Communists, alt-righters, antifa, neo-nazis, libertarians, anarchists etc. are all disproportionately incel.
Most chads are just casual democrats or republicans, or are just straight up apolitical.
Most young guys I've known who were obsessed with politics were incel, both left and right wingers. The fact is, young guys are generally not all that interested in politics. Especially Chads. Chads have way too much going on for them in life to even vote, let alone have strong political views that they dedicate a significant amount of their lives to.
Just look at the voting data. Only ~45 percent of 18-29 year old eligible voters even bother voting in any given presidential election. I'm certain if you were to isolate the lower half of that age range (18-23 year olds) that number would easily be under 40 percent.
TL;DR: Politics is cope.