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Serious Is @Devoteecel a closeted homosexual?

How can you tell if someone here is a homosexual?
Many users are Muslim and there are a lot of gay aspects to Muslim cultures. Gay porn is the most popular porn category in Pakistan.

I'm was in highschool before some of you where born. I know how society was before the redpill manosphere shit became the cultural zeitgeist. This gives me a different perspective from the average zoomer user who has been watching redpill shit since they were 10. I watched zoomers develop from fortnite kids to the retards that we see today

A lot widely accepted concepts in the manosphere are gay. Many redpill/manosphere influencers are closeted gay, or at least bisexual. I'll make a thread about this later when I have more energy. It will be controversial because these closeted concepts have become completely normalized among zoomers.

Another thing zoomers and sfcels don't realize is that many manosphere/redpill concepts originate from Steve Urkel type black people. The concept of simping is one of them. SIMP is a black acronym for Suckuz Idolizing Mediocre Pussy. Based was invented by Lil B. I'll probably make a thread about this too
They are so prevalent in these forums that tactics they use to hide their homosexuality have become standard attitude and sacred cows here. A common thing closeted homosexuals will do is say that female genitalia look gross. There are obviously other examples, like I've seen users say that sticking your dick in pussy is gay, or craving pussy is gay.

A major sacred cows is standardceldom. Many closeted homosexuals use standardceldom to hide their gayness.

There are plenty of people here who's entire posting history consists of calling girls ugly and being disgusted by pussy.

There are land whales and retards out there, who are so unattractive I can't imagine being able to get hard for them. So in that context "standardscel" might have some meaning, and be reasonable.

But as you say, commenting "ugly" under photos of legitimately very attractive women is widespread here.

I'm not convinced it's always homosexuality, it could be just a kind of cope by flexing. Sex havers do that too.

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