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Blackpill Is having robust facial features even good anymore ?

Is being robust ( facially ) good ?

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To koniec

To koniec

Soon to goon to goonerfall
Apr 14, 2020
This what concerns me, maybe in past being robust for men was seen as positive but i see that foids of any age lust of pretty bois and at robust pretty bois. Robust features as really strong jaw, ''hunter eyes'', strong brownridge, hairy body, heavily muscled body. I'm not talking about tall height or big penis but overall face and physique.

Would be nice if @LeFrenchCel would stick this thread cause many here or looksmaxx talk about chads being robust while i see that prime foids ( teens ) prefer pretty bois and maybe some roasties prefer roidcels.

This is somewhat metapost inspired by thread which talked that ''manish'' features are mostly looked down while gracile and neotenous features ( tho infantile features to lesser extent ) are prefered besides tall height and big pp.

I think depends on the age. For young foids prettyboy mogs so if you were like that in middle and high school you had it so easy. But then when they grow up they prefer manlier looking men and also typically in couples the guy is some years older than the foid so looking the prettyboy look could be a disadvantage.
Yes, it's good. Prettyboys are generally more popular especially with younger women but that doesn't mean masc Chads don't slay either.
Asians were once a lot more robust than they are now but over countless generations of sexual selection for more gracile facial traits they became ricecels.


Back in the Neolithic, they would've competed with Caucasians in terms of facial robusticity and now they're bugmen. Another case of female choice being detrimental to the health and looks of future generations. This is why you don't give foids full control over their mate selection and they shouldn't be allowed to choose who gets to reproduce or not. Mongoloids became what they are because of foids creating a selective pressure for breeding more limp wristed twinks into this world. The maladaptive graincel diets didn't help the matter either.

@Cayden Zhang
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It's good if you have other good features
Being hairy and masculine alone is not enough if you're short and have an ugly face
Good face/frame/skin means nothing if you are dickcel. Disappointment will only be bigger
Doesn't really depend on age (because women of all ages love pretty boys), but rather their period cycle.

But yeah for the most part pretty boys are killing in the dating scene. Even older women like pretty boys.

Women most of the time like the more feminine/androgynous look on men anyway because women by nature are actually bisexual/lesbian (and don't have that much of a sex drive or lust as men). The most viewed porn category by women is lesbian porn.

Also, especially if you live in the West. Feminity is usually more desired than masculinity anyway too. Masculinity for the most part is a turn off to women.
most important part is having angular facial bones and lacking exaggerated features (like a really big nose or bug eyes). the rest doesn't really matter.
Moje ulubiene

And average savolaxid looks, typical Russian peasant from north
>JoinedApr 15, 2020
>Is having robust facial features even good anymore ?
The absolute state of dot is.
On average women dont like muscles. Roiding only attracts mentally ill body dysmorphic gym women but even then you have to compete with other roidcels and you have to actually roid. It's another form of peacockmaxxing.
Younger women do love pretty bois. Older women (28+) prefer more masculine looking men.
Robust facial features are a bonus, not a necessity. The requirements you need for a handsome face are just a good eye area, a sharp jawline, good facial symmetry and good midface. Anything other than those aforementioned traits on a face is just like icing on a cake, the cake itself has to be good enough for the icing to matter.
How the fuck is this stickied JFL???
while gracile and neotenous features ( tho infantile features to lesser extent ) are prefered besides tall height and big pp.
correct. this is the combo women want.
Robust? What does that mean exactly? Ogres are robust/masculine looking but only attract a small subset. Other's can be manly looking and "pretty" that's the best, or has the widest appeal. But women are also inherently bi/self sexual, so pretty boys who are actually androgynous and not just neotenous (facial softness) do very well.

nah bro, it doesnt matter
legit beyond retarded thread. Im not even gonna bother to explain why
Height. Nothing else matters
Asians were once a lot more robust than they are now but over countless generations of sexual selection for more gracile facial traits they became ricecels.


Back in the Neolithic, they would've competed with Caucasians in terms of facial robusticity and now they're bugmen. Another case of female choice being detrimental to the health and looks of future generations. This is why you don't give foids full control over their mate selection and they shouldn't be allowed to choose who gets to reproduce or not. Mongoloids became what they are because of foids creating a selective pressure for breeding more limp wristed twinks into this world. The maladaptive graincel diets didn't help the matter either.

