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Serious Is any truth in this?



Mar 6, 2018

Betabux Market Value graph, but i agree that some men can actually look better when older (lose babyfat, sharpened face, more beard)
youd have to be literally retarded to believe this. in what universe do men peak at fucking 38?
Betabux Market Value graph, but i agree that some men can actually look better when older (lose babyfat, sharpened face, more beard)
plus money and status which woman covet more as they get older
The female one is accurate, but I don't agree with the male one.
Depending on a man's diet/genetics his peak can be between 24 and 30.
But yeah, most men peak in their 20s.
This may have the SMV curve for the Boomers, but not for millenials. No way.
plus money and status which woman covet more as they get older
Working doesn't give you status, being a musician/actor or another useless profession with high exposure does.
When was the last time you saw a woman (even a middle-aged dried up whore) lust over a banker and ignore a musician/actor?

Money =/= status.
Lol, this is intense cope.
Working doesn't give you status, being a musician/actor or another useless profession with high exposure does.
When was the last time you saw a woman (even a middle-aged dried up whore) lust over a banker and ignore a musician/actor?

Money =/= status.
wealthy bankers will gain status if they have wealth cause they are viewed as more high class cause of the money. Musician will only keep status if he becomes famous
wealthy bankers will gain status if they have wealth cause they are viewed as more high class cause of the money. Musician will only keep status if he becomes famous
Wealthy bankers are prime divorce material.
Implying having money will improve your appearance at 40. It will just attract cum dumpsters
This is a classic redpill cope. They think women are sexually attracted to success (money and status). They don't want to admit that any woman fucking them is just using them for money and status.

When you believe that women are sexually attracted to money and status, of course the SMV of men peaks in their 30s.

In reality, women are only sexually attracted to looks which means that a man's SMV peaks when his looks peak - his twenties.
Comically ridiculous.
It looks like complete bullshit. Peak SMV for men is not 38.
Your average late 30s male is bald, ugly and fat. That chart should be titled "Ideal age for betabuxing a post-prime roastie."
mens peak around 25, twink in adolescence and chad daddy after is legit god tier genetics
i am at the age of peak male smv apparently, jfl
It depends really

David Gandy at age 21 was still good looking, but no where near his prime.
Opposite happened with Justin Bieber, decent looking in his prime but cucked by balding.
You'll generally be above average and higher SMV if you age well (don't gain massive amounts of weights, keep your hormonal profile good, and keep nw1/2 hairline).
I sure as shit hope so. I'm not getting any younger.
it's MGTOW "men age like wine" bullshit. men peak at their early twenties.
Major male cope. It's all down hill from 24 yo onwards for both sexes imo.
Men do age better than femoids but fuck... how can you possibly believe men peak at 37?
Maybe it was old roasties saying 38 is the ideal age to get betabuxed, because they are probably 30-50 themselves, so of course they want to make it seem like the old betabuxers will be desirable to them in the future.
This seems like redpill cope. An average woman no matter her age will always have a significantly higher smv than a man with the same age. The decline in smv for women doesn't even matter because they have so much of it
So judging by this chart things are only going to get better for olecels.

JFL I am sure that is the reason why so many middle aged guys sui these days.
They cannnot cope with how good their life is.
I don't agree with that curve for men. Both of them should look the same, peaking around 25. But it's true that SMV of women drops down really quick after 35, saggy boobs, wrinkles etc. But men can maintain good physique for a longer time, that's why there is a word reserved for old ugly women, like "hag" and "crone" etc. Also after crossing 35 most women can't reproduce healthy child, but a man can do as late as in this 60s. This is another reason why women become desperate for betabucks after 30.

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