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Blackpill IQ TEST [LEGIT]



Nov 1, 2023
Test is as follows: do you understand that this person is NOT an incel?

If you answered "Yes". You have average or above intelligence.
If you have answered "No". You should just slit your fucking wrists since you don't want to pollute the world with your double digit IQ.

Now, to explain what the lines mean.
In red: the ONLY thing that matters for determining if you are an incel or not
In yellow: things that have NO effect on inceldom.

Any questions?
Test is as follows: do you understand that this person is NOT an incel?
View attachment 1243903

If you answered "Yes". You have average or above intelligence.
If you have answered "No". You should just slit your fucking wrists since you don't want to pollute the world with your double digit IQ.

Now, to explain what the lines mean.
In red: the ONLY thing that matters for determining if you are an incel or not
In yellow: things that have NO effect on inceldom.

Any questions?
Being NT is extremely important.
Do you not realize this isn't the 1950s where average looking normal dudes can easily get a girlfriend? Average women are so delusional and want chad only. Even many ugly girls are chad only. This current fucked up gynocentric dating market is making many average looking guys incels who otherwise would not be in the past.
This guy bragged I think for getting toilet attention. Nigger.
f you have answered "No"
I don't care what this dude THINKS about himself. I want to see a picture.

Bluepillers think its just self improvement will get you foids, doesn't make it real.
... in an alternate reality.
Yeah, in an alternate reality called real life. Might not matter as much behind a screen, but it sure as fuck does when you actually try to socialize for real
... in a world where foids care about anything other than looks. But in THIS world foids ONLY care about looks.
Chad always wins no matter what, that's obvious. Where NT or not matters is for average looking guys. There is a HUGE difference between how successful a 5/10 NT guy with a massive friend group is gonna be with foids and a 5/10 autistic sperg who can't even for a friend group, let alone get a gf. Super ugly guys are screwed no matter what too.

To sum it up, NT or not is irrelevant if you are either super good looking or super bad looking. For average looking men, it matters a lot.
I don't care what this dude THINKS about himself. I want to see a picture.

Bluepillers think its just self improvement will get you foids, doesn't make it real.
I mean you are right. It depends on the definition of average.
Test is as follows: do you understand that this person is NOT an incel?
View attachment 1243903

If you answered "Yes". You have average or above intelligence.
If you have answered "No". You should just slit your fucking wrists since you don't want to pollute the world with your double digit IQ.

Now, to explain what the lines mean.
In red: the ONLY thing that matters for determining if you are an incel or not
In yellow: things that have NO effect on inceldom.

Any questions?
ERfuel for muh mentalcel copers. Based thread
Where NT or not matters is for average looking guys
No, NT matters NEVER. I can't make this any simpler for you foids DO NOT CARE ABOUT NT. Foids decide if you are good looking or not in a fragment of a second and THAT'S IT, that's the ONLY thing that matters
No, NT matters NEVER. I can't make this any simpler for you foids DO NOT CARE ABOUT NT. Foids decide if you are good looking or not in a fragment of a second and THAT'S IT, that's the ONLY thing that matters
You are coping HARD, likely because you are very non NT yourself, and don't want to admit how much of a failo it is. I am nonNT, and I admit how much of a flaw it is. Haven't you seen an average guy in high school who did ok with women? I certainly have, and most of us have too, unless we lived under a rock. They did this by being NT and smooth, plus having a social circle who could introduce them to single women in a warm approach way.

Do you seriously think only the top tier Chads get girlfriends? Look around you outside. You will see women with average men all the time. To think no average men get laid is a cope
Haven't you seen an average guy in high school who did ok with women?
I have NEVER seen a couple where the foid is more attractive than the man. I don't know what the fuck is going on in your third world brown shithole but in white countries foids ONLY date UP. Understand?
Also, even assuming being NT doesn't matter (which it does), your argument does not hold water simply because you highlighted his acne as a factor that does not determine if you are an incel or not. Assuming you believe ONLY looks matters, then acne should be something you deem very important, since bad acne can easily drop your face 1-2 points or more, depending on how bad it is. I used to have terrible acne with massive pimples all over my face, and I can say it was disgusting to look at, and the way people were to me proved that. Now with the acne gone, people treat me as simply invisible, not giving me weird looks
Also, even assuming being NT doesn't matter (which it does), your argument does not hold water simply because you highlighted his acne as a factor that does not determine if you are an incel or not. Assuming you believe ONLY looks matters, then acne should be something you deem very important, since bad acne can easily drop your face 1-2 points or more, depending on how bad it is. I used to have terrible acne with massive pimples all over my face, and I can say it was disgusting to look at, and the way people were to me proved that. Now with the acne gone, people treat me as simply invisible, not giving me weird looks
don't waste ur time. NTpill deniers are either insanely retarded or dishonest. either way there's no getting through to them
you highlighted his acne as a factor that does not determine if you are an incel or not
That's another story but yes, acne absolutely has NO effect on inceldom.
You know what does affect inceldom? B O N E S.
Does acne change your bone structure? No? Then it DOES NOT AFFECT INCELDOM.

