Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

JFL Is it just me or chads.co seems closer and closer to being reality everyday?

i mean, we are real people with real stories, not everyone can adhere to the super strict definition of "no positive female attention ever or you're not a real incel", but other than that yeah, there's some fakecels for sure
tbh on summer the forum was on fire with based users and really open minding threads
now i literally see all the same shit being talked and off topic is literally retarded
Kinda sounds like you were trying to be friends with people who weren't also losers like yourself, all of my friends barely ever went out and we only met in school or talked on skype while gaming

They go out a lot these days but they know I don't want to go anywhere so they don't ask me too much, kind of disconnected these days

I only tried to befirend fellow losers lol
Yes they were but I also tried to befriend losers and I got the same treatment (a bit less worse) so that could or could not be an indicator of trueceldom.
Perhaps you CAN have a social life composed of failed normies? Fine, I don't care, but don't come here and brag about it without any context. It just makes lonely people like me mad and seems like your typical idgaf popular chad situation but those are just my two cents.
on summer the forum was on fire with based users and really open minding threads
off topic is literally retarded
Agreed on these two points
I don't want to this place become some sort of purity spiral like wizchan did though tbh. Incels should be encouraged to ascend and then GTFO of this board, and I don't think we should be shaming people for being able to make limited progress.
tbh on summer the forum was on fire with based users and really open minding threads
now i literally see all the same shit being talked and off topic is literally retarded
the mods are more strict now, for lack of a more based word (i used to lurk)
I don't want to this place become some sort of purity spiral like wizchan did though tbh. Incels should be encouraged to ascend and then GTFO of this board, and I don't think we should be shaming people for being able to make limited progress.
It's not about progress, it's about coming with the sole intent to brag about your social success even knowing that there are people on here who would give their left nut to have a single friend. That obviously wouldn't end well, even more knowing that some fellas are literally bragging about having experience with foids or matches in tinder.
I'm fucking tired of what this forum is growing into. Every single day I see threads about some greycel claiming to have friends, stable social life and actually interacting with foids without being rejected the second he approaches lol.

There's also that random BrendioEEE thread and dude does he mog this site... I barely managed to make "friends" some yrs ago and they treated me like trash and excluded my ass from every party/hang out activity they planned for the weekend. Nowadays not a single one of them gave a fuck about me moving from their school unlike the others who did, so don't come at me with such bs that truecels can have normalfag friends without being mocked every day (I'm NT btw for those who wonder).

Let's not forget those dudes who brag for having matches on tinder (also crazy the fact that they always seem to be only greycels). I can't stand it anymore, this site has been full of slayers since day 1 and it's getting worse
View attachment 194592

Translation: Everyone better looking than me is a chad
everyone uglier than me is just a loser
This is a legit concern, tbh ngl.
the mods are more strict now, for lack of a more based word (i used to lurk)
generally 2-3 mods are tryharding and banning people,but some 'famous' users deserved their ban for sure

People like the OP are the very reason why IT spout the bullshit:
"Get out of your parents basement neckbeard"

Being a Genetic Failure doesn't mean you have to be a FULL TIME NEET.
A large amount of Incels who I know are wageslaving in a crappy job they hate, a few don't mind their job and a small amount are very successful.
IT/Normies and outsiders will disregard all the people stated above and focus on people like OP.

In all honesty, If you don't have a Job as a 26 year old you MIGHT be a fakecel. It's perfectly within your control to get a Job. Yes - Chad can be homeless and foids will provide him a roof and warmth, but you're definitely not Chad. If you're a high tier normie, you need a Job to stand a chance.

If you get a job and it does nothing (there's a high chance it won't change anything), at least you'll have some cash for copes and if you still hate it quit and resume your LDAR rotting lifestyle.

Involuntarily celibate doesn't mean you have to be a Failure in literally everything. Yes our Genetics have destroyed our chances at ever getting a foid and they've also limited our career/future, but we still have to try before kicking the bucket.
Lmao High IQ post

It's like that retard @LastGerman who always wants to make the "license pill" a valid thing when it's just a personal problem on his end, putting stock on something he fails at where most can accomplish it, even with only 2 brain cells rubbing up against each other.

IT cucks reading crap like this thread makes us all look like incompetent brainlets who cant do anything worthwhile.
It's like that retard @LastGerman who always wants to make the "license pill" a valid thing when it's just a personal problem on his end, putting stock on something he fails at where most can accomplish it, even with only 2 brain cells rubbing up against each other.

At least you are tagging me. By the way, you are just confirming my point that if you cannot drive, you are the bottom of the bottom and everybody will make fun of you. Also, the problem has also become more and more common according to the last poll we had (also more females have a driver licence than men). So please, give me a break at this point, since there is another thread with the same discussion going on.
At least you are tagging me. By the way, you are just confirming my point that if you cannot drive, you are the bottom of the bottom and everybody will make fun of you. Also, the problem has also become more and more common according to the last poll we had (also more females have a driver licence than men). So please, give me a break at this point, since there is another thread with the same discussion going on.
Very well then. I will no longer pick at this topic again.
There's also that random BrendioEEE thread and dude does he mog this site... I barely managed to make "friends" some yrs ago and they treated me like trash and excluded my ass from every party/hang out activity they planned for the weekend.
actually decent friends are hard to find,but not impossible,even for an incel
cope af unless u r getting pussy from church
literally retarded
It is a reality. Jfl at chad larpers wasting their time here.
every place suffers the same fate as 4chan given enough time
Online dating is the one that gets me (on your own profile).

If you're low inhib enough to put your pic on an OLD site then you mog truecels automatically.

Why would anyone put themselves through 100% rejection time and time again unless they're a masochist cuck? And if it's not 100% rejection then fakecel.
I can't relate to most of the people here. I'll be reading a post about someone's depressing life, relating to it all the while until I come across "my job", "my license", "University", "my apartment", and then I zone out. The average "incel" here is superior to me in every way, and is miles ahead of me in life growth. I'm still a 26 year old NEET drop out. This site isn't for losers anymore. It's for failed normalfags.
Are you telling me that a 5’5 curry 3/10 cant get a job or go to university? I see trucels with jobs, college degrees and cars all the time. Just because they are ugly doesn't mean they cant interact with people and be successful (not with women of course but with other things). Normies and foids will always be terrible for incels to interact with, but not every person on the planet is going to shit on them just because they're ugly
I can't relate to most of the people here. I'll be reading a post about someone's depressing life, relating to it all the while until I come across "my job", "my license", "University", "my apartment", and then I zone out. The average "incel" here is superior to me in every way, and is miles ahead of me in life growth. I'm still a 26 year old NEET drop out. This site isn't for losers anymore. It's for failed normalfags.

Isn't this just a result of the hypergamous nature of social media and OLD and the current sexual market place?

You used to have to be a genuine loser to be an Incel (or at least autistic). Now even plenty of normies can't get laid, even with good jobs and not necessarily ugly or autistic. That means there will be normal looking NT men with jobs on this site because they're still Incel in 2020.

The site is called Incels after all. There's no prerequisite that you have to be autistic and unemployed as well.

The problem is those who call themselves Incel because they haven't fucked a Stacey for a while. The male equivalent of 'fem cels'
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