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RageFuel interacting socially with normies feels like going to a fucking war



5'9 3.5/10 brain damaged cel
Apr 21, 2024
i hang out with normies in my college and i know its retarded and honestly i have been doing it less and less thankfully and i plan on cutting most of these shitheads out and only being friends with other low status men and autists but one thing i fucking despise about socialising with normies is how YOU CAN NEVER RELAX around them. its like being around niggers. i feel like im constantly in fight or flight mode anticipating some quirky remark or insult to come my way. and its like you can never let your fucking guard down because you dont know which normie shithead is gonna come gnawing at you next. its really funny because you will see them just fucking relaxing meanwhile you feel like youre in the middle of a fucking warzone and your mind is pacey as shit

only time i can relax and let my guard down is when im in my room alone browsing the internet on my computer
i fucking despise about socialising with normies is how YOU CAN NEVER RELAX around them. its like being around niggers.
Very true. You never know when they'll turn their back against you. It's also like walking on eggshells. If you say one thing that's slightly out of line with their thinking then they'll spread rumors about you and try to make your life in school living hell.
ts really funny because you will see them just fucking relaxing meanwhile you feel like youre in the middle of a fucking warzone and your mind is pacey as shit
Me too. My legs are always shaking in public when around normtards. I definitely don't fit in and stick out.
only time i can relax and let my guard down is when im in my room alone browsing the internet on my computer
My home is the only place I feel safe in. Anywhere else is a battlefield to me.
If you say one thing that's slightly out of line with their thinking
I find this shit so fucking ANNOYING. Why are they such fucking retards with every SINGLE one of them conforming to the same fucking beliefs like its some fucking religion? You are not allowed ONE opinion which is offensive to them otherwise they will ostracise you and ensure your life is living hell.
I find this shit so fucking ANNOYING. Why are they such fucking retards with every SINGLE one of them conforming to the same fucking beliefs like its some fucking religion? You are not allowed ONE opinion which is offensive to them otherwise they will ostracise you and ensure your life is living hell.
Me too man. Being rejected by normies like that sucks when they no longer want to be your friend for those reasons
I find this shit so fucking ANNOYING. Why are they such fucking retards with every SINGLE one of them conforming to the same fucking beliefs like its some fucking religion? You are not allowed ONE opinion which is offensive to them otherwise they will ostracise you and ensure your life is living hell.
It's absurd. As much as I hate liberals for chopping off children's balls, I'm still more tolerant towards them despite me having a better reason of hating them than they have to hate me.
I am socially outcasted everywhere
I find this shit so fucking ANNOYING. Why are they such fucking retards with every SINGLE one of them conforming to the same fucking beliefs like its some fucking religion? You are not allowed ONE opinion which is offensive to them otherwise they will ostracise you and ensure your life is living hell.
Why are they such hivemind cowards ?Least ZOGbot trait.
Screw ALL those loser wigger simpleton easily controlled turbo faggots all the way to Uranus, and never back to this sewer!

art space GIF by kidmograph
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I hate normies so much. The thing with them is that they are desperate; they will do anything for a little status. They are mogged hard by Chad they can't handle it.
animation dancing GIF by Alexander Lansang
Fuck Normie​
Unbanned, welcome a board my jOite:bigbrain:

We need anothaa lockdown ASAP quatruple shot foe der vermin gentile faggot world
I hate normies so much. The thing with them is that they are desperate; they will do anything for a little status. They are mogged hard by Chad they can't handle it.
The life of maggots.
They are mogged hard by Chad they can't handle it.
I hate normies so much. The thing with them is that they are desperate; they will do anything for a little status. They are mogged hard by Chad they can't handle it.
they cant fucking stand autistic men