@Cayden Zhang
its fun and cool and all that you like to act like a physical anthropologist, but 80 percent of what you just said is smug wannabe mere copium, having a slightly more everted gonial angle doesnt mean anything, asians were always the same in terms of general facial structure, but in terms of jaw forward growth, it was much much stronger due to hardy diet, also this just doesnt only apply to neolithic period, anyhow, they wouldint be able to compete with "Caucasians" (which one? theres many many types lol) especially back then, there was a general trend of very strong facial development for europeans at that time, womp womp ricecel
its fun and cool and all that you like to act like a physical anthropologist, but 80 percent of what you just said is smug wannabe mere copium, having a slightly more everted gonial angle doesnt mean anything, asians were always the same in terms of general facial structure, but in terms of jaw forward growth, it was much much stronger due to hardy diet, also this just doesnt only apply to neolithic period, anyhow, they wouldint be able to compete with "Caucasians" (which one? theres many many types lol) especially back then, there was a general trend of very strong facial development for europeans at that time, womp womp ricecel
I'm not a ricecel, I'm just repeating what the words of the authors that penned that study. Why does your kneejerk reaction to involve thinking I'm posting racebait? Stop projecting. I doubt the authors of this paper care about what people like you think.
It's well known that neo mongoloid features which we associate with the morphological range of variation of how east asians look today, is a relatively recent development. You're confusing what I and the writers mean by 'facial robusticity' with PSL aesthetic lingo like gonial angles and facial proportions. The former takes into account the patterns of bone deposition and growth in individual bones themselves, not just how the overall face is shaped and organized. Even caucasoids and negroids look differently from how they looked back during the ice age and became less gracilized since then, what makes you think mongoloids uniquely stayed static and never changed since then?
I'm not a ricecel, I'm just repeating what the words of the authors that penned that study. Why does your kneejerk reaction to involve thinking I'm posting racebait? Stop projecting. I doubt the authors of this paper care about what people like you think.
It's well known that neo mongoloid features which we associate with the morphological range of variation of how east asians look today, is a relatively recent development. You're confusing what I and the writers mean by 'facial robusticity' with PSL aesthetic lingo like gonial angles and facial proportions. The former takes into account the patterns of bone deposition and growth in individual bones themselves, not just how the overall face is shaped and organized. Even caucasoids and negroids look differently from how they looked back during the ice age and became less gracilized since then, what makes you think mongoloids uniquely stayed static and never changed since then?
yes its a recent development, but they looked subhuman regardless, your actually high if you think the asatic bone structure is fucking recent LOOOL, look up the sayemodic people who have existed for thousands of years, you legit have no proof of there ever being any sort of asatic dudes with chiseled jaws, that would only apply to ancient europeans
yes its a recent development, but they looked subhuman regardless,
So you concede they changed like I stated originally. Good to know you admit your prior point of contention wasn't correct.
your actually high if you think the asatic bone structure is fucking recent LOOOL,
I specifically referred to facial robusticity which covers the how thick and robust of the individual bones themselves more so than how their face is structured with ratios and angles. Read my original post very carefully and don't misinterpret what I said.
look up the sayemodic people who have existed for thousands of years
The same people that belong to the broader Uralic cultural linguistic group which didn't exist until after the start of the holocene and it's dubious if they originated that far back in the Neolithic either. And the Samoyedic sub branch itself is even younger than that.
you legit have no proof of there ever being any sort of asatic dudes with chiseled jaws, that would only apply to ancient europeans
You realize facial robusticity doesn't just constitute how big your jaw is right? That's a brainlet tier take. Bone deposition thickness is tangential to this and asians at one point in the past possessed more solidly built facial bone morphology. Every group of humans did. So by extension there were paleolithic asians that were on par with paleolithic europeans at this time because the gracilization process wasn't as pronounced and incomplete compared to today. It's not that hard to understand.
On average women dont like muscles. Roiding only attracts mentally ill body dysmorphic gym women but even then you have to compete with other roidcels and you have to actually roid. It's another form of peacockmaxxing.
Younger women do love pretty bois. Older women (28+) prefer more masculine looking men.
woman like a man with a lean body, but with some visible muscle of course.
Everything depends on Harmony
Bradd pitt is robust but also has great Harmony

Rock is also robust not so great Harmony
Better to be an ogre than an ugly twink
Doesn't really depend on age (because women of all ages love pretty boys), but rather their period cycle.

But yeah for the most part pretty boys are killing in the dating scene. Even older women like pretty boys.

Women most of the time like the more feminine/androgynous look on men anyway because women by nature are actually bisexual/lesbian (and don't have that much of a sex drive or lust as men). The most viewed porn category by women is lesbian porn.

