INvoluntarily celibate = incel.
virgins who have a choice to have sex are called volcels
This is bullshit, what's with people who think everything is as simple as semantics and black-and-white thinking?
I say that, as sex is such an important part of nature and vital for the enjoyment of life, ALL celibates are incels to a degree. Saying someone is "involuntary celibate" is like saying someone is involuntary-poor. Oh you're broke? Quit complaining and just get a better paying job! You're poor because you're stupid, you're lazy etc etc.
Everybody would choose to be rich, or at least comfortable, rather than to live life broke- regardless of their "ideology". The same can be said for sex. Yes there are people who have chosen to live ascetic lives in history such as monks, but in reality they were probably incels in the first place.
Not everybody can have a healthy active sex life, but if they could they WOULD. Not everybody can live a cushy life in the first world, but if they could they would!
80/20 applies to everything (not literally) though, there's simply not enough free shit to go around in the world for everybody to be satisfied, only in a communist society can people exist in the same class, the same thing can be said for human sexuality.
if you don't have a sex life, you're an incel, regardless of beliefs as sexual desire is an innate and involuntary desire genetically programmed into every human being.
Some can argue that "some" Christians are "volcel" like Tim Tebow, but you're not really "volcel" if you're under duress by some angry dead narcisstic jew in the sky.