they hate our guts
i hang out with normies in my college and i know its retarded and honestly i have been doing it less and less thankfully and i plan on cutting most of these shitheads out and only being friends with other low status men and autists but one thing i fucking despise about socialising with normies is how YOU CAN NEVER RELAX around them. its like being around niggers. i feel like im constantly in fight or flight mode anticipating some quirky remark or insult to come my way. and its like you can never let your fucking guard down because you dont know which normie shithead is gonna come gnawing at you next. its really funny because you will see them just fucking relaxing meanwhile you feel like youre in the middle of a fucking warzone and your mind is pacey as shit

only time i can relax and let my guard down is when im in my room alone browsing the internet on my computer
I feel you, that's why I tend to stay away from society as much as possible. Only interact with my cat and sometimes family. Video games, gardening and cigarettes is how I kill time.
I feel you, that's why I tend to stay away from society as much as possible. Only interact with my cat and sometimes family. Video games, gardening and cigarettes is how I kill time.
Get on Gran Turismo games, and forget about the shitpile! Because, this World stinks and shits and chuck.
I know, there is a huge difference between Chad and normie but less difference between normie and incels; the normie always exaggerates the difference.
I stopped trying to hang out with anyone, period. Yes, normies are the worst, but Ive found that even sub5 guys, with redpill mentality, act like shit heads, towards me.

Now Im alone, I can do what I want, without people sticking their nose in, with dumb opinions. Its too much work to figure out whos actually worth being friends with.
sub5 guys, with redpill mentality, act like shit heads, towards me.
especially if they are NT

i have had that happen too

literal shitskin cockroaches with skin the color of niggers harassing me
I feel the same way, especially communicating with any women. They're honestly worse than niggers. They're always manipulative, they receive special treatment so we need to be on eggshells. I know I'm one mistake, that may not even be of my own doing, from women and white knight faggots wanting to ruin my life. Besides that, they're usually loud, annoying and unpleasant to deal with. It's all just tiring.
i hang out with normies in my college and i know its retarded and honestly i have been doing it less and less thankfully and i plan on cutting most of these shitheads out and only being friends with other low status men and autists but one thing i fucking despise about socialising with normies is how YOU CAN NEVER RELAX around them. its like being around niggers. i feel like im constantly in fight or flight mode anticipating some quirky remark or insult to come my way. and its like you can never let your fucking guard down because you dont know which normie shithead is gonna come gnawing at you next. its really funny because you will see them just fucking relaxing meanwhile you feel like youre in the middle of a fucking warzone and your mind is pacey as shit

only time i can relax and let my guard down is when im in my room alone browsing the internet on my computer

View: https://youtu.be/55dHN-0NAaE?si=_V9zYa31PvXMmpi_
But one thing i fucking despise about socialising with normies is how YOU CAN NEVER RELAX around them. its like being around niggers. i feel like im constantly in fight or flight mode
Huge non-NT trait.
Talking with normies is fucking difficult i despise them
Trolling them is a good way to piss scum off only if you're in the mood for it other than that socialising is futile.
Are you underweight or skinny? That happens when you weigh less than them. I go through the same thing
I find this shit so fucking ANNOYING. Why are they such fucking retards with every SINGLE one of them conforming to the same fucking beliefs like its some fucking religion? You are not allowed ONE opinion which is offensive to them otherwise they will ostracise you and ensure your life is living hell.
It's simple bro...

It's because it actually is a huge cult... The cult of normalcy.

To end the drama of arguments, simply stop arguing with them.

Agree and amplify!

Show them you are far more normie than them...

It bewilders them. Like a short circuit on a huge battery!

Don't argue... They have been raised on straight propaganda...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Rm8sZ-CAI
Are you underweight or skinny? That happens when you weigh less than them. I go through the same thing
yes im underweight

bmi 17.5

im trying to put on weight
It's simple bro...

It's because it actually is a huge cult... The cult of normalcy.

To end the drama of arguments, simply stop arguing with them.

Agree and amplify!

Show them you are far more normie than them...

It bewilders them. Like a short circuit on a huge battery!

