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is knajjd real?



low iqcel
Nov 8, 2017
his photos are high quality, is he a model?
Since this place love knajjd so much.

I DECLARE NOVEMBER 14 to be knajjd day
Can we add a new section?

"knajjd discussion"

so the fangirls here can congregate without making a new thread per/day
Unbearable2woman said:
Can we add a new section?

"knajjd discussion"

so the fangirls here can congregate without making a new thread per/day

And we wonder why cucktears thinks we're gay LOL.
If Knajid goes trap and then goes lesbian then he would be drowning in pussy.
torujo said:
his photos are high quality, is he a model?

I've done reverse image searches on his pics before and all that comes up are /r/incels and a couple threads on chan boards.  So if you implying that the person in the pics is a model that knajjd stole pics of, I can at least tell you that isn't the case.
11gaijin said:
If Knajid goes trap and then goes lesbian then he would be drowning in pussy.

If he goes trans tell him I'll escortcel to fuck him in the ass, no homo.
jagged0 said:
If he goes trans tell him I'll escortcel to fuck him in the ass, no homo.

Me too
jagged0 said:
If he goes trans tell him I'll escortcel to fuck him in the ass, no homo.

Me three
uhhh, do you hear that @knajjd? you better run to protect that ass, we subhumans are already in the way to your house.
knajjd said:
lol no omg the pics are actually taken by my mom. i almost always have some drink in front of me in my pics cuz my mom buys me them

i'd actually have sex with anyone that asked me to cuz if i rejected ppl i'd be as evil and selfish as the females

Well if that`s true you are probably also not an anal virgin, since Turks are probably the most closet homo culture in the planet
Why is this form obsessed with that twink trap
Unbearable2woman said:
Well if that`s true you are probably also not a virgin in the ass, since Turks are probably the most closet homo culture in the planet

Is that from your own personal experience being a woodpecker?

Unless you are actually deformed, that is have a medical deformity, knajjd is uglier than you and therefore the most incel. No women will ever give knajjd's hideous face a chance, ranking only a mere 2/10 on the attractiveness scale, knajjd's cheekbones are recessed, knajjd's chin is recessed, knajjd's jawline is weak, and knajjd's nose is hideous. Essentially knajjd's is the ugliest, so be glad you are not in knajjd's position. Be glad you do not have knajjd's face or you'd have to kill yourselves, you would not have the strength to live, you spineless cowardly weaklings, even going outside takes immense courage when you look like knajjd. Stop acting like you are the fucking victims, knajjd's is the real victim, every single one of you are fakecels and you makeing knajjd sick. Whether you sugar coat knajjd as a 7/10, it does not change anything knajjd is the most incel out of all of you, almost deformed looking, and knajjd is also superior, because knajjd can survive in such a horrible condition. knajjd bet none of you could survive with knajjd's horrible face. None of you. - Angryman411 copy
knajjd said:
lol no omg the pics are actually taken by my mom. i almost always have some drink in front of me in my pics cuz my mom buys me them

i'd actually have sex with anyone that asked me to cuz if i rejected ppl i'd be as evil and selfish as the females

Don’t listen to Incels here, they overestimate people’s looks and don’t give a true rating. You have shit eye area and you’re short, you look ugly and you’re a truecel.
Octopusgun2 said:
Don’t listen to Incels here, they overestimate people’s looks and don’t give a true rating. You have shit eye area and you’re short, you look ugly and you’re a truecel.

You need roids and a nice fat Jewish cock inside you.
Book Binding Company said:
You need roids and a nice fat Jewish cock inside you.

I’m a nosecel, longmidfacecel and NCTcel. Roids won’t do anything for me as I’m already tall and have a good frame.
Unbearable2woman said:
Nah, is from my times living in your Turk dad basement.

Anyway, just to add some jewels in this Gay-as-shit thread


knajjd said:
wel no one irl asked me as of yet so ya

If you're Turk, why don't you go after Anzujaamu? She probably likes good-looking anime-ish twinks like you and is probably the same height. You'd make a cute couple.
Alex_Bones said:

If you're Turk, why don't you go after Anzujaamu? She probably likes good-looking anime-ish twinks like you and is probably the same height. You'd make a cute couple.
I heared she`s fucking changs in Japan.
Alex_Bones said:

If you're Turk, why don't you go after Anzujaamu? She probably likes good-looking anime-ish twinks like you and is probably the same height. You'd make a cute couple.

I'd bury my dick in her mouth, too bad she wouldn't go for me since I'm so hideous.
knajjd said:
wel no one irl asked me as of yet so ya

How tall are your parents? How in the fuck does someone end up as a short, thin guy. It seems like almost all skinny guys are over or around 6ft, that's why lanklet is a thing. Is your mom like an ugly, short, flat girl.
Knajjd is either a troll or he's completely insane. I'm leaning towards troll but it could go either way.
knajjd said:
cuz AWALT. all females want masc dom 6'4" Chadzilla. if u have to be the one to pursue sex it's over anyways cuz the female itself doesn't find u attractive (not to mention idk who that even is lulz) 
There are some femoids who are legit into good-looking twinks (very rare). I think she's into both types (chad and twinks).
If you don't know who she is, she's a very famous Turkish cosplayer.

Try sending your pictures to her (maybe in a cosplay or something).
Alex_Bones said:
Try sending your pictures to her (maybe in a cosplay or something).

Fuck yes, we need knajjd cosplaying Lelouch ASAP!
knajjd said:
mom is like 5'2" and dad is 6'3"

It's over your dad was an ugly lanklet so the best he could get was an ugly as fuck short girl.  Short girls destroy gene pools. ldar. where is the rope
He is a manletlet ehtnic subhuman. It's over for him.
knajjd said:
ya just knowing that i am tainted with ape blood is enough 4 me 2 be disgusted by myself. most ethnics cannot get laid at any circumstance, only like the top 1% of ethnics slay in this world

Ethnic is cope

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