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Venting Insecurity is good.



Jan 2, 2018





Sources confirming.^

-motivates you more, encourages perfectionism. laidbackerism is the true destroyer of societies.
-keeps your eye on the negative, and helps you understand the technicals behind why positivity is a maintenance game, not just a brisk glide of harmony so pragmatism.
-criticizes yourself to make it self improvement fuel, so long as you don't fall into a rut of worthlessness.
-convenient, accessible for everyone to use as a motivator
-works great for the entitled people who have high standards. Who feel that they should be entitled to a certain degree of quality, and other people constantly disqualifying from it will encourage hateful perfectionism.
-When a person constantly feels inferior they will blame the world around them and discard morality for liberation. And do anything it takes to make the self-flogging stop.
-with hatred, anger, fear, in accepting it it makes you a stronger person, and through willpower and courage you will conquer them. Along with some degree of intellectualization. Zen doesn't help develop you. It just helps make you vulnerable to your feelings.
-no matterh ow beta you are it turns you into a war machine. It may not make you chad but it might help you dominate society in some respects.
-constantly feelign belittledi n the way you want to be valuable in boosts your morale to compensate. And it will make people feel at fault for not giving you waht you want. In our current age of insulation and overindulgement/ pandering... we expect instant gratification entitlement. When people of our generation feel an environment/ system of rules different than the ones we grewu p in then we get angry and try to JOLT to make things as enjoyable for us as they were in our own delicately sensible homes. (Which is such the reason that women, nonwhites who are insulated and overindulged try to capitalize on the same privilege white men/ obvious winners have).

A lot of forms of value in life are not self apparent. Insecurity is not self apparent not because it's not inherently valuable. I have to say this because people fear its true power. Or try to bluepill brainwash people about it.
Like for example, if you have to say you are a king then you are not a true king. Or that if you have to say you are chad you are not a true chad. Non-self evidence isn't always indicative of its worthlessness or irrelevance in its lack of prominence. It's just that it's not apparent to the minds of mankind. An ideology is not always meant to be apparent to a lot of people. People may have dismissed galileo for his factual findings of the cosmos, but up until they killed him. But that's the same with insecurity. People get fearful and angry, and try to shame people who look at it in a positive light.
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Well, maybe people here would disagree with you because LDARing and NEETing are seen as the best way to do things. People that make tons of money in high risk high stress fields aren't necessarily happier than NEETs. While a brain surgeon is objectively more "successful" than a Buddhist monk, many people still want to live the laidback monk lifestyle. Because even though you may not be rich or remembered of successful by society's standards, you may end up happier in the end. That said, the carefree life is Reddit fag shit and I think you should hustle to be the best regardless of whether your hard work is acknowledged. For example I think gymmaxxing is great for mind and body even if it doesn't get you a girl and even if it is a cope.
Just lack confidence bro
Women don't care if Chad is confident or insecure. They just say they like confidence because all Chad's are confident because they are always successful with women.

Foids don't comprehend cause and effect. Confidence isn't the cause of their attraction, it's an effect of it.
Well, maybe people here would disagree with you because LDARing and NEETing are seen as the best way to do things. People that make tons of money in high risk high stress fields aren't necessarily happier than NEETs. While a brain surgeon is objectively more "successful" than a Buddhist monk, many people still want to live the laidback monk lifestyle. Because even though you may not be rich or remembered of successful by society's standards, you may end up happier in the end. That said, the carefree life is Reddit fag shit and I think you should hustle to be the best regardless of whether your hard work is acknowledged. For example I think gymmaxxing is great for mind and body even if it doesn't get you a girl and even if it is a cope.
Self improvement opens many doors. The weak are the ones who can't use the power of insecurity (which is essentialyl the core motivator of all human endeavor).
Insecurity controls our every move. It is the dominant resonation, and all else is founded off of a desperate willpower. But in the end, it all comes back to insecurity, and the want to impose one's will on the external.
Laidbackers are losers imo. But people who also fear to be warmachines are also losers. Or not even warmachines but highdrived people.
We were meant to scramble and grasp for value no matter what the situation.
This self help life strategy plebness is distraction.

