Even if shes existing an abusive relationship
Heres my line of thought here:
>Chad abuses a girl
>she finally decides to break up with him after hes killed in a drive by shooting
>vows to give "nice guys" a chance even if theyre ugly
>personalitymaxxed me dates her
>she realizes that dating a sub8 male is impossible because there is no chemistry
>we break up after 1 fuck
What is the flaw in my line of thinking here if any?
JFL this happened to a friend of mine. He dated a qt 3.14 after Chad leaving her. He got to fuck her once, after spending lots of money. The very next day she fucked Chad and cucked my friend. She dumped him and started dating Chad. She just had to let my friend know everything they did.
Anyways heres the take on this:
Pros: He got laid. He got to fuck a Stacey. And according to him it was amazing. Best sex in his life. He was not a virgin, he even dated some other QT before but ended up cucking him as well. But he was just so happy about it.
And it was all night fucking, he did all the stupid shit of putting roses all over the bed and taking her to expensive dinner and movies and dancing (all the same night) and even sang a song for her with his guitar. So she spend the night at his place, and cooked breakfast for him the morning after.
Cons. He went crazy. He was a manlet as I am, but with a nice frame, nice face and a personality like no other. He was joyfull, and it was a nice dude over all. But he had this autistic traits like weird posture, insane anime liking, porn addiction, Oedipus complex, anxiety, body dysmorphia, video games addiction reaaaaally well hidden. He acted like games and anime were at a normal level but in reallity he had to go to a psychiatrist to control that stuff. And after that night with Stacey and she dumping him the next night he just broke.
He had a melt down and started crying for weeks not leaving his room. He got very depressed and still is. He even considered roping. And the porn and anime became like a normal thing for him to say to strangers in total random convos. He would even posted weird porn in his social media were all his family saw. His mother didnt knew what to do. I didnt knew what to do. I tried to distract him but it was and uphill battle.
He is doing better now, this tons of pills shoved down his throat, but he still is obssesed with Stacey and even when his doctor told him not to, he still talks with her.
Really sad.