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It's nothing without a good face imo.
VincentVanCope said:No. Anyone saying that is a COPE ARTIST.
FACEman was the most desirable A-Team member.
WarmIncelation said:Attractiveness
Face 60%
Frame 30%
Height 10%
That's honestly how I figure it. There is a cut off though. You can be so short that you're cute and can never be hot. Most incels like to think that's 6' but that's bs. The shortest a guy can be and still slay is around 5'5. That's the average height for a woman. If he's shorter than the average woman though he isn't going to be taken seriously at all.
iiiTeMpeR said:The cut off is if you're shorter then the girl in question (assuming you've got a food face)
Chadistan said:As I've said many times before, 5"7' and up, height DOESN'T MATTER. That being said, if you're below 5"7', you're FUCKED. Doesn't matter if the girl is 4"11', If you're 5"6', she won't be interested.
Blackpill101 said:What about 5'6.5"?Chadistan said:As I've said many times before, 5"7' and up, height DOESN'T MATTER. That being said, if you're below 5"7', you're FUCKED. Doesn't matter if the girl is 4"11', If you're 5"6', she won't be interested.
Chadistan said:You're FUCKED. There's a magic threshold and as soon as you are 1 millionth of an inch below 5"7', women instantly don't see you as a sexual being.
Blackpill101 said:The truth is that anything under 5'9" is unappealing to women.
PessimisticFailure said:Face>height but it takes deformities to make a tallfag truecel
incelman said:It depends tbh. A 5/10 tal duded will mog a 6/10 short one.