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Intro: small thin guy just gives up...it ain't happening for me

I see, sorry

Also ironic how they gave it some sexual undertones

Tbh same, this way was the most effective out of all I tried but there was barely any difference.
I've been also thinking of avoiding eating for some time to get yoyo effect like fat people. Do you think it might fix the metabolism?
I dunno. I ate everything in sight and all the right stuff and gained weight but it went nowhere on my upper body. I think the idea of getting a doc to do a background check on my hormonal balance is a good idea while I start off at the gym
You remind me of Chihiro from Danganronpa.
Had it been huge she definitely would have sucked it as well spread the word leading to other girls wanting to see it and suck it too.

If only you didn’t get raped by the dick pill you would’ve had a harem of chicks lining up to suck your cock even if they still wouldn’t let you ultimately hit it due to your being a manlet otherwise.
If he made it as far as getting naked with a woman and still got rejected, It’s pretty much over.
Yeah its the saddest and most brutal example of dickpill I can recall on here if this guy isnt some LARPing faggot because he potentially missed out on so many free blowjobs
Ugh. He got sooo fucked ovER if this isn’t a LARP.

We all know how slutty women can be.

Meaning he would’ve also likely had chicks blowing him two or three at a time together if only he was packing.
If he made it as far as getting naked with a woman and still got rejected, It’s pretty much over.
It was worse than that, becasue the humiliation of all of it. I think I am scarred for life from that one incident, and yeah, she was not about to even touch me. She called it 'cute....like a real penis but only much smaller.' How TF do you recover frm THAT?? Plsu, she was actually taller than me (5'3" to my 4'11") and was wearing heels....so when all this happened I was looking UP at her laughing at me. It is hard to describe
Ugh. He got sooo fucked ovER if this isn’t a LARP.

We all know how slutty women can be.

Meaning he would’ve also likely had chicks blowing him two or three at a time together if only he was packing.
All this makes me wanna crawlk under a rock and die
I am gonna sign off guys. All this shit is triggering some bad memories as I try to explian it all. Yhx for listening/ gn
I dunno. I ate everything in sight and all the right stuff and gained weight but it went nowhere on my upper body. I think the idea of getting a doc to do a background check on my hormonal balance is a good idea while I start off at the gym
I dunno. I ate everything in sight and all the right stuff and gained weight but it went nowhere on my upper body. I think the idea of getting a doc to do a background check on my hormonal balance is a good idea while I start off at the gym
If you do try again, try not hitting legs at all just do upper body to start.
If you do try again, try not hitting legs at all just do upper body to start.
Thats my plan. Lower body is disproportionate to skinny upper body, so 100% of the work will go into uppper body
I want to hug you, bro (no homo). This feels like a hellish existence.