Don't argue... They have been raised on straight propaganda...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Rm8sZ-CAI

The simulationists theorize that normalcy is "easier to maintain" the illusion for... Hence the hard push for mental conformity. It's more cost effective in energy use...
i hang out with normies in my college and i know its retarded and honestly i have been doing it less and less thankfully and i plan on cutting most of these shitheads out and only being friends with other low status men and autists but one thing i fucking despise about socialising with normies is how YOU CAN NEVER RELAX around them. its like being around niggers. i feel like im constantly in fight or flight mode anticipating some quirky remark or insult to come my way. and its like you can never let your fucking guard down because you dont know which normie shithead is gonna come gnawing at you next. its really funny because you will see them just fucking relaxing meanwhile you feel like youre in the middle of a fucking warzone and your mind is pacey as shit

only time i can relax and let my guard down is when im in my room alone browsing the internet on my computer
It’s only like that for us sub5s and autists
talking to normies is like talking to the police or to a referee in a sport

they don't care about you, they care about society and its rules, and enforcing them. if they get the chance, they will prosecute you based on perceived social rules which have nothing to do with what you're actually saying

and, since you're an incel, you are treated like scum and anything you do can be wrong simply bc of it. in fact, in the modern day you're worse than a bear and everything is rape, so whatever the rules are it's not worth playing

it's like if jose mourinho tried to chat with a referee, he's getting a red card the second the ref gets pissy
Can’t fix framelet genes bro, youll go right back to your natural bmi
no i used to have good weight i just lost it all because of binging on drugs for two years without any breaks
i hang out with normies in my college and i know its retarded and honestly i have been doing it less and less thankfully and i plan on cutting most of these shitheads out and only being friends with other low status men and autists but one thing i fucking despise about socialising with normies is how YOU CAN NEVER RELAX around them. its like being around niggers. i feel like im constantly in fight or flight mode anticipating some quirky remark or insult to come my way. and its like you can never let your fucking guard down because you dont know which normie shithead is gonna come gnawing at you next. its really funny because you will see them just fucking relaxing meanwhile you feel like youre in the middle of a fucking warzone and your mind is pacey as shit

only time i can relax and let my guard down is when im in my room alone browsing the internet on my computer
It's simple bro...

It's because it actually is a huge cult... The cult of normalcy.

To end the drama of arguments, simply stop arguing with them.

Agree and amplify!

Show them you are far more normie than them...

It bewilders them. Like a short circuit on a huge battery!

Don't argue... They have been raised on straight propaganda...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Rm8sZ-CAI

Over for video unavailable Cels
Over for video unavailable Cels
Probably because the song says "don't argue with them" and also say,

"So my advise, is to carry a gun..."

Brutal censorshipill
My home is the only place I feel safe in. Anywhere else is a battlefield to me.
Same, but more so because I lack energy and motivation. I just want to LDAR.
I just find engaging with normies to be like walking on eggshells. You can't say one thing anyone doesn't like. You have to be positive about absolutely everything and everyone. If the group is shit talking someone you need to be neutral at worst or someone will snitch behind your back. If you say 1 mean thing to a woman, the entire group with hate you and shun you. Only good looking people are allowed to fuck up and have opinions. The uglier you are relative to everyone else, the less you're allowed to say anything except supportive things of everyone else. It's such a fucking drag talking to normies. No one talks about anything worthwhile and the second a conversation starts to actually get real, it becomes dangerous.

When you talk to normies, the best thing you can do is say nothing except for cracking non-offensive jokes and if you can crack jokes that make people feel better about themselves, that's even better. That's it though. Literally say nothing else unless you're just agreeing with someone. If people ask your opinion on anything, act stupid by pretending you don't know or just always fall back to how you just believe everyone should love each other and treat people nice.

It's the most basic worthless shit you can possibly imagine. It's mind-numbing. I have a hard time being around normies unless I'm like 1 bottle of wine in, and a bunch of drugs just so I can give my brain such a handicap in processing stuff that I don't end up wanting to blow my brains out hanging out with normies like I would if I was sober.
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