But you get the idea. It's always better to navigate the issue with negative reality. People either come here and LDAR or navigate the negative reality and attempt to tackle it. Missing out on negativity will kill you. Imagine that you have a rat problem in a beautiful room. Do you focus on the happy clappy side of the room or do you focus on the corner with the rats in the kitchen eating your shit? You have to acknowledge harsh reality.
Well, maybe people here would disagree with you because LDARing and NEETing are seen as the best way to do things. People that make tons of money in high risk high stress fields aren't necessarily happier than NEETs. While a brain surgeon is objectively more "successful" than a Buddhist monk, many people still want to live the laidback monk lifestyle. Because even though you may not be rich or remembered of successful by society's standards, you may end up happier in the end. That said, the carefree life is Reddit fag shit and I think you should hustle to be the best regardless of whether your hard work is acknowledged. For example I think gymmaxxing is great for mind and body even if it doesn't get you a girl and even if it is a cope.

Women don't care if Chad is confident or insecure. They just say they like confidence because all Chad's are confident because they are always successful with women.

Foids don't comprehend cause and effect. Confidence isn't the cause of their attraction, it's an effect of it.
Women don't care if Chad is confident or insecure. They just say they like confidence because all Chad's are confident because they are always successful with women.

Foids don't comprehend cause and effect. Confidence isn't the cause of their attraction, it's an effect of it.
You can be confident and insecure. Insecure just means you're not prone to being content, and allset and complete/ safe. Everyone can be insecure even chad. But you can also feel confident in certain situations. Insecurity is just having harsh reality concentrated self awareness about the innate blackpillness of the world.

Women deliberately misinterpret confidence as this universally good thing but they wouldn't want a guy who is confident in every situation. Stepping back and reflecting is more important in many situation in life than just plowing out like a sociopath.
Confidence as women cuntishly colloquialize it is a constructed misascription used to be a red herring to their real desire.
Confidence is often defined by a guy being tall, handsome, cute, have-it-together chad in their mind. Who has life on positive lock for him, and by halo effect that creates confidence. (When in reality it's just that someone would be confident in THAT situation they project it in its ascription, rather than ascribing it properly as confidence as an isolated feature in of itself... that any incel/ uggo can have).
But the terminology/ misascription comes into play when you may really have confidence but they're misinterpreting it and still defining you by it. Even if you're completely confident as an uggo, you are not defining their very superficial and non-correct ascription to the terminology of what confident means.
They just use the terminology of confident because it's a good red herring. Because every guy knows confidence is a masculine feature within their control to change. At least for non-extreme mentalcels. But it's still a red herring of what is really in their criteria of intimacy and desire.
Women don't care if Chad is confident or insecure. They just say they like confidence because all Chad's are confident because they are always successful with women.

Foids don't comprehend cause and effect. Confidence isn't the cause of their attraction, it's an effect of it.
Not wholly true. They appropriate confidence to an affect, but they know that identifying confidence as an isolated trait doesn't have a distinct/ primarchical value affect that makes them outsource competition in terms of being valuable to select. An effect is created by a misascribed connotation of what "confidence" is by their own connotation of it.
Denotation and connotation.
Their connotation is basically chad = confident. The effect is created from the situation. Their attraction alone doesn't create confident. It's appropriated to what they're attracted to. In the target of attraction but not in the action of them being attracted.
Low IQ. Look up insecure; confident is the first antonym listed. They are opposites.
I'm not going to even bother dissecting it for you.
You really think a professional model who is constantly insecure about not performing well isn't at least confident about the fact she can model?
Insecurity is just part and parcel of being aware of the rundown decay of nature. Her aging, gaining weight, etc. That's insecurity. Those who want to be perfect have to be confident perfection is attainable, but also insecure about what threatens it. Often if the goal is too pricey or at risk of not coming into fruition then people end up dropping it. So both are present. It's just some who are way too confident are dumb, and some who are way too insecure are too paralyzed or inferior to put themselves to use. Maybe just plain Mentalcels.