love sad GIF

May the copes be with you.
Thank you. I could use one, honestly...the more I think about it all, reflect on it all, and now reading all the info on this website (whcih is massive and eye-openeing) I fell pretty fucked over. I did everything I was "supposed" to do -- be kind, gentlemanly, courteous, caring, understanding -- and all the girls in my schools did was use me as a shopping-bag carrier, or worse, told me about theri explouts with these asshole jocks and guys they dated. In many ways I flt like I was being used as a cuck and a paypig....and I got nothing out of it other than reinforcement that I was NOT anything they were sexually or physically attracted to. I was like a little brother or a eunuch. Shit. I hate writing it that way but yeah.
LOL, zero. I mean, yes, they 'ask me out' to go to the mall or go get desserts or stuff. Girlie shit. But out? Like on a date? ZERO
If you already get to that point, just inject testosterone and you'll automatically take your chances. I feel like if the girl is in the mood you could get lucky. But a long term relationship might be impossible.
If you already get to that point, just inject testosterone and you'll automatically take your chances. I feel like if the girl is in the mood you could get lucky. But a long term relationship might be impossible.
So far that is my experience. I feel like maybe I am "too nice" and I am not 'threatening' in a sexual or physical way at all. Women are really comfortable around me for that very reason. The more I think about all this (I stayed up all night ruminating on it all after I joined here), the more it feels like I am a court-eunuch to a princess --- I am expected (and I comply) to be non-sexual, pleasant, agreaable, and subservient. It is how I end up getting to hang with such hot girls but they see me as a cuckold, or castrati, or servent. So yeah, I get to wander the malls or campus with a few hot chicks, but I have never EVER gotten anything for my effort. The fact is they are, even the smallest ones, are taller and the same or heavier than me, They all wear heels and slutwear to attract guys, and I am just like some little handmaiden or house-buy chasing after them as they flirt with everyone and expect I need none of it. I walk around all the time with a hard on and they do not even notice.
All in all it is a humiliatting life I have allowed myself to drop into.
It is weird. I am attracted to them and at the same time really jealous of them. Attractive people get so many advantages. I feel I will be always a 12 year old pre-adolescent in their eyes --- never a threat, never a desire, never a choice.
So far that is my experience. I feel like maybe I am "too nice" and I am not 'threatening' in a sexual or physical way at all. Women are really comfortable around me for that very reason. The more I think about all this (I stayed up all night ruminating on it all after I joined here), the more it feels like I am a court-eunuch to a princess --- I am expected (and I comply) to be non-sexual, pleasant, agreaable, and subservient. It is how I end up getting to hang with such hot girls but they see me as a cuckold, or castrati, or servent. So yeah, I get to wander the malls or campus with a few hot chicks, but I have never EVER gotten anything for my effort. The fact is they are, even the smallest ones, are taller and the same or heavier than me, They all wear heels and slutwear to attract guys, and I am just like some little handmaiden or house-buy chasing after them as they flirt with everyone and expect I need none of it. I walk around all the time with a hard on and they do not even notice.
All in all it is a humiliatting life I have allowed myself to drop into.
It is weird. I am attracted to them and at the same time really jealous of them. Attractive people get so many advantages. I feel I will be always a 12 year old pre-adolescent in their eyes --- never a threat, never a desire, never a choice.
The issue is just if you act and look more like a man, they will view you as another creepy turbomanlet like everyones else at your height. You need to be careful and play your cards right. You have a weird set of cards but not totally useless (like mine).
Also, learning some of the terminolgy: "dickpill"
yes, I have been humilitaed becasue of my size. But worse is that I knew 2 different girls that always talked about theri boyfriends body/muscles/skills/dick....like I was some confidant girlfriend or something. I hated being confided in about it all but at the same time I would learn all the things they liked and loved and hated about guys and sex and stuff. They always ran things by me. They both also had me help them shop for lingerie a few times for valentines day, asking my opinion.
Writing about all this seems so shitty and wrong, and yet I have put up with it forever as it was t eonly way to hang out with girls. Now as I sit in my tiny ass apartment writing all this I feel so used and mocked and pissed upon by hem and theri antics.
They both also had me help them shop for lingerie a few times for valentines day, asking my opinion.
Bruh did they take you in to a lingerie shop for that?

I have been past victorias secret lingerie shop a couple times in shopping malls and stuff and I always feel really awkward going by the shop front and it is kind of arousing too obviously seeing all the lingerie and stuff from the store.

I remember one time having to wait for my sister inside (JFL at my sister getting dressed up for chad while I rot out of the store as an incel)

My sister tried to sign up for some membership thing an she ended up discovering 2 of my hijab wearing relatives also had memberships since I have a really unique last name, I think I am the only one with this last name in my entire state so kek.

Now that I think about it, having lingerie store shop fronts in a mall with families and young kids is just extremely weird and kids should not be seeing that, I have seen sex stores before but they usually are not in prominent areas where you will get foot traffic of families so I am completely fine with it.
if you act and look more like a man, they will view you as another creepy turbomanlet like everyones else at your height.
YES. Anytime I got uppity and pushy or assertive they would tease me and say I am cute, or 'stop throwing a tempertantrum", and they all started calling me a TINY BRAT BOY (as opposed to a hunky Frat Boy) as a way to mock and humiliate and control me. SO I had to subdue my urges to assert and instead submit as a eunuch of sorts.
You need to be careful and play your cards right. You have a weird set of cards but not totally useless (like mine).
Hence I am careful aroun them. It is a very weird set of 'cards' as you say. The closest I ever got to getting head was when one decided to use me as a 'boy-to-girl' makeover (whcih weirdly is a sick girl thing, I think, for small guys they like) but I am not comfortable with the idea.

This chick then posted my pics on her IG and all the campus guys were like "Who is she?" and were going on and on about shit. It was gross, and it is STILL up on her IG page and guys/men STULL write shit about me (but do not know it was me).

