"Oh so it's about ranking everyone else's relationships on a scale of "which ones seem more meaningful or important
to me personally", instead of letting people live their own lives.
This guy is just trying to enforce yet another stereotype onto people.
Let people decide for themselves what is meaningful, don't tell them what they're doing isn't."
Bull.Fucking.Shit. Esp. that last line. Ooh! Let people decide for themselves what is meaningful!!!! Look at me!!!! I'm such an egalitarian snowflake fag!!!! Look, if you go to someone with a problem, concern, question, or criticism, they are going to tell you the answer they think is best/what they feel. No more of this I just expect everyone to be my shoulder to cry on as I unload my own issues onto them cause I have little to no personal emotional responsibility and/or I am too fucking dumb too see the fucking obvious so I'm just going to expect you to be my emotional absorbing robot.
No. No more of that shit. You ask the question, they're going to give their answer how they feel. If you go to someone with "meaningful relationship problems and concerns", and the person(s) in question can see the "meaningfulness" or lack of, don't cry when they tell you the obvious. Whether it's a social or romantic/sexual, if you go to people with your concerns and questions, they're going to give you their answer on how they feel and their views and sense. That's how it works. The most common example is "I've been seeing/fucking this guy/guys, I fuck them and they won't commit/give me the emotional connection and support I need along with a good dose of the hard dick but only for the short term. OMG! Why can't I find a nice,decent guy?!?!??!"
Yeah. If you bring in this what is and isn't meaningful shit, you're going to get their answer to the question. I mean, how many times does this have to happen till the shoe fucking drops? Like I can't tell anyone what to do or get all up in people's personal business, but why are these types so threatened by this whole maybe nothing but short term casual relationships/seeing multiple people at once/knowing I'm part of this guys plates is the term yes? he's seeing/not committing at all/problems with monogamy fidelity and faithfulness and this whole sexual experimentation for the sake of it cause Ima independent adult y'all y'all can fuck off cause I'm mature and you aint!!!!, why are they so threatened by this? Like I said, I can't tell people what to do or be all up in someone's business, but if you bring these issues up, people will respond how they see fit. That's how it goes.
He is the closest we can get to a mainstream black pill.
I wonder how many black pilled "intellectuals" will pop up in the next years due to the degeneration of our society.
I think the tide is turning. Trump became president, a lot of people do not like the left/liberals, the have realized that mix of this one size fits all approach in the guise of intellectualism mixed with do as I say not as I do and the cultural domination approach where every single little thing regardless how nill or pointless it is is an issue and that the more traditional way works, yeah, that's changing to that.
"You know who's
not going to help you figure out how to have meaningful relationships? A man like Peterson, who relies on "biology" and "social order" and general idiocy to define "meaning", when there is no objective criteria or authority he can call to in order to even define meaning in the first place. It's plain as day"
Yeah. That's a load of bullshit too. I mean, first off, how many books, videos, websites, are devoted to self help and finding such meaning? Yeah. There's probably some not great advice and general stuff, but that so many people look for such a thing should tell you a lot. Meaning in this case means purposeful, supportive, trusting, fulfilling, fair, emotionally filing, fun, and you know that the person who posted that is one of these pseudo-intellectual types who spouts off so much half assed bullshit that when they are confronted with something that even slightly bumps up against their own half assed ideas should tell you a lot.
I don't swear by Peterson or everything he says but that he is having this much an effect on people and they are responding to his work so strongly should tell you something. The guy knows what he is talking about I do give him that.
I like what Jordan Peterson had to say here - he thinks radical feminists side with radical islam because women crave male dominance. Male masculinity has been chased out of western cultures due to feminists so now they bring in islamists who have traditional male dominant hierarchies
This isn't a new argument that I haven't heard before. He is kind of stating the obvious, but there is more to it. Yeah. The radical left/feminists have embraced/sided with the islamists for the sheer sake of a fuck you to the conservatives/right. This point has been brought up in conservative circles before. So yeah. That's what the left's purposes has become, just to say fuck you to the conservatives. I'm not even that conservative but I can see the problem there. See, the left had the right idea for a while and most people's support, but then fucked it all up by the bad mix of being too big too fail with not knowing when to stop. And they wonder why Trump won?