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Blackpill Insecurity/ mentalcel is kind of inevitable with people who are high IQ/ high awareness but ugly/ low primal value.



Jan 2, 2018
Because intellectual people can obviously see the gloom of the world, without usually being airy fairy about the way of the world.
Pragmatism is a symptom of being intelligent. Pragmatism is essentially where you think about reality from the gloomy details as common, and lightful details as an exception (since that is kind of the common course of the world/ usual theme).
Pragmatists can gauge situations based on what danger/ safety each individually poses out to itself.
It's reasonable to be negative in detroit. It's unreasonable to be negative at a party assuming all the drinks are poisoned when people are sipping from them.

But it is more than reasonable for intellectuals when dealing with modern selection/ socialization/ humanity's inclusion to be filled with self hate/ self doubt when you are constantly around judgmental/ superficial/ selective/ dismissive people who hinge all human interaction on primal value (looks, money, status, broad dominator karma (BDK) (DomiKarmarchal value) (someone who has the karma of a broadly dominant person).
We are not designed to be graceful/ sedentary. We're genetically programmed to want high primal value. And our heart aches when we lack it. The majority of us, if we were not vanity prone as a species, could pretty much be ok with being incel. But we are not like that. We are greatness-reachers/ seekers as a species.
People's intellect was gradually built up for the sake of survival/ gauging environment.
So it's only a survival failsafe for people to be intelligent, and then the high self awareness/ comparing of eachother makes people self-flagellate/ criticize to the point of insane insecurity.
So blackpilled people are high iq?
I’m low IQ and mentalcel. :feelsrope:
So blackpilled people are high iq?
No I'm saying that all intelligent people eventually will find a way to be blackpilled if they're low primal value/ ugly/ low money/ etc. because it's just their survival instinct kicking in to understanding the gloom and doom around them.
Thanks, bro.

I’m not braindead but I’m pretty close tbh.
Normies make you think that because you are socially retarded same happened to me. But social skills doesnt equal smartness or iq.
Mentalceldom in and of itself is low IQ. Automatic low primal value as well.
Mentalceldom in and of itself is low IQ. Automatic low primal value as well.
Not necessarily.
Being a mentalcel just makes you incapacitated by anxiety.
If you're in a lesser position. Due to the fact people loan all consideration based on those with high primal value/ resources.
Certain types though, sure. Maybe ones of low self awareness, or of uncontrolled wariness on places that are just so inefficient when you haven't the capacity to explore/ know/ regard better... but that's just more or less low self control/ willpower which are dependent on other factors.
But the greater your tangible/ intangible spatial awareness is, then the more you're going to be in awful shape if you don't have anything we're predisposed to feel of value about.
Interesting perspective, OP.
high iq = ugly
Not necessarily.
Being a mentalcel just makes you incapacitated by anxiety.
If you're in a lesser position. Due to the fact people loan all consideration based on those with high primal value/ resources.
Certain types though, sure. Maybe ones of low self awareness, or of uncontrolled wariness on places that are just so inefficient when you haven't the capacity to explore/ know/ regard better... but that's just more or less low self control/ willpower which are dependent on other factors.
But the greater your tangible/ intangible spatial awareness is, then the more you're going to be in awful shape if you don't have anything we're predisposed to feel of value about.
Anxiety is low IQ also. Unless you're being chased by a leopard or something.
Anxiety is low IQ also. Unless you're being chased by a leopard or something.
Your theory is mere assumption unless you provide proof that all people who have anxiety are retarded.
What would you recommend is the high IQ way to go about the situation, and what evidence do you have that the pattern of people who follow this path are high IQ?
Why exactly is it low IQ lol.
Literally saying someone who has fear/ anxiety which is rooted upon information... of all forms is a sign of low intelligence. This sounds like delusion.