I feel like 'mean girl' types NEED another person to feed on in some way. I am NOT theri entertainment but the more I think about it I feel like that what I was/am in these types of relationships.

It is why I am just cutting the cord once and for all on this crap with hot girls. They use me and other guys and keep working theri way up the DNA chain to Mr Perfect with a bank account and an MBA. It is wrong. I have ZERO advantages in the hunt.
Bruh did they take you in to a lingerie shop for that?
YES. It was awkward AF stanidng around waiting for her to try shit on. Keeping busy in those places is impossible. It was humiliating w her saying how hot she would look and 'do you like the color?' etc etc. I wanted to die. And worse, I was standing there holding her other shopping bags like a house-maiden or butler.
I always feel really awkward going by the shop front and it is kind of arousing too obviously seeing all the lingerie and stuff from the store.
Me too. It is very arousing, so yeah I am trying not to show a bulge (easy, I have none) but I am so distracted and disoriented. Plus the second chick that did that to me also was teasing me saying "you'd look awesome in this", always trying to get me to bite. She was the one who ulitimately did thr makeover humiliation thing to me, I still hate her for that.
lingerie store shop fronts in a mall with families and young kids is just extremely weird
Right? It is always something I walk by and stare into and look at the women going in and out, but being asked to stand there as some hot babe that is obviosuly not-and-never-will-be your girlfriend takes her time as she enjoys tring everything and teasing the fuck out of me at the same time. It was traumatizing.
I don't know why I keep bring it all up. It was trauma, i know see it clearly. It did not help me at all. This stuff is in my past, as are these college chicks I hung around. I am nowadays alone and lost and wondering what is next for me. I work in a cubicle with 150 other people in adjacent cubicles. I am totally INVISIBLE to the world.

Girls want nothing to do with me. I accept this and that I may be alone through life. That sucks at age 22.
I don't know why I keep bring it all up. It was trauma, i know see it clearly. It did not help me at all. This stuff is in my past, as are these college chicks I hung around. I am nowadays alone and lost and wondering what is next for me. I work in a cubicle with 150 other people in adjacent cubicles. I am totally INVISIBLE to the world.

Girls want nothing to do with me. I accept this and that I may be alone through life. That sucks at age 22.
So now that you are lonely you have made an account on here, thats kind of like what happened to me.
So now that you are lonely you have made an account on here, thats kind of like what happened to me.
EXACTLY! I am beyond lonely, but I am also beyond hope that I will find a romantic partner with a girl. I have tried EVERYTHING but the TRUTH is that I am not seen to be a 'catch', I am not 'desirablle', am not viewed as a 'man' in any sense of the word to any girl I have ever met. I have been EVERYTHING I thoiught a girl would want --- kind,m generous, funny, manly --- but it is impossible for a short and slim guy to come across as more than just a pre-adolescent boy to them. I accept that I am seen by women how they have slotted me into their lives and time. -- as a small fellow capable of hanging out with, eating desert with, shopping with, etc. But ZERO chance actually spending intimate time with --- physically intimate. Sure, theyve shared things with me about boyfrinds, but it is 'Friend-Zone' shit, or worse, it is girlfreind kinda things -- telling me about sex or rudeness or intimacy problems --- like I have no need of it but I need t hear them about guys.

SO yeah. I am here. Lonely. Accepting a life without a woman in it. It is a very very hard pill to swallow, accepting that. Tryoing to figure out next moves. I do not want to be alone but I have little choice in the matter if a girl or woman, ANY girl or ANY woman, chooses to not be intimate.

I once went to an escort in my senior year in college, I was so desperate, and she refused to give me sex becasue she insisted I was underage and she'd get arrested. I showed her my drivers license, I begged, I pulled out my junk anyway and begged "Please suck me!" and she laughed saying that I just proved I was pre-adolescent becasue I did not have a mens pen!s, so she threw me out.

So I have been humiliated so much I can't take it. I look so fucking young. I can't even grow facila or any body hair, and I look like I am in 5th grade. The only consistent intimate or sexual/sensual compliment girls/women give me is "You would be so pretty as a girl....can I do your eyelashes/face/lips/hair/blah blah fuckinh blah."

I hate the spot I am in. A hooker refused my cash!!! How TF do I get laid ever even if I can't even pay to get it done!!??

