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Is it possible to be blackpilled without being depressed?



Nov 8, 2017
I've noticed that whenever my deressive symptoms decreases, I start becoming increasingly bluepilled and convinced that i might not be over. Self improvement redpill-cope like gymcelling, noFapCelling, expensive haircutcelling, etc, becomes appealing, and if i just do those things for like 6-12 months, I could start slaying. I sometimes even get deluded enough into thinking that most femoids are decent people and not whores (blasphemy, i know). However, inevitably this attitude leads me rejection after rejection. I always end up with girls that are "asexual", girls that save themselves until marrige(read: chad), and I evennhad a girl tell me after a date that she couldn't go to my place cause she was gonna hang with her FWB xd.

So after this i realised that all girls a chad hungry scum, and that its beyond over for me. This triggers my recurring depression, and after a few months of vidya the cycle repeats.

So, are any of you guys blackpilled without being depressed and suicidal? How?
Becoming blackpilled CURED my depression.

It did increase my hatred of society, though.
Im not depressed or suicidal. I dont need sex or relationships to function. I have enough things to keep me entertained. Im ugly as fuck, i was fucked in the ass by the genetic lottery and i've finally accepted it. I cant do anything about it, so im going to keep doing the things i love in life.
Nautica1983 said:
Im not depressed or suicidal. I dont need sex or relationships to function. I have enough things to keep me entertained. Im ugly as fuck, i was fucked in the ass by the genetic lottery and i've finally accepted it. I cant do anything about it, so im going to keep doing the things i love in life.


smell next level cope
Incel801 said:
How are you getting dates??

I look average without any horrible deformities. So I got dates by using Tinder+, and swapping right on every femoid. On text i can appear normal and somewhat funny, but IRL I have an autistic personality due to anxiety and paranoid personality disorder(diagnosed). TLDR: mentalcel.
LeagueEuW said:
I've noticed that whenever my deressive symptoms decreases, I start becoming increasingly bluepilled and convinced that i might not be over. Self improvement redpill-cope like gymcelling, noFapCelling, expensive haircutcelling, etc, becomes appealing, and if i just do those things for like 6-12 months, I could start slaying. I sometimes even get deluded enough into thinking that most femoids are decent people and not whores (blasphemy, i know). However, inevitably this attitude leads me rejection after rejection. I always end up with girls that are "asexual", girls that save themselves until marrige(read: chad), and I evennhad a girl tell me after a date that she couldn't go to my place cause she was gonna hang with her FWB xd.

So after this i realised that all girls a chad hungry scum, and that its beyond over for me. This triggers my recurring depression, and after a few months of vidya the cycle repeats.

So, are any of you guys blackpilled without being depressed and suicidal? How?

You happy fakecel once you truly shallow the pill you'll realize how fucked you're and give up all hope.
LeagueEuW said:
I look average without any horrible deformities. So I got dates by using Tinder+, and swapping right on every femoid. On text i can appear normal and somewhat funny, but IRL I have an autistic personality due to anxiety and paranoid personality disorder(diagnosed). TLDR: mentalcel.

what's the average #/10 of these dates/tinder matches.
Morf12 said:
what's the average #/10 of these dates/tinder matches.


I'd go out with anyone to escape my inceldom, but you dont generally find 1-2/10's on tinder, at least in my country.
I believe you as much as I believe Milo Yiannopoulous losing his virginity to a fivesome (two dudes and two girls); like he claimed on Wikipedia.
Yeah if you're chad/chadlite or find solace in your coping hobbies like video games/sports/music etc
LeagueEuW said:
I look average without any horrible deformities. So I got dates by using Tinder+, and swapping right on every femoid. On text i can appear normal and somewhat funny, but IRL I have an autistic personality due to anxiety and paranoid personality disorder(diagnosed). TLDR: mentalcel.

How do you get dates on tinder man?? Im 5/10 and i use tinder for 10 months and till today got NOTHING lol X_X
imgod said:
Yeah if you're chad/chadlite or find solace in your coping hobbies like video games/sports/music etc

Haha, yea I should have written blackpilled incel.
Anyway, even having all these hobbies, you still have to interact with outside life if you got a job, school, etc.
And seeing my coworkers getting laid or couples holding hands in the street just builds up suifuel.

I guess the best way to stay in a decent mood is by hermitcelling and collecting neetbux.
Buddy. Islam. Allah SWT is pure mercy and forgiveness. Allahu akbar.
Not really. It's pretty hard to be incel without being depressed, let alone Black Pilled. Although the Black Pill makes it easier to deal with.
The real question is: Can you not be depressed if you are an ugly subhuman who has never experienced the joys of love?
LeagueEuW said:
Haha, yea I should have written blackpilled incel.
Anyway, even having all these hobbies, you still have to interact with outside life if you got a job, school, etc.
And seeing my coworkers getting laid or couples holding hands in the street just builds up suifuel.

I guess the best way to stay in a decent mood is by hermitcelling and collecting neetbux.

ugliest profile picture I've ever seen
fucking fakecel, this guy actually gets matches on tinder and even goes on dates.
eurocel said:
fucking fakecel, this guy actually gets matches on tinder and even goes on dates.

The only prerequesit condition required to be an incel is to be an involuntary virgin. Which I am.
Me going on dates just proves the involuntary part, since I have actually tried.
Mentalcels are truecels.
LeagueEuW said:
Mentalcels are truecels.
Mentalcels are not truecels.
Truecels are legit subhuman monstrosities like me who are able to scare little kids on looks alone.
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is it possible to be blackpilled without being depressed?[/font]

Yea, if you are good looking enough to fuck bitches every day.
KilluminoidBR said:
How do you get dates on tinder man?? Im 5/10 and i use tinder for 10 months and till today got NOTHING lol X_X

No dates or no matches? If you get no matches you just need to take the picture right after you get out of the shower.
Jokes aside, just take the picture from a good angle and shop it a bit to make yourself look decent. Then buy tinder+ set radius to max and proceed to swipe right til you get carpal tunnel. 

Also if you're br it could be a bit harder, cause brazilian femoids are superficial as fuck, even compared to regular femoids.
Nautica1983 said:
Im not depressed or suicidal. I dont need sex or relationships to function. I have enough things to keep me entertained. Im ugly as fuck, i was fucked in the ass by the genetic lottery and i've finally accepted it. I cant do anything about it, so im going to keep doing the things i love in life.

same tbh, this is the best cope. why worry every single living moment of every single day that you're ugly and probably never going to have any type of affection?

it's quite liberating when you finally accept it
LeagueEuW said:
No dates or no matches? If you get no matches you just need to take the picture right after you get out of the shower.
Jokes aside, just take the picture from a good angle and shop it a bit to make yourself look decent. Then buy tinder+ set radius to max and proceed to swipe right til you get carpal tunnel. 

Also if you're br it could be a bit harder, cause brazilian femoids are superficial as fuck, even compared to regular femoids.

No bro, i get matches but bitches dont even answer me, its like im a ornament in their list.
I used to watch alot of MGTOW stuff because I didn't understand my situation. After coming across the Black Pill it hit me pretty hard and I basically LDAR'd for about a month,  doing very little. But now with the knowledge of female nature,  and using copes it's possible to be black pilled but not depressed. In theory it would be possible and even preferable to just bang hookers than be in a relationship. What I find most depressing is the state of western civilisation (I am a westerner).

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