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Serious Is being an emotional tampon for chads leftovers a legit tactic to get laid?

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
Im talking about being able to get laid AT LEAST ONCE, not multiple times9

My goal for now is just to lose my virginity, slaying is so far away that its not even worth it to think about it, I just need one lay

Is going after girls exiting "abusive" relationships who might be more willing to give a personalitymaxxed ugo a chance a valid strategy for me in this case?

If we have sex at least once I win, dont care if it doesnt work out due to "chemistry" aka girl realizing she cannot continue having sex with a sub8 male
No it wont work. If you don't have the right bones or race it never began. Bonus points if you have diagnosed autism like me.

Genetics are everything and nothing can compensate for it. :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
Sounds extremely cucked to me
Bluepill alert, JFL of course not.
I'm disappointed you guys call yourself blackpilled yet post shit like this
Don’t even bother if ur a sperg, might work for a 5/10 nt who wants to just lose v-card but its still cucked af
No it wont work. If you don't have the right bones or race it never began. Bonus points if you have diagnosed autism like me.

Genetics are everything and nothing can compensate for it. :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:

Even if shes existing an abusive relationship

Heres my line of thought here:

>Chad abuses a girl
>she finally decides to break up with him after hes killed in a drive by shooting
>vows to give "nice guys" a chance even if theyre ugly
>personalitymaxxed me dates her
>she realizes that dating a sub8 male is impossible because there is no chemistry
>we break up after 1 fuck

What is the flaw in my line of thinking here if any?
Sex once won't change shit, no point wasting time/energy playing that game imo.
Even if shes existing an abusive relationship

Heres my line of thought here:

>Chad abuses a girl
>she finally decides to break up with him after hes killed in a drive by shooting
>vows to give "nice guys" a chance even if theyre ugly
>personalitymaxxed me dates her
>she realizes that dating a sub8 male is impossible because there is no chemistry
>we break up after 1 fuck

What is the flaw in my line of thinking here if any?
Sounds like a well-thought out situation ngl. The flaw is that your chances of all of those things falling into place are lower than winning the lottery (assuming you're truecel).
Is going after girls exiting "abusive" relationships who might be more willing to give a personalitymaxxed ugo a chance a valid strategy for me in this case?

Being the understanding listener never worked for me. But then I'm honestly a 1/10. YMMV. Good luck, man.
No it wont work. If you don't have the right bones or race it never began. Bonus points if you have diagnosed autism like me.

Genetics are everything and nothing can compensate for it. :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
Sounds like a well-thought out situation ngl. The flaw is that your chances of all of those things falling into place are lower than winning the lottery (assuming you're truecel).

Just realizesd shes probs gonna ask me to wear a condom too our first time, oh well :feelsbadman:
Lol what a funny cope
What is the flaw in my line of thinking here if any?

You know how people chase the dragon, right? Imagine finally getting the thing you most want but then being denied it going forward. Whereas before you had a drive and suspicion, now you have confirmation of what you want. But can't get it anymore. The pain of los can be a massive b*+ch.
Won't work because she'll go for the cucked normie instead of you. How do you plan on meeting this girl anyway?
No, she won't fuck you because you're empathetic to her, you will be just a friend/emotional tampon, nothing besides that. If you can't give her any "'gina tingles", she won't fuck you no matter what.
No because she’ll just choose to be celibate until she finds another Chad.
Unlikely but any time you can spend around females increases your chances.
They dont count that type of sex ascending here, you were good enough
Even if shes existing an abusive relationship

Heres my line of thought here:

>Chad abuses a girl
>she finally decides to break up with him after hes killed in a drive by shooting
>vows to give "nice guys" a chance even if theyre ugly
>personalitymaxxed me dates her
>she realizes that dating a sub8 male is impossible because there is no chemistry
>we break up after 1 fuck

What is the flaw in my line of thinking here if any?
JFL this happened to a friend of mine. He dated a qt 3.14 after Chad leaving her. He got to fuck her once, after spending lots of money. The very next day she fucked Chad and cucked my friend. She dumped him and started dating Chad. She just had to let my friend know everything they did.
Anyways heres the take on this:
Pros: He got laid. He got to fuck a Stacey. And according to him it was amazing. Best sex in his life. He was not a virgin, he even dated some other QT before but ended up cucking him as well. But he was just so happy about it.
And it was all night fucking, he did all the stupid shit of putting roses all over the bed and taking her to expensive dinner and movies and dancing (all the same night) and even sang a song for her with his guitar. So she spend the night at his place, and cooked breakfast for him the morning after.

Cons. He went crazy. He was a manlet as I am, but with a nice frame, nice face and a personality like no other. He was joyfull, and it was a nice dude over all. But he had this autistic traits like weird posture, insane anime liking, porn addiction, Oedipus complex, anxiety, body dysmorphia, video games addiction reaaaaally well hidden. He acted like games and anime were at a normal level but in reallity he had to go to a psychiatrist to control that stuff. And after that night with Stacey and she dumping him the next night he just broke.
He had a melt down and started crying for weeks not leaving his room. He got very depressed and still is. He even considered roping. And the porn and anime became like a normal thing for him to say to strangers in total random convos. He would even posted weird porn in his social media were all his family saw. His mother didnt knew what to do. I didnt knew what to do. I tried to distract him but it was and uphill battle.
He is doing better now, this tons of pills shoved down his throat, but he still is obssesed with Stacey and even when his doctor told him not to, he still talks with her.
Really sad.
Is going after girls exiting "abusive" relationships who might be more willing to give a personalitymaxxed ugo a chance a valid strategy for me in this case?
some normies (even low-tier ones) manage to get laid that way, those relationships never work out in the long run ofc but that doesn't matter since you're looking for a one time thing
Not at all, actually there's nothing worse, even movies sometimes are truthful about this.You'll just end up getting too attached to her, deluding yourself into thinking she likes you, only to realize you were just a tool for her all along to fell better before she finds another Chad to fuck
They'll repay you by going right back to the abusive relationship.
He had a melt down and started crying for weeks not leaving his room. He got very depressed and still is. He even considered roping.

This is why the blackpill is crucial to spread to everyone. Don't play when you don't know the nature of the game. Most men that commit suicide are those who got their heart wrenched out by foids.
No because she’ll just choose to be celibate until she finds another Chad.
This is my experience, if not Chad, at least a high tier normie. No woman is going to sleep with an LVM(low value male) unless she’s 35 and desperate to get a beta husband to pay her bills.
It won't. They will just use u for emotional support and they will come back to chad to suck his dick
lol why are you asking incels.co
most people here never even try
go to reddit (srs)
What is the flaw in my line of thinking here if any?

Friendzone is maybe bluepilled logic, yet there is a reason the legend exists.

I have never seen an emotional tampon get sex in the end.

All you will get is: "I want to find a guy just like you, but you are not my type."

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