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Discussion Indie Dogs are the breed for Incels



Mar 2, 2021
So the topics were recently being discussed on @Mentally lost cel's profile page and I feel the discussion can be portes to a more user friendly format.

My claim is as follows:

The Indie street dog (like many developing nation or 3rd world Street mutts) are the truest and most trustworthy companion for the Incel, and honestly for anyone who is savoy enough to apply the work ethic needed to raise them as a part of your life.


The Indie Canines are not like Western pedigree breeds. They require a delicate balancing act involving breaking rules and defying certain cultural practices in order to give them a healthy upbringing. Incels are already on the margins of cultural norms, and that too against our will. Why not defy those norms willingly and also get enormous comfort, cope and pleasure fulfilled out of it. Yes, it is true that in the Christian and Western Europe and American sense, I believe that its like doing God's work. It's extremely rewarding also. And even the occasional Stacy will give you some form of appreciation for it (you can choose to ignore that or embrace it).

@Pajeetsingh claims that this is stupid and says it's a terrible thing to allow these dogs outdoors to exercise as your pets whom you have taken indoors to live with you. He claims that Indian Street dogs are agressive and unvaccinated and territorial. My reply to that is simple, he is afraid of commitment because it will yield returns he has never experienced before infact this is likely the case with many Indians and Westerners who hold these sort of positions. :feelsjuice: Unvaccinated? Hey hey your pups vaccinated. Territorial? Learn how to bend and even (in some cases) break the rules a little bit to find them ways to fullfill their exercise needs. Shit, if you do it right, you get a healthy activity, onlookers actually admire your efforts, and you will return home with your pups feeling fulfilled.

The fact that many in the majority of the developing country's populations are afraid to commit to anything this transcendent in work ethic is WHY you have a stray population out of control, thus @Pajeetsingh and his views represent one reason why the stray dog population is a problem itself. However, in India, many castes live in relative peace and harmony with the street canine. In fact they take care of them as much as possible given the cultural parameters.

Solutions to stray dog issues?

I do believe in humane solutions to try and cull the stray dog population, but I am saying this requires a combination of that kind of work ethic and also a commitment to take the native local dog breed as indoor pets, as opposed to Western pedigree breed dogs (i.e German Shepherds, Huskys, Retrievers, etc) which Indians are obsessed with over top of the local breeds. Then you have foids and faggots who like Shih Tzu 's and Chiuwahwahs. What a terrible Blasphemy!

@Mentally lost cel - wants to kill all dogs and feels this would make him as an Incel feel better. I believe that he is a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket but, I am happy to tackle his reasoning. (@Mods, please allow him to say what he needs, as long as he keeps all his interesting views on this thread alone)

Tagging interested parties (if I missed anyone please join in, thanks).

@Mentally lost cel
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Thanks for this. I'll answer soon
taking care of dog, nope can't do.
stray dogs are much more evil than normal pet dogs ,they kill wildlife and children for fun
believe that he is a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket but, I am happy to tackle his reasoning
Fucking hell man you know I post literally university studies and researches and still you have the need to tell I AM ? A few sandwiches short ?
In Europe many cats are outdoor/indoor.

That's just how we do it in (Western) Europe, I lived in 2 countries already, in both it was normal to let your cat roam. Most people let their cats roam provided they don't live next to busy road or in an apartment, we live in a very quite neighbourhood...

Electronic cat flaps exist exactly for this purpose, as do GPS trackers (our cat has one), and gels made for cats so they don't contract tics or worms, are made for this purpose too.
Even our (male) vet says he lets his cats outside, as indoor cats often become depressed. And he has 3 cats, we only have 1

You have to consider country, region, neighbourhood.... problem is cats are happier if they can explore, feel the grass, meet other (neighbourhood) cats....

A few years ago we had to keep her inside for 3 days because of a new med she was taking, she went absolutely insane. We tried walking her on a leash, but she hated that too...

When dark and in winter she's mostly indoors, naturally dislikes the cold
stray dogs are much more evil than normal pet dogs.
But once you take a stray (or a rescue) into your home as a puppy, it becomes your pet dog no? That's what we are talking about bruh.
they kill wildlife and children for fun
I have been living in India, running around interacting with local/native breed dogs for 6 years now, I have never once seen them kill and children and in regards to the wildlife, I mean honestly...flying rats (pigeons) and a few squirrels now and then ain't no big deal. Besides, stray dogs rarely go for ferral animals. They can't and don't prefer to eat them.
But once you take a stray (or a rescue) into your home as a puppy, it becomes your pet dog no? That's what we are talking about bruh.