Also, especially if you live in the West. Feminity is usually more desired than masculinity anyway too. Masculinity for the most part is a turn off to women.
This what concerns me, maybe in past being robust for men was seen as positive but i see that foids of any age lust of pretty bois and at robust pretty bois. Robust features as really strong jaw, ''hunter eyes'', strong brownridge, hairy body, heavily muscled body. I'm not talking about tall height or big penis but overall face and physique.

Would be nice if @LeFrenchCel would stick this thread cause many here or looksmaxx talk about chads being robust while i see that prime foids ( teens ) prefer pretty bois and maybe some roasties prefer roidcels.

This is somewhat metapost inspired by thread which talked that ''manish'' features are mostly looked down while gracile and neotenous features ( tho infantile features to lesser extent ) are prefered besides tall height and big pp.

No? Actual round neotenous recessed faces are despised in men
Also, especially if you live in the West. Feminity is usually more desired than masculinity anyway too. Masculinity for the most part is a turn off to women
Masculinity in ugly men
Women will avoid breeding with you if you don't have robustness. Having some robustness in the jawbone and femininity all elsewhere allows a man both to breed rapidly and benefit from the preference humans, and women especially, have for femininity.

The way you become totally disliked by women, disrespected by them, and disgust them, is by having neither robust facial bones nor some aspect of femininity about your face, like big eyes etc. I think my assertion about femininity involves race and skin color in some way I'm unclear on yet.

Women in estrus have lust for the biggest and tallest, most masculine and robust Chad they can take behind the dumpster for ten minutes. When women are not in estrus, they heavily prefer feminine / androgynous looking men or their own gender.
Doesn't really depend on age (because women of all ages love pretty boys), but rather their period cycle.

But yeah for the most part pretty boys are killing in the dating scene. Even older women like pretty boys.

Women most of the time like the more feminine/androgynous look on men anyway because women by nature are actually bisexual/lesbian (and don't have that much of a sex drive or lust as men). The most viewed porn category by women is lesbian porn.

Also, especially if you live in the West. Feminity is usually more desired than masculinity anyway too. Masculinity for the most part is a turn off to women.
You said it.
Yes of course. Even prettyboys have robust features but their style/hair just makes them look more feminine than they are.
>looksmax.org post
im not quite sure. Let me go ask Zac Efron

its like everyone knew he was cool with that but no one thought he would ACTUALLY go through with total facial reconstruction. im looking at a side by side of him and john cena and you can hardly tell the difference
I would rather be a pretty boy chad than a masculine one.
As blackpilled individuals we know the men foids want to fuck.

Pretty boy or robust chad, if you look at them and they have good facial features and good facial harmony, they are getting laid by all kinds of foids, no matter if the chad is more manly or the pretty boy is a little more feminine in his actions.

Looks looks and looks is what foids want. Thats what makes their personality detectors malfunction.
maybe in past being robust for men was seen as positive but i see that foids of any age lust of pretty bois and at robust pretty bois.
Pretty face boy Chads seem to be what foids want the most.

A pretty boy Chad mogs a hypermasculine ogre Chad.
Asians were once a lot more robust than they are now but over countless generations of sexual selection for more gracile facial traits they became ricecels.


Back in the Neolithic, they would've competed with Caucasians in terms of facial robusticity and now they're bugmen. Another case of female choice being detrimental to the health and looks of future generations. This is why you don't give foids full control over their mate selection and they shouldn't be allowed to choose who gets to reproduce or not. Mongoloids became what they are because of foids creating a selective pressure for breeding more limp wristed twinks into this world. The maladaptive graincel diets didn't help the matter either.

@Cayden Zhang
This is true. I talked about this with @wereq before. Male mating choice also affects outcome of the next gen
This is true. I talked about this with @wereq before. Male mating choice also affects outcome of the next gen
Male mating choice used to matter a lot more than it does now. I suppose the gracilization process was also partly driven by men preferring less robust looking foids.
Bro talking about robust faces without tagging me :skull:

anyway, it depends. these days prettyboys are more popular but its dependent on facial haromny
Male mating choice used to matter a lot more than it does now. I suppose the gracilization process was also partly driven by men preferring less robust looking foids.
Meh. The truth is, both gender matters. Given equal SMV partners, a hapa will turn out the same whether the mom/dad is another race.
Meh. The truth is, both gender matters. Given equal SMV partners, a hapa will turn out the same whether the mom/dad is another race.
Yeah, that why I think it's only partly male selection driven and the rest is up to female choice. On this topic, I want to mention that there were mongoloid populations that surpassed Paleolithic Europeans and Neanderthals in humeral robusticity index for what it's worth.

Humeral shaft robusticity index HSRI 2 in males


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