Weed said:
Because I noticed older women prefer chads.. in UK I never got a 23+ woman like me.. what I noticed with Orb and other chads is that they get liked by 25+ girls even if I put their age as 19.
I agree with "it's still not the same as being a Chad from age 13", I agree.. a lot.
My social skills are genetic.. I noticed the same shit in my dad.. I talk normally with friends tho or people that I know well
Wouldn't bother about what post-prime roasties think. When I'm swiping in SEA I have the age range set at 18-21 (and I age fraud myself to 23).
Basically, we're genetic shit. Modern transportation happens to have thrown us a lifeline, but it's not the same as being a Chad all your life, born with the looks that all women desire. Lookism made a good analogy I read once: The giraffe that can't reach the food isn't able to wait it out for neck lengthening surgery, nor can the lion that can't catch the gazelle just inject roids to make himself big and powerful...if you need artificial means to ascend, you're still genetic trash inside. Sure the modern world has given us whites in the west the tools to escape inceldom, and for richcels to fix some of their looks via plastic surgery etc...but this likely all comes later in life...certainly after age 18, so you're missing out on all the crucial experiences a genuine Chad has.
By all means, get those surgeries, move to SEA, inject yourself with test...whatever works for you to ascend. I'm not saying you shouldn't. I'm just saying there's big problems with missing out early. It's not like we could have moved to SEA at 14 and gone it alone.