Humans have been the Gods of their own universes through literature since time immemorial. Literature can be viewed as a microcosm of a universe created by it's author. In this sense, only the developers of Minecraft are like Gods to the Minecraft universe. Man, since the industrial revolution especially, has reshaped the land and his way of life over and over again through the basic research, development, and implementation of technology. Merely playing Minecraft is thus not a type of Godship, but a microcosm of the industrial revolution, an impetus which is only found in very RECENT humans, and then only some of them.
The rise of games like Factorio and Minecraft is one of the symptoms of man slowly losing his will to alter real world materials to his will, to work with others to do so, and to view the non-digital world as the primary medium through which he is to operate in and change things. This is more true of incels and other disaffected people than it is of people with more normal levels of political and existential optimism.