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Serious Is it worth getting a blue collar job?



St. JackieArklövcel
Sep 10, 2019
I'm thinking of ways that I can escape NEETdom because as much as everyone else glorifies it, it's really miserable when you as a grown man have no money of your own, living rent free and still being fed and supported by your parents, dependent on them to give you stuff for free that you didn't work for, and having nothing else going for you.

My autism and my social anxiety gets in the way because I don't like dealing with people. It's one of the reasons why I dropped out of college on top of the fact that I was getting burnt out. I was studying computer science with the hope of STEMmaxxing since computers are a hobby of mine, but I don't think it's worth my time going back to college and having to learn coding and stuff, even if it's by myself.

Now I'm thinking about getting a job so I can finally get out of the house, start saving up, improve my self-esteem, and actually live for something and get out of the hole I'm stubborn to get out from. I don't want to leech off my parents anymore and remain being a bum, nor do I want to get NEETbux because it's better to work for your money than getting handouts for nothing, and it wouldn't improve my current situation.

All I do all day is going on forums and imageboards, watching YouTube videos and reading Wikipedia. I'm really not doing anything productive or worthwhile so I have all the time to do something else.

So I'm thinking of getting a job that won't involve having to talk to people that much and where there are no foids. I'm considering applying for a blue collar job (construction, plumbing, carpentry, blacksmithing, stonemasonry, fixing electronics, etc). The reason is because I want to do something that it's more hands on and actually learning a practical skill on how to build and fix things, since I like the idea of being able to shape and create something useful with my hands. I think it's actually empowering as a man to being physically capable and being able to have the strength to do those kinds of jobs.

Also there are very few foids in those jobs, and I like the feeling of teamwork and the comradery you get doing things together and getting along with your co-workers (since I have close friends that I like to do stuff together already like urban exploring and graffit art).

TL;DR: Do you think getting a blue collar job or a more physical "hands-on" job is a good idea? Or should I go back to studying and STEMmaxxing?
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blue collar jobs are shit and often dangerous
The only solution for low motivation and low degree cels like us.
I'm post-poning it but I know I'll have to find a shitty job, I really think I might rope before.
I wonder how many incels who claim autism actually are autists. Also how does social anxiety factor into not completing college. Anyway, whatever you do would be better than NEETing so go ahead.
I wonder how many incels who claim autism actually are autists. Also how does social anxiety factor into not completing college. Anyway, whatever you do would be better than NEETing so go ahead.
I was diagnosed with it (specifically Asperger's) when I was 9 even though I try to be in denial about it since how I've been mistreated by my family and in school for having it. Austism isn't the same as social anxiety, since autism merely means that you're blind to other people's social cues rather than being avoidant of social situations. Though autistic people can also have social anxiety.

In my case my social anxiety started when I entered middle school and has gotten worse since then. I'm afraid of offending other people or having others make bad moral judgements about me. And I get panic attacks when I'm confronted with people I don't know with nowhere to step back. I also don't like it when people question my thoughts or emotions so I try remain stoic instead of standing up for myself.
some do. i was working minimum wage at a factory. i would rather beg for money on the street than do that shit again.
I guess I can get training or an apprenticeship.

BTW, what type of factory were you working in?
If you hate NEETing at home all day and wanna do something more productive instead then sure why not
BTW, what type of factory were you working in?
metal. basically had to stamp holes into metal with a machine and load a crate with them. place was understaffed so i was doing the work of 2-3 people. co workers talking shit. machines always breaking down. it was hell.
metal. basically had to stamp holes into metal with a machine and load a crate with them. place was understaffed so i was doing the work of 2-3 people. co workers talking shit. machines always breaking down. it was hell.
Was it physically demanding? Also asking if you needed training beforehand. And where was this?
In my case my social anxiety started when I entered middle school and has gotten worse since then. I'm afraid of offending other people or having others make bad moral judgements about me. And I get panic attacks when I'm confronted with people I don't know with nowhere to step back. I also don't like it when people question my thoughts or emotions so I try remain stoic instead of standing up for myself.
I have similar problems, especially panic attacks when confronting people. There are two ways I can see this affect your college work. You are not able to properly communicate with professors when you need them. You are not able to make meaningful networks that help careermax later in life. (I had both issues). Plus computer science is a field where you gotta communicate a lot, especially with foids. Its an SJW infested field what with all that gay ass affirmative action. But if you wanna make good moonies you gotta live through that shit.

