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Is it really over after 30? What about the wall theory and the men age better theory?



Nov 8, 2017
Are you seriously telling me that I will live entire life as a fucking reject and that there is even worse time.ahead?

This has to be a joke tbh.
nausea said:

Was It worse or better as you aged? Did females show you more interest? 
Is the wall real?
worse in the fact that I attempted suicide 2 times

wall is cope
nausea said:
worse in the fact that I attempted suicide 2 times

wall is cope

Jesus Christ.I am getting in panic mode. 

Fuark,this is too much to take.
well that is my exp

you do not have to go through that

you got girls anyway, I am virgin
I dunno, I think it depends. I look the best I ever looked currently t 29 years old. Others look their best at 18. Ive seen men reach peak in mid 30's. Depends on your blooming+aging genetics.
If you moneymax u can run sponsor game in third world countries tbh
The wall is a myth.

The average 40 year old woman is far more desirable than the average 40 year old man. Most 40 year old women can marry some buta bux and have a 20 year old chad boyfriend on the side. I would go as far as to say even an overweight 40 year old woman has more options in the dating scene than even a 8/10 20 year old male.
Zyros said:
I dunno, I think it depends. I look the best I ever looked currently t 29 years old. Others look their best at 18. Ive seen men reach peak in mid 30's. Depends on your blooming+aging genetics.
Fuck off please
I have said this before, suicide or ER are your only options if you cannot get laid before 25, pick which ever one's best fit your needs, don't feel any guilt remember that for every year you live after your suffering doubles and that society enjoys torturing you and forcing you to wage slave, while utilizing your money to help roastie whores who got impregnated by chads.
All COPES. It's actually over after 20. Does anyone here actually believe that something will magically change just because a few years pass?
I don't think shit can get any worse for me. I'll probably be dead in 4-5 years if shit won't get better.
I pray Allah I die before reaching 40.
So long as you aren't bald there is hope
universallyabhorred said:
I have said this before, suicide or ER are your only options if you cannot get laid before 25, pick which ever one's best fit your needs, don't feel any guilt remember that for every year you live after your suffering doubles and that society enjoys torturing you and forcing you to wage slave, while utilizing your money to help roastie whores who got impregnated by chads.

Fucking shit I already suffer more than I thought humanly possible and you're saying it only gets worse in 4 years? Getting laid before 25 is not going to happen for me. Getting constantly rejected by roasties, even the girl who seemed to accept me for me fucking rejects me. I can't take this.
The wall theory isn't a cope, it's a meme. I have been rejected by 30s women before even tho I'm in my 20s.
Hell said:
So long as you aren't bald there is hope

38 people in an 8-week trial and 86% of them regrew their hair. I have regrown hair just through the onion and a scalp combing trick.
30 is a hard end.
20 the soft one.
It gets progressivley ahrder after reaching 20 with no experience. No woman would want to be with someone in their 20s who never touched a female, let alone had intimacy with her, unless you're very lucky and mange to bullshit your way trough to her bedroom.
I gave up when I hit 25 a few years ago. I realized that there is simply nothing for me considering relationships, no matter how low I would let my standards go.
Valinor said:
Fucking shit I already suffer more than I thought humanly possible and you're saying it only gets worse in 4 years? Getting laid before 25 is not going to happen for me. Getting constantly rejected by roasties, even the girl who seemed to accept me for me fucking rejects me. I can't take this.

You don't deserve this form of suffering ensure that society pays for inflicting psychological torture upon you.
universallyabhorred said:
You don't deserve this form of suffering ensure that society pays for inflicting psychological torture upon you.

That's just it, isn't it? It is psychological torture. Day in and day out, it never stops. When I try to tell anyone I'm brushed aside and laughed at. "Haha you're being overdramatic" "Haha just try harder bro" They don't understand. They never will. Incels are abhorred and gawked at like circus freaks and then everyone wonders why they snap. I don't know how I haven't yet.
Valinor said:
Fucking shit I already suffer more than I thought humanly possible and you're saying it only gets worse in 4 years? Getting laid before 25 is not going to happen for me. Getting constantly rejected by roasties, even the girl who seemed to accept me for me fucking rejects me. I can't take this.

Fucking hell this. 

How the fuck are we supposed to SUFFER EVEN MORE???
Jesus Christ why the hell would ANYONE be born male,it is just too cruel
Valinor said:
That's just it, isn't it? It is psychological torture. Day in and day out, it never stops. When I try to tell anyone I'm brushed aside and laughed at. "Haha you're being overdramatic" "Haha just try harder bro" They don't understand. They never will. Incels are abhorred and gawked at like circus freaks and then everyone wonders why they snap. I don't know how I haven't yet.

Yes this happens because society is fucked up and we are too beta and peaceful to snap. Imagine if the vast majority of incels snapped, we would start being feared and respected, society would start caring about fulfilling our needs  instead of sodomizing our souls every day.  Even if my analysis is wrong, death is vastly better than life, remember life does not just end by itself, a slow decline in health leading to chronic pain and disease is what will kill us, that is why we need to choose when to die.
Valinor said:
That's just it, isn't it? It is psychological torture. Day in and day out, it never stops. When I try to tell anyone I'm brushed aside and laughed at. "Haha you're being overdramatic" "Haha just try harder bro" They don't understand. They never will. Incels are abhorred and gawked at like circus freaks and then everyone wonders why they snap. I don't know how I haven't yet.

This I ask myself everyday.

universallyabhorred said:
Yes this happens because society is fucked up and we are too beta and peaceful to snap. Imagine if the vast majority of incels snapped, we would start being feared and respected, society would start caring about fulfilling our needs  instead of sodomizing our souls every day.  Even if my analysis is wrong, death is vastly better than life, remember life does not just end by itself, a slow decline in health leading to chronic pain and disease is what will kill us, that is why we need to choose when to die.

So much truth in your words. We are only here to suffer, nothing else.

Pretty_When_I_Cry said:
Are you seriously telling me that I will live entire life as a fucking reject and that there is even worse time.ahead?

This has to be a joke tbh.

Your only hope is surgery if you are sub 5 or to be an escortcel. Every year you will become uglier than before. "The Wall" or "Men age like wine" are all cope.
A 60 year old woman has more SMV than a 35 year old incel.

How to get sex as a woman=have a vagina
How to get sex as a man=be 10/10, have a large cock, be rich, be muscular, smell good, etc, etc
Well it doesn't help your mind if you miss out on fucking in your 20s. I did get some more profile clicks on OKCupid since I turned 30, but FHOs can remain fuckable into their 50s, so their wall is delayed significantly.

I suppose technically we have more chance as we get older, but as we know FHOs have been taking hundreds of cocks since 13, so 30 years later their standards may drop low enough to let us in their cavernous cunts.

BakaHapa said:
A 60 year old woman has more SMV than a 35 year old incel.

How to get sex as a woman=have a vagina
How to get sex as a man=be 10/10, have a large cock, be rich, be muscular, smell good, etc, etc

Brutal Black Pill.
The wall is mega cope, just look at how many people search for MILF porn.
The wall exists for men and women. Women still hold the power, just less of it. But the non-power you have now will become even less.
If you can mantian decent skin and hairline you might be able to run Daddy game, but with how subhuman the skull becomes with age it becomes even harder (and considring we're incel.....)

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