It's about being predatory about preventing change. Where you lessen the negativity by being aware of it. But it's because you're stunned/ paralyzed by it that it's so prominent.
Preserving QUALITY positivity is a maintenance game, not brisk peace.
Cheap positivity is about brisk peace.
Nature is not prone to quality on its own. We seek to change it.
Even my fucking articles admitted that they can coexist simultaneously.Being too high a degree of each would make you labelled as "an insecure or confident person". But realistically you should be a mix.
They're not mutually exclusive. You can't be a man and be pregnant.
But you can be a mammal and lay eggs like a platypus.
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Low IQ. Look up insecure; confident is the first antonym listed. They are opposites.
I think OP doesn't mean exactly insecure necessarily. I would use the word "hungry" to describe it
I think OP doesn't mean exactly insecure necessarily. I would use the word "hungry" to describe it
Yeah, that's what I figured, but it's hard to tell.

OP you need to choose your words more carefully and be more concise. I can ramble with the best of them too and that's not so bad if you are telling a story or sharing personal experiences but it's very distracting when trying to make a post like this.
Yeah, that's what I figured, but it's hard to tell.

OP you need to choose your words more carefully and be more concise. I can ramble with the best of them too and that's not so bad if you are telling a story or sharing personal experiences but it's very distracting when trying to make a post like this.
ugh god you guys are dense.
Insecurity means that you are prone to fears and insecurity.
read closely and you'll realize I never used insecurity with the intent to mean that it conveyed how I explicitly think it should be used. You do not imply that insecurity as an umbrella is a subcolumn of its conditions without clarifying.

Insecurity brings anger
Sometimes it brings weakening disorder/ paralysis.
In anger will come perfectionism to cover for all of your flaws. When you guys are talking about confidence and insecurity as if they are mutually exclusive opposites, that's not true.
Some might say they're mutually inclusive because of the way our brains are but I think insecurity is far easier than confidence.

A person can be a genearlly courageous and brave person with fear inside of them. Even total psychopaths have some degree of fear, or variation thereof.
It's reductionistic and dichotomizing to say that confidence is the opposite of fear. Things aren't just two pronged.

Ultimately I'm talking about people being deep in insecurity as a maintenance mechanism, and something that they feel deep within them that causes them to react ot their foible in an overly paranoid/ careful process. Compensatory/ or self improvisational.
Foibles and insecurity lead to anger, perfectionism, personal strength, excellence.
Being a confident laidbacker at the expense of acknowledging flaws... makes you weak.
Even confident chads and stacies have a degree of insecurity to be aware of forces that stop them from losing their postiion.
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Insecurity can be a general descirptive adjective but it can also describe an incident of the person as well.
In spite of them claiming that this is from studies, I think they got this out of their asses. Literally every successful man I know was and remained extremely confident and even unrealistic in his expectations and he achieved most of the things. This shit applies to women, cause less confident women probably give better blowjobs
In spite of them claiming that this is from studies, I think they got this out of their asses. Literally every successful man I know was and remained extremely confident and even unrealistic in his expectations and he achieved most of the things. This shit applies to women, cause less confident women probably give better blowjobs
lawl. cope. idk if you need to say this shit to feel confident.

But I can see some truth in it. Ultimately humanity has around the same level of insecurity. But confidence levels are the more variated with greater intervals amongst eachother.
But just look at Asians. They STEM, and family congregate, and work together, and turtle their way to power. They're almost all insecure. If you're thinking of donald trump mfers then eh.
But psychopaths feel some degree of insecurity because all sociopathy/ psychopathy has narcissism, and a controlling personality.
It wouldn't make sense that confident people would succeed overall.
People are insecure before they are confident, and depending on how well their odds are they become increasingly more confident.
You don't go into a nuclear power station without protection. You can be confident, but you need to check if it's secure first.
Confidence without checking if it's secure can lead to emboldened stupidity.
Sometimes emboldened stupidity has its virtue. But don't rely on it.

I agree that some of the baseless confidence can work but you need to have harsh realism to also navigate situations. That's why we're here trying to absorb blackpill information.

Women overall are less confident and live a life on the defense, pussyfooting, and in this kind of lifestyle will put opportunism before morals in almost every case. A woman's life will make it abundantly clear through her experiences that power > morals because of the brutal primality of the male sex.
Women don't care if Chad is confident or insecure. They just say they like confidence because all Chad's are confident because they are always successful with women.

Foids don't comprehend cause and effect. Confidence isn't the cause of their attraction, it's an effect of it.
Have not much to add to this. Totally agree.

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