I have tried Chaturbate and same thing: I am underaged, ".... get off now!!"

So, long-winded answer but YES, I am extremely lonely an dhave no idea what to do now other than seeek community with folks in the same spot and see how sanity might prevail.
you're like the opposite of me, my nigga
Dafuq is that pfp yo bro named himself "tiny brat" as well is dis nigga lookin fuh sum orbitahs or orbitERs or sum shit hell naw we aint doin allat ladyboy tranny shit up in here except for edgelordtroon
I explained the name in prior post. Not doing ANY of wht you're implying. Trying to figure shit out.
I have tried Chaturbate and same thing: I am underaged, ".... get off now!!"
you should record them interacting with you sometime, would be interesting to see, and go a long way to proving your not some secret LARPing faggot either, for some reason you havent made a single post off of this thread.
Game theory: did mods create this account to expose and ban gaycels? Also jfl at everyone ITT for not noticing this blatant faggot fantasy.
How so, please explain? I'd love to hear your perspective! PLEASE.
dunno if you're still here but I'm 6'10 and pretty tall (literally relevant to post not a flex).
dunno if you're still here but I'm 6'10 and pretty tall (literally relevant to post not a flex).
can't be tall and an inkwell unless you're sub3
Hi everyone. I am new here. I was once desperate to fix things, but I now accept I can't and I just give up. I will never ever get laid, and I hated that idea forever. Thinking this may be my lifestyle - I am just declaring that I am giving up on ever being with a woman - it will not happen, ever. I have not even kissed a girl in my entire life, and I swear I have tried for over a decade!

I tried dating all through junior high, high school, and college. No girls were interested. Why?

I am 5 feet tall, and I am exaggerating a bit (more like 4'11").
I have never weighed over 120 lbs in my life, and I naturally seem to always be at 114-116 pounds. I have zero muscles, skinny arms and wrists and ankles and neck and shoulders, and I went to the gym and worked out hard for years. The only muscle group that grew were my glutes (whcih is a problem I will explain in a second). Squats and lunges worked, but upper body did nothing. Nothing. I visited doctors and health care centers, begging for male hormone treatments, and they just turned me away. I grew little facial or body hair and my voice is more like a girls than a guys. Lastly, I have a small d!ck.

The absolute and devastatingly worst part of it all, and I have heard this answer almost every time I tried to get a girl to go out with me, is that girls say I am (1) too pretty or (2) I look like a boy or, worse, I (3) look like a girl. A zillion quotes run through my head daily about things like that girls have said to me over and over and over again. I have been mistaken as a girl all my life, and I hated it.

I have had girls as 'friends', and have spent my life in the friend zone with every girl I knew. I am not scared of girls, I am really attracted to them. They have no problem hanging with me because I am not a threat. Their boyfriends do not care as they see me the same way. In college (I graduated last year) I used to get dragged to the mall to help my girl friends shop, which was the only way to hang out and I hoped they'd see the good in me and I might have a shot. No such luck. I ended up carrying the shopping bags full of clothing and heels and shit and never was seen as anything than a shopping buddy.

When at the mall, girls are like "Lets get you something." I always refuse, as I have to shop in the boys department. This one girl insisted, and it was embarassing. Everything fit me when I tried on boys size 10, except the pants didn't fit. The jacket was fine, but the waist was too big (I am a 26" waist) and my butt didn't fit vecasue iof all the workouts. This girl said "You have a girls ass." and she was right to say it. Fuck it was awful.

One incident explains a lot. It was the closest I ever got to getting laid. This hot chick brought me back to her place and said she wanted to do a makeover on me. I was like "What?" She said she wanted to dress me up as a girl. I said "NF way!" Back and forth, it was embarrassing, but she said if I let her do it she'd give me a blowjob, so I very reluctantly said yes. I wanted that blowjob! After an hour she was done, she insisted on taking pictures, and when the moment came she laughed at my size (I am just under 4' and thin) and she laughed and called it a clitty. I was so fucking angry. That incident, along with all the ones leading up to it, has damaged me greatly. She posted my pics on her IG account and luckily no one saw me as that chick, but they are still up despite my requests to take them down. The comments from the guys were not repeatable.

My lifelong experience with women has been horrible. I have been super nice and caring and a good friend. But I am short, thin, and never became some alpha stud and I will never ever have a shot at sex. It is traumatizing.

