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RageFuel Is anyone else here bothered by interracial couples?

Just because you are like that, not everyone is like that. I think I've already mentioned that to you that most of the mixed guys I know were either very good looking or average looking. Better than most "pure" race guys I know. Does that mean I like or support race mixing? No, but I'm not against it either. I do not care who marries and makes children with whom and I do not want to interfere in the decisions of other people.
On the other hand, all of the mixed people I knew throughout my life are still virgins.

Also "average" can't get anything in 2018/2019.
Specifically interracial dating creates incels? (are you retarded?)
It's one of the causes. If it didn't, then I wouldn't be here.
The way the (((Media))) pushes black man - white woman couples annoys me to no end. That being said, I disapprove of it. Any white girl that sleeps with a black guy clearly has issues.
On the other hand, all of the mixed people I knew throughout my life are still virgins.
Then we both have different experiences. In fact, the best looking man I've ever met was a mulatto. He is half German and half African (Ivory Coast).
Also "average" can't get anything in 2018/2019.
Yes, this seems to be the really the case here in the West these days :(
I want to knock a kaffirah out
Just seeing couples in general bothers me
What you said is lifefuel. Sorry to say this
Life fuel for someone else is suifuel for me.
I am not accepted in my country, how can it be life fuel for me? The fact that you said that means you think I am below you. You are a normie calling me an incel
Life fuel for someone else is suifuel for me.
I am not accepted in my country, how can it be life fuel for me? The fact that you said that means you think I am below you. You are a normie calling me an incel
You can run JBW in my country
I feel the same op. Whenever I see BMWF i will normally walk past em and be in disgust and maybe under my breath say mudshark or whore
Fuck your so lucky your tall and can scare people off, I’m ugly and short fuck!!
Race couple soy
As an Indian man, I don't really feel much towards white men/indian women pairings. Yes they exist, most of the white guys are short and somewhat nerdy, but not all.

I'm simply too much like them to really care. If I saw an indian woman with a gigachad, sure, I may glance twice, but anyways the gigachad could probably do better.

If I was white, I'd probably be pissed at black men/white women. Yeah, because most of the time that's messed up in many ways.
Same. The fact that a woman would date an arab or a black guy before me drives me insane.
It's getting worse and worse and i'm living in Eastern Europe ffs. As if it was not enough that we supply the west with hookers and that rich foreign boomers buy our young women like cattle i now have to compete with Tyrones and Abduls on the sexual market.
Last night i went to a restsurant with some old friends and holy fuck almost all women had non-white bf's.

Brutal. How do you cope? :cryfeels:
Only if girls is cute and alternative, because need one
It bothers me a little bit, but only because it's a sign of the times(of females being unrestrained and its consequences(hypergamy)).
It doesn't really make a difference to me if becky fucks a tyrone. If she wasn't fucking tyrone, it wouldn't be me she would be fucking, it would be chad, so I don't see it as a loss.
It doesn't even have to be a black dude. I knew a white woman once, goodlooking and from a good background and who had a successful and respectable career(even for a woman), who married a mexican. Again, it's just a sign of the times. It's very disheartening, but it's only a reminder.
I feel bad for any mixed race child to be born of such relationships, but it also isn't my responsibility. Bad things happen to people all of the time, and unless it's happening to me or people that I care about, it's not something to worry about. Really, pretty much all sexhavers live in a different world than us. It's hard to be concerned with individual events of mixed race birth, or even what they represent on a larger scale, because those are things that will never affect us.
I feel sick when i see interracial pairing
I don’t like WMAF, but everything else is fine.

Asian gooks are materialistic shallow foids with no souls.

Asian men still have a soul and are partially humans, still cold blooded and materialistic by nature, but at least they have a soul unlike their disgusting materialistic womben.

