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Discussion Is our hate justified? (DNRCELS GTFO, HIGH-IQCELS GTFIH)



Dec 1, 2023
What justifies our hate?

I made the mistake of opening Reddit today and I saw a meme of incels hating on foids and minorities

And getting triggered when we got hated on by foids

I mean society hate us, and I believe that cause requires an appropriate response.

We cannot base our arguments around emotions. We would be no different to femoids then.

Now, BEFORE you spam the report button, this is a 100% serious question. I've been pondering this for a while.

What differentiates female hate and incel hate? Why is our hate justified by theirs is not?

One is based of female hypergamy and the other is lived experience.

Tagging high-IQcels
I want to hear what you have to say. (Serious thought-out replies only)

Mods please be patient with me, I am just trying to expand my blackpill knowledge.
I made the mistake of opening Reddit today and I saw a meme of incels hating on foids and minorities
this is what me redditfeed looked like today
Screenshot 2024 05 05 234420
If you go looking for a fight, you'll find one.

Knowing that reddit is about amplifying group-think, and muting or banning dissent, why would you expect any positive outcome at all from arguing on retlddit?
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Hard for me to say. I have become numb to the hate over the years.

Like Rehab Room always says it's all relative. We shouldn't compare incel hate and toilet hate due to being way too different. We might as well belong to a different species.

Even if our hate is not justified it can become justified through power. The end justifies the means. Might is right. We just have to look that we are correct in the eyes of other men and that's it. The only problem is that we have no innate value that we can bargain with so the only thing we can do is resort to violence IN GAME.
Our hate is based on logic and reason. The blackpill is a branch of science. We see the world for how it really is and we speak the truth.

Foid hate is pretty much "I want Chad but he won't text me back so I hate men and I'm becoming a lesbian" :foidSoy:
Imo theres 2 types of hate here and at IT.
First the the tribalistic hate where you fear/hate some group because you think youre endangered by them. Like the racial hate here and hating on anything remotely "right wing like" or masculine on Reddit. Political, racial and religion views have a lot of incommon, people are fanatical about them.
Second is where you hate someone who thinks differently from you, you need someone to agree with you so your beliefs dont get challenged. Here this is our views on foids and cucks, on Reddit thats their views on us.
Incels' bitterness is totally understandable and to be expected, given our life experiences.

We were born with unfortunate looks. Because of our looks, we got treated badly. Because we got treated badly, we self-isolated. Because we self-isolated, we have poor social skills. Because we have poor social skills, it's difficult to navigate society, so we self-isolate even further and it's an endless circle of bad things that keep getting worse.

I don't feel like a human because I don't get treated like a human. I'm still a KHHV at fucking 30 years old. Meanwhile, normies get to experience teenage love. They get to experience affection, intimacy and sex throughout their life, for free. They don't have to pay money to an escort to get it.

Normies and women have gaslit us our entire lives until we took the blackpill. They told us you just have to be a nice guy, take a shower, get some fitting clothes, get a suitable haircut, and just 'talk' to a girl. Just be a decent person and threat the woman like a human being, they say. But I have never been treated like a human by others.

So being a KHHV at 30, enduring physical and emotional starvation my whole life, I have gotten to a point where copes aren't that affective anymore. I just can't ignore it forever: I simply feel the need for affection, intimacy and sex with a woman. And I will NEVER fucking have that simply because I was born ugly and women ONLY care about looks.

I am consumed by envy and rage now. Others have everything and will continue to get even more, while I never had anything, and nor will I ever have. Just seeing a couple on the street makes me angry and sad. Just seeing any woman on the street makes me mad knowing I will never have her, but a toxic good looking man likely has her and abuses her, and she wont care because he's attractive.
I would do my best to be a great partner in order to compensate for being ugly. I would try my best to keep my girlfriend/wife happy, if I ever had one. But women don't want a nice guy. They want a good looking man, at ANY cost.

They would rather stay in an abusive relationship with a good looking man than be a in a stable, peaceful relationship with an ugly nice guy.
That’s what REALLY makes me angry.

I see frequently in the news stories about women being beaten, abused, assaulted, raped by their boyfriends and husbands. Women could leave at ANY time, they no longer have to depend on men, they have no fucking excuse anymore. Yet they don’t. They keep choosing men like this, they keep choosing to stay with them, yet they still complain about men, opression and patriarchy.

That makes my blood BOIL. Their abuse is 100% deserved, 100% self-inflicted. They could be with a stable, loving, ugly nice guy at ANY TIME. They just need to open Tinder and they can find hundreds of desperate ugly men, willing to do their best to be good partners.

Yet women don’t want the ugly nice guy, they want the good looking abusive man.

