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Is it even possible anymore to save antifeminism from tradcucks and the alt-right?

Red Shambhala

Red Shambhala

Death to America
Nov 10, 2017
What I mostly liked about r/incels was that it was one of the last few places that were blackpilled/antifeminist/etc. without being (too) alt-right/racist/white nationalist etc.

I've come to hate the alt-right as much as I hate SJW. I don't even visit antifeminist blogs anymore since it's always the same old same: depopulation agenda, Jews, Bilderbergers, get back to the stone age, the dark ages, deus vult, heil hitler, etc. 

Sex is for procreation only, gays are degenerate, this is degenerate, that is degenerate. Degenerate here, degenerate there, pepe, pepe, cuck, cuck, cuck. It's just libertarian fascists, patriotards, catholic deus vult types, neo-paganists ... people who would rather HURT an Arab guy than help a poor white one. People who love "white people" or the "white working class" the same way liberals love "mankind" --- as an abstract concept only, a theoretical idea while having nothing but disdain for real living breathing people. Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps or perish. 

So is it even possible anymore to save antifeminism from tradcucks and the alt-right? Is it even worth saving? What good is a homophobic, Capitalist antifeminism that, given the choice, would rather hurt a woman than help a poor man? What good is an antifeminism that is as hostile to low-status men as women are? What good is an antifeminism that is just as hostile to sexuality, just as hysterical about rape and pedophilia, as feminists are? 

And they ALWAYS make excuses for women, just like feminists. While liberals believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism, conservatives believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them: women dont even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the results of trickery by unchristian men who refuse to "man up" --- rich men force women into jobs and careers they actually don'T want. Old-fashioned conspiracy theorists believe that anything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, Jesuits, Freemasons, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. Hence, the real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, etc. who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren't responsible for their behavior. 

The Red Pill claims that women's bad acts are the correct biological response to men who have no game and that women can't be held responsible for their own biology. Finally, the alt-right is essentially a Pagan fertility cult in which white women are worshipped as motherhood goddesses; obviously, anything bad a woman does is the result of the Jews and minorities tricking them into feminism and multiculturalism. 

In one of the most popular alt-right memes, a group of Jewish feminists is listed, while the text reads "Feminism: A Jewish War On Women." Feminism isn't something (white) women do but something that is done to (white) women. It's not even a "Jewish war on men", but a war on white women; white women are depicted as these innocent little wheat field princesses men have to protect since they themselves have no agency.

Alt-cucks are a bunch of Beta orbiters that ideolize white pussy, that`s why they reject us in Voat, i see one recomending Incels to browse some traditional marriage bullcrap, Lmao, such a bunch of cuck copers being cucked by Democratic tyrone.
There is no saving Anti-Feminism. Anti-Feminism is a tradcuck meme.
Anti-feminism is still feminism. None of the tradthots would be willing to submit to men.
Only femoid hate will set you free
Yes, they're world-class cucks with subterranean IQs.

All sociological power-imbalances must be corrected, that is, taken down and refined to the point where the respected system can function optimally.
I imagine many of the alt right pots are inceltears brigaders trying further drag our name trough the mud.
Alt right is also another cope "If not for all the shitskins invading my country i would get laid"....please.

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