Anyway, I accept this now. I am not sure what to do next, but I am going to withdraw from being around women as it has degraded and humiliated me.

Looking forward to learning and growing here. I am going to start going to the gym starting in the morning,

It sounds like you mog me. Girls think I am so repulsive they don't want to associate with me at all
This is a LARP.
- 4'11 mixed Asian with green eyes
- Only glutes grow
- This frame
- "tiny brat" + anime girl pfp

All adds up as some sort of incel to tranny pipeline LARP, probs OP is a Jew.
BUT, to be devil's advocate, an actual male with such rubbish genetics could indeed end up this way. From a young age you'd be too small to play sports and do similar "boy" things. You'd be physically unable to prevent bullying, etc. Not to forgive faggotness but your typical 5ft11 ugly incel ogre on this site won't have similar personality development experiences to someone with such shit genetics.
You remind me of Chihiro from Danganronpa.
Same, Chihiro Fujisaki, rejected as man, turned into a femboy, killed by some alpha nigger when he tried to be man for once.
Hi everyone. I am new here. I was once desperate to fix things, but I now accept I can't and I just give up. I will never ever get laid, and I hated that idea forever. Thinking this may be my lifestyle - I am just declaring that I am giving up on ever being with a woman - it will not happen, ever. I have not even kissed a girl in my entire life, and I swear I have tried for over a decade!

I tried dating all through junior high, high school, and college. No girls were interested. Why?

I am 5 feet tall, and I am exaggerating a bit (more like 4'11").
I have never weighed over 120 lbs in my life, and I naturally seem to always be at 114-116 pounds. I have zero muscles, skinny arms and wrists and ankles and neck and shoulders, and I went to the gym and worked out hard for years. The only muscle group that grew were my glutes (whcih is a problem I will explain in a second). Squats and lunges worked, but upper body did nothing. Nothing. I visited doctors and health care centers, begging for male hormone treatments, and they just turned me away. I grew little facial or body hair and my voice is more like a girls than a guys. Lastly, I have a small d!ck.

The absolute and devastatingly worst part of it all, and I have heard this answer almost every time I tried to get a girl to go out with me, is that girls say I am (1) too pretty or (2) I look like a boy or, worse, I (3) look like a girl. A zillion quotes run through my head daily about things like that girls have said to me over and over and over again. I have been mistaken as a girl all my life, and I hated it.

I have had girls as 'friends', and have spent my life in the friend zone with every girl I knew. I am not scared of girls, I am really attracted to them. They have no problem hanging with me because I am not a threat. Their boyfriends do not care as they see me the same way. In college (I graduated last year) I used to get dragged to the mall to help my girl friends shop, which was the only way to hang out and I hoped they'd see the good in me and I might have a shot. No such luck. I ended up carrying the shopping bags full of clothing and heels and shit and never was seen as anything than a shopping buddy.

When at the mall, girls are like "Lets get you something." I always refuse, as I have to shop in the boys department. This one girl insisted, and it was embarassing. Everything fit me when I tried on boys size 10, except the pants didn't fit. The jacket was fine, but the waist was too big (I am a 26" waist) and my butt didn't fit vecasue iof all the workouts. This girl said "You have a girls ass." and she was right to say it. Fuck it was awful.

One incident explains a lot. It was the closest I ever got to getting laid. This hot chick brought me back to her place and said she wanted to do a makeover on me. I was like "What?" She said she wanted to dress me up as a girl. I said "NF way!" Back and forth, it was embarrassing, but she said if I let her do it she'd give me a blowjob, so I very reluctantly said yes. I wanted that blowjob! After an hour she was done, she insisted on taking pictures, and when the moment came she laughed at my size (I am just under 4' and thin) and she laughed and called it a clitty. I was so fucking angry. That incident, along with all the ones leading up to it, has damaged me greatly. She posted my pics on her IG account and luckily no one saw me as that chick, but they are still up despite my requests to take them down. The comments from the guys were not repeatable.

My lifelong experience with women has been horrible. I have been super nice and caring and a good friend. But I am short, thin, and never became some alpha stud and I will never ever have a shot at sex. It is traumatizing.

Anyway, I accept this now. I am not sure what to do next, but I am going to withdraw from being around women as it has degraded and humiliated me.

Looking forward to learning and growing here. I am going to start going to the gym starting in the morning,

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