As the blackpill becomes more known so will looksmaxxing, and eventually genetic engineering, leading to an influx of Chads and Gigachads. Female hypergamy will increase even more to meet the increased supply of chads, while sub 5s will look even uglier in comparison.
Yes and no kinda thing. We are still long way from seeing geneticly engineered chads, and even then you would have to start in first trymester of pregnancy (there are arguments it could be done later, but out of womb, out of luck kinda thing)
More men becoming blackpilled equals more guys who looksmaxx - true.
However for every 1 guy who ascended through looksmaxxing there will be 10 who did not and ended up bitter and even more blackpilled.
I dont believe we even need "incel revolution". All it would take for society to collapse is enough men becoming blackpilled - thus contributing none to society and no betabuxxing and enabling foids.
As incels increase in hypergamy is honestly good for us. The higher the standards, the less sex normies get, they are getting closer and oser to realisation how woman really function.
If you are already an incel (absolute bottom of the barrel) increase in hypergamy would be good (at least in the long run). As none of us (except for tallfags 6'3+ fuck all of you) will get to ascend anyways, accelerationism is (somewhat) good.
I dont believe the system will survive until genetic engineering is a thing (at least fully accessible thing). And thats a good thing.
To be the devils advocate; the moment theres too many blackpilled men the people in charge will orchestrate wars to reduce population. So you might be right in that regard, that fully spread blackpill is worse.
Interesting topic regardless