Asian foids just want status, money, they are truly disgusting entitled creatures. They also are unattractive and are dangerous.
What a joke. If any of you white boys were ethnics you would have killed yourselves years ago.
I feel disgusted seeing interracial couples, even if neither of them is white. It's only natural to be against interracial couples and racemixxing.
I used to be bothered by interracial couples when I was using ethno-nationalism as a cope, but not anymore.
I'm not a whitenat, I'm a white-towelhead mix and I just hate race mixing in general. Never actually seen me a WMAF couple publicly, but I'd have the same reaction.
Just imagine if you were 100% towlhead. Even less hope
Just imagine if you were 100% towlhead. Even less hope
Being sub-6 already makes it hopeless. You can't have less hope than hopeless.
I feel real hatred for any man touching a woman of another race.
Procreate with the people that are in the same race group as you and everyone will be happy
Everything's a lost cause in the modern world. Why even bother.
I simply don't care for the world around me, I rarely go outside anyways so why should I interact or care about a bunch of normalfags when I don't have to?
I'm bothered by couples in general
very bothered by it tbh especially if they reproduce
The ideal female is a different ethnicity than me so nah plus I don't care what other people do they are nothing to me as I am nothing to them
It destroys me when I see it, and it's always ethnic male + white female, reverse hypergamy. Mostly Blacks...it's over...I even saw it at the Jesse Lee Peterson free speech forum I was at yesterday. It's over.
no tbh

tbh in a way I am happy when a white guy has relations with curry foid because even tho he may be "incel" he will have lighter skin and will be far less subhuman and closer to his aryan roots

also idgaf at this point

one mixed race is inevitable and it will be great
I mean, they seem to think I'm a cool person to hang around. Women are simply just repulsed by me, even openly.
Yeah I know, not everyone on here is some autistic psychopath sperg who rants about “femoids”

Some of us are just unappealing to women, but otherwise pretty normal.
I am, they physically bother me. It's absolute torture seeing them.

Every time I see an interracial couple, I just death stare the shit out of them, or in rare cases, when I'm really angry, I take indirect verbal action. I saw an interracial couple kiss [BMWF] next to me on a crowded sidewalk yesterday and I deadass passed by them and simply said "disgusting." They looked back, but I heightmogged everyone within the vicinity so they didn't do shit.

I'm also abhorred by their extreme selfishness and their lack of loyalty towards their culture and bloodline. At least 85% likely if they fuck and have a male kid, he's gonna turn out to be an incel. I look at interracial couples with pity when I see them with a baby boy. When I look at a mixed boy, I say that the boy's gonna be in the suicide statistics or he's gonna be another hERo.

And call me a volcel all you like, but I'd never fuck a mudshark either. I'd tell the bitch to get lost. Not insecure or anything (7x5.5), it's just that mudshark whore behavior abhors me to the point where it makes my dick softer than a brand new memory foam mattress.
there is so much Wmaf couples it physically sickens me.
I am bothered by every couple, but interracial couples enrages me even more, especially if there is a white girl with a black man.
Yeah, its disgusting and offensive even to white SJW communist cuck racectraitors who openly pretend otherwise to serve the ZOG multiculti and white genocide agenda.

They are so morally bankrupt, broken down and brainwashed by the Jew that out of pure Stockholm Syndrome they will hold their proverbial nose for their hooked nosed Jewish masters and again say whatever outrageous lies the Jews want them to say about the black nigger community ie...

-race mixing is good
-DIE versity is a strength
-niggers be equal yo
-a black nigger or black nigger female is every bit as attractive as their white equivalent
-there is no difference between STD rates among the races (even though all available data shows AIDS is out of control in the black nigger community)

So the leftist cuck has essentially been turned into the Grima Wormtongue of the Jew Saruman and spreads the Jew Saruman’s lies far and wide with racially destructive effects/consequences, but just like Theoden makes clear in the movie, Grima doesn’t have to follow his Jew master Saruman to destruction, he can be a proud white man again if he wants and is willing to give up the Jew’s communist/multicultural/white genocidal lies.

Anyway those white males who turn to asian females were never principled National Socialists or National Alliance supporters such as myself and others are. We often get confused with scum of the earth ZOG agents like the yellow fever having cuck ramzpaul and the racemixing asian sex tourist Apedre Angloon who runs the Daily Jew or the common ear gauge wearing degenerate hipster /pol/tard who is only LARPing as NS or WN out of their faggotty irony comedy bullshit but doesn’t believe a word of what they are saying.

That Mistermetokur faggot so many chantards worship would probably qualify as one of these as if you ever read his posts or watch his youtube videos of the past he LARPs as the most hardcore racial purity NS that ever lived, but in reality the fag has an asian girlfriend and everything he says of any nature, is simply a schtick to obtain likes/views.

People like this are pathetic and again not representative of the true resistance to Jewish tyranny.
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