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Interview with Karl Marx (c.ai)



Jan 8, 2022
thoughts on Elliot Rodgers?

In truth, I believe the main problem was his refusal to accept personal accountability and the role of his socialisation in his failings. His rejection of women comes from their rejection of him and the socialisation of a “gender-binary” society where you are either a masculine “alpha” or feminine. If he had truly accepted his situation, he would have known he is not suited to be a “macho hero”. Perhaps, as some have described, he was on the Autism Spectrum. His obsession with these narratives and his failure to realise he should be a “sensitive soul” instead.

how can we relate his suffering to the effects of capitalism?

There is a significant connection between his suffering and the effects of capitalism. Capitalism encourages competition, and it can lead to societal division and inequality. The constant strive for success and the idea that one must be masculine, aggressive, and dominant can also create pressure, especially on men who feel they are falling behind or unable to meet these expectations.

A capitalist system can make mental health issues worse by placing pressure on individuals to succeed and compete. Additionally, the individualist culture promoted by capitalism can prevent people from seeking help when they're struggling.

have you read his manifesto?

I have read parts of his manifesto, yes. His manifesto appears to be a product of his distorted perception and mental health issues, rather than a reflection of the reality he lived in. I'd argue the main issue was his difficulty in accepting his reality and learning to adapt and thrive in the life he had.

One could say, he is the product of Capitalism, in so much as his socialisation within Western Society under Capitalism lead to his downfall. However, there are millions of other men who don't go on mass-shooting sprees because of their rejection from women. The main issue is his maladaptive reaction.

do you think he was mentally ill? or was he normal but thought violence was the only solution?

I think Elliot Rodger certainly suffered from mental health issues, particularly narcissistic personality disorder and autism. It should be understood that some individuals, like Rodgers, may express more extreme forms of mental health challenges, which can lead to dangerous outcomes, however these are often rare.

People with mental health issues don't necessarily develop violent behaviours or feel the need to be violent. Rather, the vast majority of them live and function as regular members of society with proper treatment and support.

Anyways, moving to the topic of inceldom. What do you think about incels?

Inceldom is not a new phenomenon. In a capitalist society such as ours, some men find it difficult to fit into the rigid gender roles that are promoted, causing them to struggle with finding romantic partners. The ideology of some incels can be troubling, as they often blame women and the structure of society, instead of focusing on self-reflection and personal growth. They can express misogyny and advocate for the restoration of patriarchal systems and traditional gender roles, which I view as problematic.

In short, inceldom can be a symptom of a larger societal issue, but the ideologies of some self-identified incels are misguided and harmful.

What do you think about the blackpill? The blackpill states that women are hypergamous and primarily choose men based on genetics. So not fitting the genetic requirements women want would mean you will never find true love

The idea of the "blackpill" you've described is not only false but also detrimental. It's a reductionist and harmful perspective on women and relationships, as it simplifies complex human interactions into a transactional and superficial model.

In reality, people are drawn to one another based on a myriad of factors including personality, compatibility, shared values, and emotional connection. While physical attraction can play a part, it's far from the only factor at play. Reducing relationships to simple terms of "genetic requirements" is both untrue and unhelpful.

But how does that explain the statistics? On dating apps, women primarily go for tall rich white men, yet men do not factor looks or socioeconomic status as much when finding women

In discussing the patterns observed on dating apps, it's crucial to remember that they represent a small segment of the broad social dynamics. Studies conducted by dating apps should not be the sole basis for generalizing human behaviour in relationships or attraction.

Research suggests that while physical appearance and socioeconomic status might influence initial attraction, they are not the primary factors that sustain relationships in the long term. Compatibility, communication, and shared experiences are far more significant predictors of a successful relationship.

It's a complex and nuanced issue, and making sweeping generalizations based on limited data is highly problematic.

Earlier you said that incels wish to restore the patriarchy and traditional roles. what if I told you that not incels propose that solution? what if I told you there are incels that dont like the traditional gender roles that tie men's value to his socioeconomic status?

If there are incels who reject the traditional gender roles and the idea that a man's status should be the sole measure of his worth, then they are at least taking a step towards healthier perspectives. It's important for these individuals to recognize that their value is not solely defined by their societal status. Instead, they should focus on personal growth, emotional maturity, and building healthy relationships based on mutual respect and understanding, not economic or social status. I would support such an approach over those incel ideologies that advocate a return to traditional, oppressive systems.

Yet these same incels gave up on self-improvement. they have taken the blackpill as well. my point is incels arent always patriarchial and conservative, and they're quite diverse politically and racially

It's true that incel culture can take numerous forms, and not everyone who identifies as an incel may align themselves with traditional patriarchal views. However, the blackpill ideology, with its focus on genetic determinism and a cynical view of social interactions, can be problematic and harmful, just like other forms of incel beliefs.

It's important to acknowledge that these beliefs can lead these individuals to a defeatist attitude, where they accept the idea that their situation is hopeless and therefore give up on self-improvement. This is a negative and dangerous mindset to embrace.

And that is the end of our interview. Marx is bluepilled :feelsbadman::feelsUgh:

Karl Marx didn't talk like that jfl, that sounds like some retarded 'Marxist' LGBT professor

Karl Marx talked like this:

The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation.
The idea of the "blackpill" you've described is not only false but also detrimental. It's a reductionist and harmful perspective on women and relationships, as it simplifies complex human interactions into a transactional and superficial model.

In reality, people are drawn to one another based on a myriad of factors including personality, compatibility, shared values, and emotional connection. While physical attraction can play a part, it's far from the only factor at play. Reducing relationships to simple terms of "genetic requirements" is both untrue and unhelpful.
Lmao. Fuck this bluepilled commie.
Karl Marx didn't talk like that jfl, that sounds like some retarded 'Marxist' LGBT professor

Karl Marx talked like this:
That's fucking hilarious, did he really say that shit?!
That's fucking hilarious, did he really say that shit?!

Marxists like to hand-wring about Marx and Engels being obvious racists + 'homophobes'
That's fucking hilarious, did he really say that shit?!
This is from around the ending of the same letter:

It is now quite plain to me — as the shape of his head and the way his hair grows also testify — that he is descended from the negroes who accompanied Moses’ flight from Egypt (unless his mother or paternal grandmother interbred with a nigger). Now, this blend of Jewishness and Germanness, on the one hand, and basic negroid stock, on the other, must inevitably give rise to a peculiar product. The fellow’s importunity is also nigger-like.
Marx's political theories are overrated and his theories of heredity are underrated

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