The only way I can see to deal with social anxiety is practice. You just gotta throw yourself out there in the sea. Its not going to be comfortable but slowly you'll get the hang of it.
I have similar problems, especially panic attacks when confronting people. There are two ways I can see this affect your college work. You are not able to properly communicate with professors when you need them. You are not able to make meaningful networks that help careermax later in life. (I had both issues). Plus computer science is a field where you gotta communicate a lot, especially with foids. Its an SJW infested field what with all that gay ass affirmative action. But if you wanna make good moonies you gotta live through that shit.

The only way I can see to deal with social anxiety is practice. You just gotta throw yourself out there in the sea. Its not going to be comfortable but slowly you'll get the hang of it.
Yeah, but I've been dealing with that in high school as well. And I've also grown to trust other people less and become more cynical of them.

I'm just hoping with a blue collar job, I'm going to be more comfortable around people in that setting.
Was it physically demanding? Also asking if you needed training beforehand. And where was this?
working at a factory doing repetitive work is still a blue collar job but what you mentioned as examples classify specifically as trades.
working at a factory doing repetitive work is still a blue collar job but what you mentioned as examples classify specifically as trades.
Yeah, that's what I want to do.

I'm actually curious how many foids are in trade and vocational schools.
Yeah, but I've been dealing with that in high school as well. And I've also grown to trust other people less and become more cynical of them.

I'm just hoping with a blue collar job, I'm going to be more comfortable around people in that setting.
We gotta learn the art of emotionally confiding to and making connections with people meanwhile being cynically aware pf their personal agendas and goals. That's needed to survive in this world as an adult.

Blue collar jobs are hard physical work. They can fuck you up later in life. The pay could be low sometimes. You need to take care of yourself in that man.
Gubbermint jobs are the way to go. People here without college make almost 100k (including benefits) by not doing much while working in prisons. They have union representation, golden parachute pensions and overtime/holiday bonuses. They even pay moving expenses and insurances so your covered if things don’t go well.

That blue collar stuff is hard...eventually you can find yourself doing the work of 2-3 ppl.:feelsohgod:
If you're willing to work I've heard of some jobs that pay really well but I have no experience when it comes to that so idk
Don't do blue collar especially construction they are retarded
And you have to go to trades school
Don't they pay well? They have unions.
They pay well because you retire at 40 by then your body's messed up
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I'm thinking of ways that I can escape NEETdom because as much as everyone else glorifies it, it's really miserable when you as a grown man have no money of your own, living rent free and still being fed and supported by your parents, dependent on them to give you stuff for free that you didn't work for, and having nothing else going for you.

My autism and my social anxiety gets in the way because I don't like dealing with people. It's one of the reasons why I dropped out of college on top of the fact that I was getting burnt out. I was studying computer science with the hope of STEMmaxxing since computers are a hobby of mine, but I don't think it's worth my time going back to college and having to learn coding and stuff, even if it's by myself.

Now I'm thinking about getting a job so I can finally get out of the house, start saving up, improve my self-esteem, and actually live for something and get out of the hole I'm stubborn to get out from. I don't want to leech off my parents anymore and remain being a bum, nor do I want to get NEETbux because it's better to work for your money than getting handouts for nothing, and it wouldn't improve my current situation.

All I do all day is going on forums and imageboards, watching YouTube videos and reading Wikipedia. I'm really not doing anything productive or worthwhile so I have all the time to do something else.

So I'm thinking of getting a job that won't involve having to talk to people that much and where there are no foids. I'm considering applying for a blue collar job (construction, plumbing, carpentry, blacksmithing, stonemasonry, fixing electronics, etc). The reason is because I want to do something that it's more hands on and actually learning a practical skill on how to build and fix things, since I like the idea of being able to shape and create something useful with my hands. I think it's actually empowering as a man to being physically capable and being able to have the strength to do those kinds of jobs.

Also there are very few foids in those jobs, and I like the feeling of teamwork and the comradery you get doing things together and getting along with your co-workers (since I have close friends that I like to do stuff together already like urban exploring and graffit art).