Look at all these people, how could they be wrong. Well, if you're a lazy ass then just tell me why you feel they are wrong.
I did the mensa online IQ test and got 115, nowhere near high IQ

The real black pill is that if you're ugly with no value you will also have a greater chance of being stupid due to brain degradation caused by depression and loneliness.
Most people here with a few exceptions actually seem somewhat intelligent
Anxiety is low IQ also. Unless you're being chased by a leopard or something.
Pretty sure Nikola Tesla had serious anxiety issues and he had a 150+ IQ
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The real black pill is that if you're ugly with no value you will also have a greater chance of being stupid due to brain degradation caused by depression and loneliness.
I can't even imagine what the past years of loneliness preceded by alienation has done to me. Maybe I even could've been a highiqcel. One thing that's noticeable is that as time passes I enjoy stuff less, copes don't work as well. My favorite time of the day is when I'm curled up in bed.

Isolation does weird shit to your mind, I think the reason that I'm pretty good with mental imagery is that my brain started to compensate for being alone to maintain my sanity. When I concentrate, I even feel briefly happy.
I can't even imagine what the past years of loneliness preceded by alienation has done to me. Maybe I even could've been a highiqcel. One thing that's noticeable is that as time passes I enjoy stuff less, copes don't work as well. My favorite time of the day is when I'm curled up in bed.

Isolation does weird shit to your mind, I think the reason that I'm pretty good with mental imagery is that my brain started to compensate for being alone to maintain my sanity. When I concentrate, I even feel briefly happy.

You should try drawing if you got a good mental imagery.
You practically took the thoughts of out my head. Quality post, OP.
I'm a genius, bro.
I'm low-IQ ugly genetic shit.
Good to know then tbh. Lifefuel really.
Your theory is mere assumption unless you provide proof that all people who have anxiety are retarded.
What would you recommend is the high IQ way to go about the situation, and what evidence do you have that the pattern of people who follow this path are high IQ?
Why exactly is it low IQ lol.
Literally saying someone who has fear/ anxiety which is rooted upon information... of all forms is a sign of low intelligence. This sounds like delusion.