So now whenever I hear about some woman abused by her boyfriend/husband, it is lifefuel for me. She is 100% responsible for it, she can 100% leave at any time, yet she doesn’t.
I don't feel like a human because I don't get treated like a human. I'm still a KHHV at fucking 30 years old. Meanwhile, normies get to experience teenage love. They get to experience affection, intimacy and sex throughout their life, for free. They don't have to pay money to an escort to get it.

Normies and women have gaslit us our entire lives until we took the blackpill. They told us you just have to be a nice guy, take a shower, get some fitting clothes, get a suitable haircut, and just 'talk' to a girl. Just be a decent person and threat the woman like a human being, they say. But I have never been treated like a human by others.

So being a KHHV at 30, enduring physical and emotional starvation my whole life, I have gotten to a point where copes aren't that affective anymore. I just can't ignore it forever: I simply feel the need for affection, intimacy and sex with a woman. And I will NEVER fucking have that simply because I was born ugly and women ONLY care about looks.

Well said. A truth bomb that most people would rather ignore.
Women say their hatred of men/incels is justified because they are systematically oppressed by patriarchy.

I agree they could have made this argument 50, 100, 150 years ago. But not today.

We live in a gynocentric society and women control every single facet of it.

They are the teachers who teach our children
. They can discriminate against boys and give higher grades to girls. Girls already outdo boys in school.

They are the people who hire you for jobs. And if a woman would dislike you for being ugly, trust me, she would have a subconscious bias against you when hiring you, too.

They are the people at HR who can fire you. If a woman accuses you of ''inappropriate behavior'', everyone will take her side by default.

Women now outearn men. You can't even betabuxx anymore since women earn more. And women only date up, you need to earn more than them to have a chance, but that's getting more and more difficult.

Women can trade sexual favors to get ahead. They can suck a male teacher's dick for a high grade or to pass an exam. They can fuck their boss for jobs and promotions. Or they simply outright get the job through forced gender quotas and affirmative action.

Women dominate every single aspect of our society. It's an overwhelming victory for them.

And yet it's still not enough. They still have the fucking audacity to complain about oppression when women have NEVER had it better than now. Masculinity has been pacified, castrated, defanged. Old masculinity is now 'toxic masculinity'. They say it's bad. They turned us into desperate, emasculated simps, and it's still not enough for them.

So NO, I don't believe their hatred of men/incels is justified. But our bitterness is.

Not to mention 95% of violence against women is caused by HTNs, Chadlites and Chads simply because they are the only ones who can get women.
Incels don't do anything to women, 99% of incels rot away in the homes, rarely interacting with society.

The solution to this, is unironically women dating nice guy ugly incels. They won't get abused anymore because we CAN'T AFFORD to abuse women like Chads do. We would treat women nicely. I HAVE 20 YEARS WORTH OF PENT UP, UNEXPRESSED LOVE. I FEEL DESPERATELY THE NEED TO EXPRESS AFFECTION. So in turn, we would get (and offer) affection and sex, making us happier, improving our lives, physical and mental health, boosting our confidence.

But would women do that? No, of course not. They will keep dating abusive good looking men, they will keep getting hurt, and somehow they will find a way to blame it on the incels.
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I won't debate much whether foids hatred is justified or not, but know who started the war.
What justifies our hate?
The fact that we've had to struggle with handicaps (looks, genetics, temperament) throughout our lives without any empathy and the fact that there's no way to fix or overcome these handicaps to get a more suitable and comfortable position in life.
What differentiates female hate and incel hate? Why is our hate justified by theirs is not?
You can't but help feeling resentful and hateful towards your oppressive rulers who occupy much higher positions in the hierarchy who just sit back comfortably and expect us to hand the world to them for free.
Any inequality is a good reason to hate.
The "you should be grateful, your situation could be worse than it is" argument has been invented by rightards for that purpose: incitate proletarians to stop demonstrating and fighting for more equality just with the pretext of "muh at least you're not starving in a third-world desert", even making us guilty for complaining.
What justifies our hate?
A combination of things, including (but not limited to):

1. The negative experiences throughout our lives, especially during our formative years and periods where milestones of social and relational development would occur.

2. Society's treatment of men, including the vilification of masculinity in boys and young men, as a result of the heavily feminist, gynocentric culture.

3. Women's hypocrisy and abuse of power in society, as bestowed upon them by society.

What differentiates female hate and incel hate? Why is our hate justified by theirs is not?

One is based of female hypergamy and the other is lived experience.
-> ^
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You should've posted this in ID. Anyway, I won't call you a cuck for writing this. In fact, this may shock you, but I do feel like a lot of incels' hatred towards foids is unjustified, at least when it comes to the incels who hate foids solely or primarily for not giving them sex.

