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Discussion Indulge or abstain from porn?

  • Thread starter Gorogorogoro-chan
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Indulge or abstain from porn?

  • Indulge

  • Abstain

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Apr 20, 2024
I haven't watched porn for a month and a half now, and I gotta say... There is no fucking difference. Obviously when I watched porn religiously every day I was getting brain fogs (hopefully not placebo), but those "brain fogs" go away even after 2 days for me. Quitting porn forever and for a few days has the same effect.

Sexless life as an incel is so fucking boring man, even more boring when you take out of the best pleasures that a man can have. I'm fully aware that porn is produced and made by kikes to destroy T levels and grey matter in the brain, but I really don't care anymore. As I live on the coast and we get lots of tourists here in the summer, seeing hot Swedish stacies in bikinis with bubbly asses is just torture. I don't know if I can take it anymore. I have fully accepted that I will remain a virgin forever, porn is the closest thing to a sexual activity for me. Life is so short I really can't justify abstaining from porn.

What do you think brocels.
Watching it is cuckoldry, no matter how much coomers seethe and cope regarding it
Watching it is cuckoldry, no matter how much coomers seethe and cope regarding it
I never watched and I fucking hate straight porn, I agree 100% you are a cuck if you watch that. I watched lesbian fetish videos.
im also almost a month without porn and masturbation
lets see what happens
It's obviously wrong, but that's because I'm religiously-motivated to believe this.
I haven't watched porn for a month and a half now, and I gotta say... There is no fucking difference.
Are you edging or just watching explicit content with the intent of getting bricked up?
Sexless life as an incel is so fucking boring man, even more boring when you take out of the best pleasures that a man can have.
I'm fully aware that porn is produced and made by kikes to destroy T levels and grey matter in the brain, but I really don't care anymore.
Yeah, don't care. I don't care what these companies are doing. I'm sick for own self.
As I live on the coast and we get lots of tourists here in the summer, seeing hot Swedish stacies in bikinis with bubbly asses is just torture.
Lifefuel, to be honest.
porn is the closest thing to a sexual activity
Life is so short I really can't justify abstaining from porn.
I understand your sentiment.
Which coast, croatia or spain? Yeah man its torture, imagine being in Europe and being incel, even hell would feel better, my condolences
What does it matter either way
Yep... All of them are chad-only whores.
Ofc, I knew you were Croatian cos I knew another croatcel who was fucking frustrated at the lost opportunities and it's not even chad only, many normies get into relationships, even go to live with cunts, fuck them raw like dogs for days, it's not just roasties but also 19 year olds and shit, he worked as a cafe waiter to pay for his Uni idk where he is now
Ofc, I knew you were Croatian cos I knew another croatcel who was fucking frustrated at the lost opportunities and it's not even chad only, many normies get into relationships, even go to live with cunts, fuck them raw like dogs for days, it's not just roasties but also 19 year olds and shit, he worked as a cafe waiter to pay for his Uni idk where he is now
Is he on .is? Lots of balkancels on here.
I don't go for any of that nofap clarity BS. I just hate their faces man. Like my dick says yes but my mind is like get that disgusting fucking creature out of my fucking face. Be gone Satan!!!!
I don't enjoy traditional porn, I just fap to pictures of foids, watching a girl get fucked by the guy you wish you were feels cucked
best to abstain im tired of jerking off to whores
I don't go for any of that nofap clarity BS. I just hate their faces man. Like my dick says yes but my mind is like get that disgusting fucking creature out of my fucking face. Be gone Satan!!!!
I never watch porn where a man is fucking a woman. Shit is too cucked. I fap to pictures of hot women or videos of them showing off their body without a man present
Don't abstain from these, don't watch them either, treat porn like you'd treat a whore, do your thing, turn it off
I never watch porn where a man is fucking a woman. Shit is too cucked. I fap to pictures of hot women or videos of them showing off their body without a man present
Me too. Either that or lesbian porn.
Pick one
Jerk off, don't let sexual frustration kill you, nofap cucks and foids always want you to submit, nobody addresses the elephant in the room that is sexual frustration, it would cripple you and make you a coomer much faster than jerking off and going back to your work, maybe works for others, may not for you so choose what works for you don't join stupid movements
I did not watch porn for like 6 months (at some point, I do again watch it for several years now), didn't change anything except for getting more depressed. And as depression itself can lead to intelligence loss, I am not even sure porn is detrimental.

The only time when you should think of quitting porn is if you are addicted IMHO, otherwise it's just nice entertainment which can partially fulfill one's sexual needs.
I'm try to abstain an not think about prn and too go back nofap today try recover from bad prn addiction since elementary. Because brainfog are get worse
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Jerk off, don't let sexual frustration kill you, nofap cucks and foids always want you to submit, nobody addresses the elephant in the room that is sexual frustration, it would cripple you and make you a coomer much faster than jerking off and going back to your work, maybe works for others, may not for you so choose what works for you don't join stupid movements
Oh yea I fap. I just don't watch porn. Nofap redpill cucks are insufferable cunts.
I only look at 2D & Animated porn mostly.

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