Imagine attractive guy with good bone structure. Now give him acne. To foids there is NO difference.
I have NEVER seen a couple where the foid is more attractive than the man.
Who said anything about an attractive foid being with a man worse looking than her? Certainly not me. I just said that many average guys can succeed with average women or slightly below average women. Not all average looking men are incels and rotting on .is. I saw the prom photos, despite not going to prom myself. It was mostly average girls with average guys. There were also Chads with Stacies, a couple below average guys with below average women, and rarely, a below average dude with a more attractive girl.
I don't know what the fuck is going on in your third world brown shithole but in white countries foids ONLY date UP. Understand?
I live in USA, and I'm white myself. Foids do generally date up because they can get away with it. Still doesn't mean most average guys are incel. Plenty of them date women 1-2 points below them in looks
Certainly not me. I just said that many average guys can succeed with average women or slightly below average women
I'm not saying the opposite. But notice how you use attractiveness here. You know why? Because looks is the ONLY thing that matters. If you are really average - you have a chance to not be incel because of your FACE.
don't waste ur time. NTpill deniers are either insanely retarded or dishonest. either way there's no getting through to them
I know. I still respond to try to put reasonable arguments out there though. What NTpill deniers fail to understand is that if your looks are above the minimum threshold, but not at Chad tier yet (average guys), your looks alone will not make you succeed by themselves, but will also not make you fail by themselves. This is why being NT matters a lot for these guys.
That's another story but yes, acne absolutely has NO effect on inceldom.
You know what does affect inceldom? B O N E S.
Of fucking course bones matter the most. I don't deny that. Doesn't change that severe acne is gonna drop your looks a lot. Do you think Jeremy Meeks would have got hundreds of love letters in prison with a face covered in pussy pimples? Of course not, as it looks fucking disgusting.
Does acne change your bone structure? No? Then it DOES NOT AFFECT INCELDOM.

Imagine attractive guy with good bone structure. Now give him acne. To foids there is NO difference.
This guy is no Chad, but to deny how much acne hurts your looks is ridiculous. According to your logic, this guy would have equal chances with women in both of these pictures. Don't be fucking ridiculous
If you are really average - you have a chance to not be incel because of your FACE.
You have a chance to not be incel if average looking. A chance, not a guarantee no matter what like a chad has. Do you know what fucks up the few chances an average guy might get? Asperger's. He will not have to social ability to escalate things if a woman is flirting with him. He's average, so the woman isn't gonna go out of her way to pursue him, and if he is too autistic to move things along, he loses the opportunity and she moves on
If foid is "flirting" with you - it's DONE, you are not an incel.
See that's the problem, an autist is gonna completely miss it if a foid was flirting with them, unless she made it blatantly obvious and asked him out like she'd do for chad. Non NT men are not very good at picking up on nonverbal social cues such as body language and facial expressions. Same goes for putting out these social cues. An average guy is very rarely gonna have women flirting with them, and if you are non NT, you will absolutely miss it and lose the opportunity.
an autist is gonna completely miss it if a foid was flirting with them
Dude, I literally can not fucking believe what I'm reading. Did you get this from fucking ANIME? That's not how it happens in real life. If a foid likes you she will just SAY SO. Foids don't play these bullshit games. She will hug/kiss you, touch your dick etc.
Foids don't play these bullshit games. She will hug/kiss you, touch your dick etc.
Only Chad gets this. Never gonna happen for average looking dudes in most circumstances. The most an average did is gonna get is maybe her initiating some conversation and talking in a friendlier voice than usual plus being nice. That's the most flirting an average guy is gonna get, and is he isn't socially skilled enough to keep things going, he's gonna miss the small opportunity there.

Obviously what you said is 100% how it happens for Chad though, because Chad can't lose because his looks are simply that good. Average mens' appearance is good enough to not kill all their chances, but not good enough to make things happen by themselves. Being low inhib and very NT often does the trick for average men

I saw a legit 3.5/10 guy in high school get a girlfriend, while many 5/10 looks level nerds never had a gf.
Only Chad gets this. Never gonna happen for average looking dudes in most circumstances. The most an average did is gonna get is maybe her initiating some conversation and talking in a friendlier voice than usual plus being nice. That's the most flirting an average guy is gonna get, and is he isn't socially skilled enough to keep things going, he's gonna miss the small opportunity there.

Obviously what you said is 100% how it happens for Chad though, because Chad can't lose because his looks are simply that good. Average mens' appearance is good enough to not kill all their chances, but not good enough to make things happen by themselves. Being low inhib and very NT often does the trick for average men

I saw a legit 3.5/10 guy in high school get a girlfriend, while many 5/10 looks level nerds never had a gf.
I will explain this for the very last time. Foid is either attracted to you or not. If a foid is flirting with you she finds you attractive. If a foid finds you attractive - you are NOT an incel.
Is there ANYTHING about this that is unclear?
I will explain this for the very last time. Foid is either attracted to you or not. If a foid is flirting with you she finds you attractive. If a foid finds you attractive - you are NOT an incel.
Is there ANYTHING about this that is unclear?
Alright, so if you are a 5/10 average looking man, and a foid seems to be flirting with you, then what? You're average so she will not do all the work for you. If you are a socially retarded sperg, how the fuck are you gonna keep the interaction going well enough to get her in bed? You're not, because your social awkwardness gave her the ick
I’ve Never seen a mentally deficient guy with average looks ever get into a relationship. Just my two cents.

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