Look at all these people, how could they be wrong. Well, if you're a lazy ass then just tell me why you feel they are wrong.
In nature, nobody is anxious in day to day normal doings and suicide for example is a totally foreign concept.
Seems low IQ to me to freak out for no reason. I do it myself and so do you probably so people are just fucked up nowadays. It's the soy and the drugs and the overabundance of leisure time (work is leisure time, stressful but still leisure time) and so on.
In nature, nobody is anxious in day to day normal doings and suicide for example is a totally foreign concept.
Seems low IQ to me to freak out for no reason. I do it myself and so do you probably so people are just fucked up nowadays. It's the soy and the drugs and the overabundance of leisure time (work is leisure time, stressful but still leisure time) and so on.
Dude there are people who are anxious just because of the way they look. If you're saying it's a chemical imbalance, well, that's also initiated by people and their sense of self vs. the world. Or their ego, and how the ego wants to meet what it wants, and holds a certain position sacred that can often get threatened and put people under anxiety.
Super models/ sports athletes are constantly anxious.
Anxiety is kind of the awareness that takes negativity, problems, issues into account especially when they need an easy makesafe method for focus.
It's kind of the tense emotion everyone gets used to.
Imagine focusing on a ton of tense, difficult to manage things (everyone realistically deals with these things) without anxiety? Tense emotions often help us, but for the poor soul who has conditions they're triyng ot hold onto that creates a chemical overdrive then yeah, that can be pretty bad.
It's contextual.
if anxiety was related to high iq I would be Einstein.
if anxiety was related to high iq I would be Einstein.
Intellect is not proportionalized by anxiety. But anxiety will initially be proportionalized by the intellect.
It's just inevitable that those who are intelligent will find their way to subconsciously or consciously be stricken by the blackpill if they're ugly, so prone to high anxiety.
Intellect is not proportionalized by anxiety. But anxiety will initially be proportionalized by the intellect.
It's just inevitable that those who are intelligent will find their way to subconsciously or consciously be stricken by the blackpill if they're ugly, so prone to high anxiety.
in my opinion anxiety is strictly related with self awareness.
but the question remains.
what is the relation between IQ and self awerness?
are we more aware or more intelligent?
in my opinion anxiety is strictly related with self awareness.
but the question remains.
what is the relation between IQ and self awerness?
are we more aware or more intelligent?
intelligence is an artbitrary, often reductionistic label. It comprises many fields/ areas.
Processing speed, reflexes, spatial/ practical/ tangible/ intangible/ etc. conceptualization skills? etc.
The brain is the most complex object in the universe. I think of intellect as the thing most genuinely varied in the human brain.
Awareness is a faculty of intelligence. And I kind of assume it paired/ group/ packaged together with many other things about intelligence (based on the amount of correlation with stupidity/ lack of facilitation/ unawareness I see in daily life). Ability/ genetics comes in packages they say here.
As the ancient greeks believed that if you look good, it will also be represented in your mental capacities.
That's why i wish i was low iq moron with a good face, intelligence haven't really benefit me it only made me more anxious and depressed
Awareness is a faculty of intelligence.
As the ancient greeks believed that if you look good, it will also be represented in your mental capacities.
aren't you contradicting yourself with these two statement?
if awareness is a faculty of intelligence and good looking people have more mental capacities(according to ancients Greeks) shouden't Chad be more aware than us?
my personal opinion is that you don't develop awarenss until you aren't forced to ask questions about yourself and chad don't need to do it because he is "functional" in every situation.
unlike us.
p.s. I completly agree with you on this
intelligence is an artbitrary, often reductionistic label
Dude there are people who are anxious just because of the way they look. If you're saying it's a chemical imbalance, well, that's also initiated by people and their sense of self vs. the world. Or their ego, and how the ego wants to meet what it wants, and holds a certain position sacred that can often get threatened and put people under anxiety.
Super models/ sports athletes are constantly anxious.
Anxiety is kind of the awareness that takes negativity, problems, issues into account especially when they need an easy makesafe method for focus.
It's kind of the tense emotion everyone gets used to.
Imagine focusing on a ton of tense, difficult to manage things (everyone realistically deals with these things) without anxiety? Tense emotions often help us, but for the poor soul who has conditions they're triyng ot hold onto that creates a chemical overdrive then yeah, that can be pretty bad.
It's contextual.
tldr. Not saying that to be an ass but you just sound like someone who dropped too much acid and now goes around boring people with your verbose analyses of fucking everything. Not saying that to be an ass either. I like you people, good for a chuckle! Still tldr
aren't you contradicting yourself with these two statement?
if awareness is a faculty of intelligence and good looking people have more mental capacities(according to ancients Greeks) shouden't Chad be more aware than us?
my personal opinion is that you don't develop awarenss until you aren't forced to ask questions about yourself and chad don't need to do it because he is "functional" in every situation.
unlike us.
p.s. I completly agree with you on this
No, that was just a belief greeks had.
And I genuinely believe it's more nuanced than the brain coming in packages.
I believe more often than not you will see intelligence manifest because someone has good refinement.
But often times too dirt clots can bear diamonds. Intelligence and appearance aren't necessary set up. I believe that in certain capacities quickness of wit/ processing speed/ etc. do belong in the hands of better looking ppl.
Information gathering based intellect, vs application based intellect. It could just be because the good looking are more welcomed in more avenues/ circles IRL and that's why they get so chosen all the time.
But I do think that high awareness is something the mind will in certain contexts use to compensate for being so vulnerable, and then you will get mentalceldom.
I know uggos with no self awareness or no testosterone to keep the harsh awareness of reality in check.
tldr. Not saying that to be an ass but you just sound like someone who dropped too much acid and now goes around boring people with your verbose analyses of fucking everything. Not saying that to be an ass either. I like you people, good for a chuckle! Still tldr
With the same proportions of our behaviors at play I can say you're just too lazy/ laidbacker/ probably high inhib irl.
Like if you have an ugly fat mediterannean short stump. Is he too lazy for being motivated or is his life too hard?
My concession is that you're simply the one who is falling behind.
And you're looking at me, the high value basketball allstar whose positive traits are looked at as practicing too much because of some arbitrary standard of the utility of basketball. I feel I am good for analyzing as could that professional who puts his heart into his craft.
And you? welp, idk what laidbacking helps with.
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Your theory is mere assumption unless you provide proof that all people who have anxiety are retarded.
What would you recommend is the high IQ way to go about the situation, and what evidence do you have that the pattern of people who follow this path are high IQ?
Why exactly is it low IQ lol.
Literally saying someone who has fear/ anxiety which is rooted upon information... of all forms is a sign of low intelligence. This sounds like delusion.


