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Invisible is not a FUCKING incel



Jan 13, 2018
He has bragged and posted pics of girls he has slayed in threads he created.
Posted NT pics of himself out with other black friends trying to pick up girls in threads he created.

Yet you all worship him because of his hyperbolic bullshit he types to make himself feel better (acting like he's a complete loner incel when he's not). He calls out others for bragging about slaying, why not call out yourself? You come on incel sites to feel superior just call a spade a spade bitch. He no longer types his NT stories so either he is jaded from losing his friends, or MOST LIKELY comes on here to feel better than others, funnier than others etc. Which you all buy into and worship him for.
Yeah this site has more fakecels compared to /r/incels
Not everyone worships/likes him here. I don’t.
Neither is twisted, zyros, tellem, st tropez, jockcel and like half the forum.

does it even matter at this point?
TheVman said:
Neither is twisted, zyros, tellem, st tropez, jockcel and like half the forum.

does it even matter at this point?

Truth. What’s the point of even complaining about it now. I’m tired of it.
TheVman said:
Neither is twisted, zyros, tellem, st tropez, jockcel and like half the forum.

does it even matter at this point?

Are they specifically making threads about calling others slayers and how they shouldn't be here? Calliing out lookism users and how they shouldn't be here as they've slayed when he has slayed just as much with NT male friends (they are hard to get)?

Go ahead be entertained by his HYPERBOLIC incel whinging. Just know the guy behind that computer typing it, is doing it to feel better about himself. Taking advantage of true incels.
yeah, i remember that moron was whining i was getting dates rofl

this inbred twat had numerous lays and girlfriends, he has social life and everthing

i called him out before on that shit

he basically asks for pictures of people here and tell them to send him his picturs just to pupmp his own ego and feel superior to ugly dudes

jfl @ the guy
He's an incel, not a truecel. If this was truecels.me, I'd say get rid of him but then EVERYONE who ever had civilian sex would have to go as well. If you REALLY want to get serious, if you ever kissed or held a girl's hand, you're a REEEEE Norman Fakecel too.

I realize that self-improvement is not big here but if someone wants to advance and everyone's on the same level, how the hell do you learn anything? His experiences were rarely enviable IMO and while he had success, it was hard-earned unlike the average guy back in the day who just met women through social circle.
TheRealChincel said:
He's an incel, not a truecel. If this was truecels.me, I'd say get rid of him but then EVERYONE who ever had civilian sex would have to go as well. If you REALLY want to get serious, if you ever kissed or held a girl's hand, you're a REEEEE Norman Fakecel too.

I realize that self-improvement is not big here but if someone wants to advance and everyone's on the same level, how the hell do you learn anything? His experiences were rarely enviable IMO and while he had success, it was hard-earned unlike the average guy back in the day who just met women through social circle.


Either op is MAD cuz he's racist and he's mad that a black guy is making valued contributions to a community that his own aspie brain couldn't.


He's mad cuz I left Lookism, effectively removing the low tier looks range off that forum: I was the ugliest, oldest, most disadvantaged poster there. I was able to get shat on by the 22 yo chadlites who could never see themselves ending up a loser like me. But now that that loser has gone, now THEY'RE on that low tier. THEY WANT THEIR LOSER BACK!

Why else would a racist Irish aspie be mad that a black guy is no longer posting on "his" forum? Don't racist whites want LESS ETHNICS around them? Why would he follow me here to complain that I shouldn't be here? He's like the feminists who never go to F1 Racing events who don't want grid-girls appearing there either.

TheVman said:
Neither is twisted, zyros, tellem, st tropez, jockcel and like half the forum.

does it even matter at this point?

Was r/IncelTears right all along? D:
TheIncelPill said:
TheVman said:
Neither is twisted, zyros, tellem, st tropez, jockcel and like half the forum.
does it even matter at this point?
Was r/IncelTears right all along? D:
Not really. those guys will all be getting laid sooner or later despite their shitty personality and posting on sexist forums. While us truecels rot forever.
then they will come back with "i escaped inceldom" post on inceltears and try to convince us its not about looks when they were never ugly to begin with.
He actually put in an ungodly amount of effort and fought the blackpill with every ounce of his soul to get laid once by a 2, unlike you basement rotters who lack an ounce of conviction.
TheVman said:
Not really. those guys will all be getting laid sooner or later despite their shitty personality and posting on sexist forums. While us truecels rot forever.
then they will come back with "i escaped inceldom" post on inceltears and try to convince us its not about looks when they were never ugly to begin with.

rate me /10
FACEandLMS said:

Either op is MAD cuz he's racist and he's mad that a black guy is making valued contributions to a community that his own aspie brain couldn't.


He's mad cuz I left Lookism, effectively removing the low tier looks range off that forum: I was the ugliest, oldest, most disadvantaged poster there. I was able to get shat on by the 22 yo chadlites who could never see themselves ending up a loser like me. But now that that loser has gone, now THEY'RE on that low tier. THEY WANT THEIR LOSER BACK!

Why else would a racist Irish aspie be mad that a black guy is no longer posting on "his" forum? Don't racist whites want LESS ETHNICS around them? Why would he follow me here to complain that I shouldn't be here? He's like the feminists who never go to F1 Racing events who don't want grid-girls appearing there either.


1. No valued contribution can be made by a guy who has literally bragged about the girls he has banged, you are the one who incelraged bragging about getting with white girls when some guy called you out on your race. And you've had a gf

2. You were a mod on lookism and far more active, why the fuck would I care about you being on a forum I'm barely on?

I'm assuming people here hate lookism and that's why you are constantly playing this card that I hate you because you left lookism? Play into people's hands. Neither of your attempted conclusions are correct. You are a liar. Bold that as an options.
FACEandLMS said:
rate me /10
I don't know man i only saw you before the surgeries and you lost the weight. id say a 4/10 incel back then. But you're also probably older and more wrinkled now
TheVman said:
I don't know man i only saw you before the surgeries and you lost the weight. id say a 4/10 incel back then. But you're also probably older and more wrinkled now

But still not CELEBATE according to the retard Irish Potato-famine op.

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