effect on women and society, then they're delusional
What if men stop marrying and betabuxxing them? They can't live on Chads big chin, correct? Chad has tons of options too. You think he is going to commit to some old roastie :lol:.
MGTOW is just like any other "social movement", good in intention and poor in execution.

What it should be is men who are like monks and have decided to remove romance and love from their lives to focus on cultivating inner happiness and pursuing hobbies.

In reality, it's just COPE SIMULATOR 2018. Men that are constantly bitching about women and saying "I'm so much better off without women" while ranting about how bad women are and not doing anything to cultivate his own hobbies.

If they were positive and had real numbers, and a reasonable movement maybe people would take it seriously and learn about it. But everyone sees them as a bunch of bitter retards. And the idea that they're "powerful" or "changing" the dating world is insane and delusional. People just see them as lonely dweebs and ignore them with a laugh, they don't make anyone especially women think "oh wow these guys are deep intellectuals".

A true example of a good MGTOW? Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory before he met Amy. Just a dude who loved his science and hobbies before any other bullshit like women and dating.
iblamemyself said:
They are insane. MGTOW is awesome in itself, but I notice that there are a lot of tin foil hat wearing wannabe srategists who have an opinion on everything and can forecast everything. Like this cunt on youtube who told fellow MGTOW to buy bitcoin. One month later and the price went down the toilet.
MGTOW has become over-intellectualized.
Lol that's Vention1MGTOW
NYincel said:
UncannyValley said:
If they think they will have any effect on women and society, then they're delusional
What if men stop marrying and betabuxxing them? They can't live on Chads big chin, correct? Chad has tons of options too. You think he is going to commit to some old roastie :lol:.
Desperate lonely men won't stop betabuxxing anytime soon
UncannyValley said:
Desperate lonely men won't stop betabuxxing anytime soon

Under the Sword of Damocles which could mean rape, shame, losing everything, allegations, and ruin?

That is what MGTOW is about. I read THOUSANDS of comments of men on YT who are done with women. Women have ZERO value to them.
The only positive thing about MGTOW is that they don't increase the price of pussy by removing themselves from the pool.
Mgtow unlike most other red pill outlets do no harm to anybody and the delusional losers who think they are fighting a war against women are the younger school kids who want to feel special and are the most vocal like any other loser in a group(r9k tier clowns).
MGTOW is useful for older incels though. Modern FHOs are indeed insufferable cunts. We aren't missing much; other than the sex itself.
The more blackpilled mgtow's are our allies. I wouldn't be surprised if cucktears get their sub banned too.
mgtow will never have any effect on female hypergamy or any part society

you think women give a fuck if some low tier male chooses not to interact with women and does his own thing, you didn't exist in their eyes anyway

no chads are mgtow.
mgtow are fucking awesome. they voluntarily go their own way even though they can lay femoids because they hate how repulsive they are.

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