TL;DR: Do you think getting a blue collar job or a more physical "hands-on" job is a good idea? Or should I go back to studying and STEMmaxxing?

Oldcel that's STEMmaxxed but still does blue collar work. I've been in warehouses/retail for years now. I honestly like backroom work and things like stocking freight; the work keeps me active. I've found a fairly chill place and my second pay raise kicks in during the holidays. I'm able to pay rent + budget for copes + savings. Yes, it can wear down your body if you're not careful - I only work part time hours. I only plan to do whitecollar jobs whenever I feel I cannot go with this anymore, as such jobs tend to lead to sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy habits. This is why I retort whitecollarmaxxing also breaks your body, just in different respects.

Bluecollarmaxxing can be good, but you have to find a sweet spot where the employer doesn't abuse you and its possible to moderate your output to comfortable levels while still making acceptable wages.
honestly i gave it thought

trades are the best for incels unless you want a soy office job full of normie sex havers
I'm thinking of ways that I can escape NEETdom because as much as everyone else glorifies it, it's really miserable when you as a grown man have no money of your own, living rent free and still being fed and supported by your parents, dependent on them to give you stuff for free that you didn't work for, and having nothing else going for you.

My autism and my social anxiety gets in the way because I don't like dealing with people. It's one of the reasons why I dropped out of college on top of the fact that I was getting burnt out. I was studying computer science with the hope of STEMmaxxing since computers are a hobby of mine, but I don't think it's worth my time going back to college and having to learn coding and stuff, even if it's by myself.

Now I'm thinking about getting a job so I can finally get out of the house, start saving up, improve my self-esteem, and actually live for something and get out of the hole I'm stubborn to get out from. I don't want to leech off my parents anymore and remain being a bum, nor do I want to get NEETbux because it's better to work for your money than getting handouts for nothing, and it wouldn't improve my current situation.

All I do all day is going on forums and imageboards, watching YouTube videos and reading Wikipedia. I'm really not doing anything productive or worthwhile so I have all the time to do something else.

So I'm thinking of getting a job that won't involve having to talk to people that much and where there are no foids. I'm considering applying for a blue collar job (construction, plumbing, carpentry, blacksmithing, stonemasonry, fixing electronics, etc). The reason is because I want to do something that it's more hands on and actually learning a practical skill on how to build and fix things, since I like the idea of being able to shape and create something useful with my hands. I think it's actually empowering as a man to being physically capable and being able to have the strength to do those kinds of jobs.

Also there are very few foids in those jobs, and I like the feeling of teamwork and the comradery you get doing things together and getting along with your co-workers (since I have close friends that I like to do stuff together already like urban exploring and graffit art).

TL;DR: Do you think getting a blue collar job or a more physical "hands-on" job is a good idea? Or should I go back to studying and STEMmaxxing?
Honestly not a good idea. Idk what your falios are but as a framecel i was bullied ruthlessly at every construction gig I ever had.
Honestly not a good idea. Idk what your falios are but as a framecel i was bullied ruthlessly at every construction gig I ever had.
I'm robust but I'm a manlet.
Someone mentioned it, but as a skinny manlet I got shit on a lot, even if I was strong and did better work than the other guys. Blue collar jobs have a macho culture that makes it tough to fit in sometimes as an incel especially at mills.

Trades pay good money though and physical work will make you fit and feel good. I'd say give it a try and you might enjoy it more. One thing to note though, is that labor can be hard on your body and break it down over time so you might develop health issues down the road. Now that I'm older and recover slower I know I want a job that's less taxing. It's fine when you're younger but you should look into a serious trade so you're set when you get old
Get a STEM degree if you can, else you will really regret it. Blue collar work will kill you and is nothing for incels
Work from home is top tier.
I prefer brown collar jobs because you can't tell if the shirt it DIRTY
only if it's a trade. assembly line, cash register, etc suck
It's over for tradecels. I'm in college studying Computer Science, and I can't meet women anywhere.

Women only want chads with college degrees and white collar jobs.
Interesting, please elaborate further.
it was a very physically demanding job and the place was understaffed so i was doing the work of 2-3 people on top of that i had annoying coworkers.

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