Look at all these people, how could they be wrong. Well, if you're a lazy ass then just tell me why you feel they are wrong.

Anxiety has nothing to do with IQ .
It doesnt work like that , its a different part of the Brain .
Anxiety is enduced by Hormones in your Amygdala BEFORE the neuronal Impulse even reaches the prefrontal Neocortex , so it doent matter how Intelligent you are , YOU WILL STILL GET ANXIETY .
You will still get Afraid .

You can measure Intelligence by observing how someone handles Anxiety , if he can control himself and regulate his Emotions instead of becoming a slave to his Instincts .

The question is , how will you ACT in the Face of that Fear .
In the face of your primal antagonist , will you become a slave in your own head or will you look through the curtain of Emotions and control yourself ?

There are enough rational and logical ways to control anxiety and trick your brain .
Change your body language , Breathing exercises , Mental state of Mind/Philosophy/Awareness/Meditation etc.


In other words , the true sign of Intelligence is , how will you act DESPITE of all this ?
Will you find a Reason and be disciplined despite your nihilistic View ?
Will you fight despite being afraid ?
Anxiety has nothing to do with IQ .
It doesnt work like that , its a different part of the Brain .
Anxiety is enduced by Hormones in your Amygdala BEFORE the neuronal Impulse even reaches the prefrontal Neocortex , so it doent matter how Intelligent you are , YOU WILL STILL GET ANXIETY .
You will still get Afraid .
Duh but what I'm telling you is that you will get anxious via the blackpill because of how high your IQ will be, and you will be able to stay with it in relation to other factors such as body chemistry.
There will be different attitudes to the blackpill based on your range of awareness.
But a male course of IQ comes to the blackpill naturally, the more survival instincts/ testosterone/ etc. one has.
Reason women are more bluepilled is because they're hormonal in more of a "nurturer/ lack of conviction" sense. Which implies a different range of intelligence/ mental activity.
And whether or not someone is a slave to his instincts or not is a matter of personal conviction, ability, choices, strategies.
I am talking about involuntary detection.
Duh but what I'm telling you is that you will get anxious via the blackpill because of how high your IQ will be, and you will be able to stay with it in relation to other factors such as body chemistry.
There will be different attitudes to the blackpill based on your range of awareness.
But a male course of IQ comes to the blackpill naturally, the more survival instincts/ testosterone/ etc. one has.
Reason women are more bluepilled is because they're hormonal in more of a "nurturer/ lack of conviction" sense. Which implies a different range of intelligence/ mental activity.
And whether or not someone is a slave to his instincts or not is a matter of personal conviction, ability, choices, strategies.
I am talking about involuntary detection.
What im saying is that a truly intelligent person should be able to control his Emotions , doesnt matter if its Testosterone or Estrogen .

But i guess im looking at this through the lens of Idealism .
What im saying is that a truly intelligent person should be able to control his Emotions , doesnt matter if its Testosterone or Estrogen .

But i guess im looking at this through the lens of Idealism .
Which is indeed a flaw of a lot of people's intelligence which isn't to look at this with the lens of objectivity in mind.
And that good traits will create patterns with the bad ones, or bad with bad, or good with good (that are notable, I.E. bad, hence why all people judge but you're only being "judgy" when you're doing it in a negative context) in the sea of grey.
It is over, friend.

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