I used to cut all the time. I know a Chadlite with a shit load of cut scars... I was like "WTF? You're a Chadlite! Why cut?"...
It's been a long time but I remember it always felt really good. It's very pleasurable and relaxing. It's way better than fapping. Watching the blood come out is better than cumming, especially when there is a lot of blood. I was too much of a pussy to cut deep enough as a kid and I knew it so sometimes I would steal my mom's sleeping pills (not the good kind, the shitty no lethal kind) and cut myself as I got tired. Now that I look back at it that was the most pleasurable thing that ever happened in my life. Watching blood drip down your fingers while your arm dangles off the side off the bed and you can't keep your eyes open so you kind of feel like you're dying. Watching the blood as you fall asleep is really good.