Being a societal bottom-feeder like mostly everyone else on this site, I've experienced the various struggles and frustrations that come with this life and can empathize with others who've been through the same. However, one thing I don't empathize with is hating others for wanting nothing to do with me – whether that's foids who don't want to fuck me or normies who exclude me from their social circles. I've had to deal with entitled people my entire life in the form of helicopter parents who insist on micromanaging every aspect of my existence, so I'd never act that way towards another individual. I very firmly believe that you only deserve my aggression if you go out of your way to fuck with me.

That brings me to why I myself fervently despise women. I don't hate them because they won't fuck me, but because they actively want undesirable men like myself to be miserable. Foids don't just deprive us of sex, they zealously oppose our attempts to cope and go so far as to try and get our coping strategies banned. You see this with literally everything: porn, anime girls, lolicon, AI gfs, or sex androids (which aren't even fucking close to being a thing yet, mind you). You’ll hear foids complain a lot that “*x* thing objectifies/oversexualizes women” – that should be understood as a shorthand for “*x* thing allows men to achieve sexual gratification without needing to participate in the dating market where we women hold absolute power.”

Foids love and cherish the power they hold over you and men like you. They don't see you as an equal, but as a slave. In their eyes, the only purpose to your existence is to be their orbiter and feed them with attention, validation, and money. That's why they REEEE about anything that can distract from or serve as a substitute to their sexuality, the main thing they can leverage to make you do their bidding. That's also why letting women join any male-dominated space or hobby is guaranteed to ruin it, because foids with their boundless desire to farm male attention will inevitably turn that community into little more than a cult of their worship.

I also feel it's worth mentioning that despite their robust in-group preference in comparison to males, foids' obsession with attention-whoring turns them against each other. Foids are much more prone to jealousy than men are, you should see the fervor with which they hate women that fog them. Your average hEcKiN' StINKwELL's hatred of Stacy is nothing compared to Becky's. Women can't stand any sort of competition, yet expect you as a man to brutally compete with other men just to get them to maybe touch your dick.

Anyway, that's how I feel about incels' foid hatred. I hate women primarily because they hated me first. I could also touch on other things such as women's natural inclination towards subversive politics, but I think this response is long enough as is
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You should've posted this in ID. Anyway, I won't call you a cuck for writing this. In fact, this may shock you, but I do feel like a lot of incels' hatred towards foids is unjustified, at least when it comes to the incels who hate foids solely or primarily for not giving them sex.

Being a societal bottom-feeder like mostly everyone else on this site, I've experienced the various struggles and frustrations that come with this life and can empathize with others who've been through the same. However, one thing I don't empathize with is hating others for wanting nothing to do with me – whether that's foids who don't want to fuck me or normies who exclude me from their social circles. I've had to deal with entitled people my entire life in the form of helicopter parents who insist on micromanaging every aspect of my existence, so I'd never act that way towards another individual. I very firmly believe that you only deserve my aggression if you go out of your way to fuck with me.

That brings me to why I myself fervently despise women. I don't hate them because they won't fuck me, but because they actively want undesirable men like myself to be miserable. Foids don't just turn their noses up at us, they zealously oppose our attempts to cope and go so far as to try get our coping strategies banned. You see this with literally everything: porn, anime girls, lolicon, AI gfs, or sex androids (which aren't even fucking close to being a thing yet, mind you). You’ll hear foids complain a lot that “*x* thing objectifies/oversexualizes women” – that should be understood as a shorthand for “*x* thing allows men to achieve sexual gratification without needing to participate in the dating market where we women hold absolute power.”

Foids they love and cherish the power they hold over you and men like you. They don't see you as an equal, but as a slave. In their eyes, the only purpose to your existence is to be their orbiter and feed them with attention, validation, and money. That's why they REEEE about anything that can distract from or serve as a substitute to their sexuality, the main thing they can leverage to make you do their bidding. That's also why letting women join any male-dominated space or hobby is guaranteed to ruin it, because foids with their boundless desire to farm male attention will inevitably turn that community into little more than a cult of their worship.

I also feel it's worth mentioning that despite their robust in-group preference in comparison to males, foids' obsession with attention-whoring turns them against each other. Foids are much more prone to jealousy than men are, you should see the fervor with which they hate women that fog them. Your average hEcKiN' StINKwELL's hatred of Stacy is nothing compared to Becky's. Women can't stand any sort of competition, yet expect you as a man to brutally compete with other men just to get them to maybe touch your dick.

Anyway, that's how I feel about incels' foid hatred. I hate women primarily because they hated me first. I could also touch on other things such as women's natural inclination towards subversive politics, but I think this response is long enough as is
I think I may post this as a standalone thread. It's quite long, lol
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