I have been living in India, running around interacting with local/native breed dogs for 6 years now, I have never once seen them kill and children and in regards to the wildlife, I mean honestly...flying rats (pigeons) and a few squirrels now and then ain't no big deal. Besides, stray dogs rarely go for ferral animals. They can't and don't prefer to eat them.
So you worship dogs and don’t care for squirrels and pigeons? You are a huge pos hypocrite and a dog nutter r idiot
once you take a stray (or a rescue) into your home as a puppy, it becomes your pet dog no? That's what we are talking about bruh.
Plz just fukcing educate yourself you fucking illiterate
So you worship dogs.
I don't worship them. I see them as the most adaptable animal to live with a human. They see me as the most adaptable mammal to live with them. It's a mutual understanding that brings great happiness in their lives and mine alike.
and don’t care for squirrels and pigeons?
No. Pigeons are flying rats that carry diseases and they are annoying as all hell, carpet bombing buildings, cars and trees/walkways with their feces, etc. They are (mostly) useless to Homo sapiens. Squirrels are also rodents and (mostly) useless to Man as well. I don't go out of my way to hurt these animals in any way, but I also don't really care much if my canines snap their necks once in a way. Can't stop them anyway. It's the natural order of things. They don't eat them, it's only the predatory kill they are concerned with.
You are a huge pos hypocrite and a dog nutter r idiot.
No clue what this means. Is it English?
Plz just fukcing educate yourself you fucking illiterate
I'm relatively educated. I have a Bachelors & Masters degree. Not sure what there is to educate myself on regarding pigeon feces and rodents. The world is not an equal place. Big animal dominate tiny animal. This is the order of things.
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In Europe many cats are outdoor/indoor.

That's just how we do it in (Western) Europe, I lived in 2 countries already, in both it was normal to let your cat roam. Most people let their cats roam provided they don't live next to busy road or in an apartment, we live in a very quite neighbourhood...

Electronic cat flaps exist exactly for this purpose, as do GPS trackers (our cat has one), and gels made for cats so they don't contract tics or worms, are made for this purpose too.
Even our (male) vet says he lets his cats outside, as indoor cats often become depressed. And he has 3 cats, we only have 1

You have to consider country, region, neighbourhood.... problem is cats are happier if they can explore, feel the grass, meet other (neighbourhood) cats....

A few years ago we had to keep her inside for 3 days because of a new med she was taking, she went absolutely insane. We tried walking her on a leash, but she hated that too...

When dark and in winter she's mostly indoors, naturally dislikes the cold
I have not truly understood the cats as pets thing to be frank. However if it brings you cope-happiness then I suppose it's a worthwhile endeavor.
I have not truly understood the cats as pets thing to be frank. However if it brings you cope-happiness then I suppose it's a worthwhile endeavor.
funnily enough, neither has me nor my family. We often joked about how she just costs money, although it's just a half-joke. She still brings us joy

She's turning 16 in August
So my take on this:

I think many countries have problems with stray dogs, even in European countries... Italy, Spain, Portugal of course. I can understand why they present a problem, and I wouldn't want to be the one who is tasked with "solving" this problem.

Yes, we need to cull these dogs but in a humane way. Very sick or "un-saveable" ones need to be put down of course, others can be placed in homes/adopted.

There's this thing called Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). Basically, we humanely trap the strays, get them fixed by a vet so they can't have puppies, and then let them go. It's a big help.

Next, we should all really consider adopting these dogs instead of buying new puppies. They need homes, and it would seriously cut down the stray numbers.

We've also got to educate people about being responsible pet owners - that means knowing what you're getting into before you get a dog, getting your pets neutered, and not just ditching them when things get tough.

And don't forget about the laws! If we had some rules in place that hold people accountable for their pets, we might see fewer strays. This could mean mandatory neutering, fines for just abandoning pets, and maybe even needing a license to breed dogs.

Finally, if we had more animal shelters and foster systems, and teamed up with NGOs doing great work already, we'd have a way better shot at controlling the stray dog problem.
I don't worship them. I see them as the most adaptable animal to live with a human. They see me as the most adaptable mammal to live with them. It's a mutual understanding that brings great happiness in their lives and mine alike.

No. Pigeons are flying rats that carry diseases and they are annoying as all hell, carpet bombing buildings, cars and trees/walkways with their feces, etc. They are (mostly) useless to Homo sapiens. Squirrels are also rodents and (mostly) useless to Man as well. I don't go out of my way to hurt these animals in any way, but I also don't really care much if my canines snap their necks once in a way. Can't stop them anyway. It's the natural order of things. They don't eat them, it's only the predatory kill they are concerned with.

No clue what this means. Is it English?

I'm relatively educated. I have a Bachelors & Masters degree. Not sure what there is to educate myself on regarding pigeon feces and rodents. The world is not an equal place. Big animal dominate tiny animal. This is the order of things.
Cats are much better animals and live mutualistic to humans
So my take on this:

I think many countries have problems with stray dogs, even in European countries... Italy, Spain, Portugal of course. I can understand why they present a problem, and I wouldn't want to be the one who is tasked with "solving" this problem.
Understandable. It is a difficult problem to solve for sure.
Yes, we need to cull these dogs but in a humane way. Very sick or "un-saveable" ones need to be put down of course, others can be placed in homes/adopted.
Mostly, the approach I mentioned plus spaying neutering would take care of the problem.
There's this thing called Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). Basically, we humanely trap the strays, get them fixed by a vet so they can't have puppies, and then let them go. It's a big help.
For the strays this is what India is trying to do. But they haven't been successful and they often times do it too harshly or improperly.
Next, we should all really consider adopting these dogs instead of buying new puppies. They need homes, and it would seriously cut down the stray numbers.
Exactly ! This is what upper class Indian need to realize. They have obsession with buying Western breed dogs. It's disgusting when there are so many of the local breed who need homes AND it would help cut down on the population of strays simultaneously.
We've also got to educate people about being responsible pet owners - that means knowing what you're getting into before you get a dog, getting your pets neutered, and not just ditching them when things get tough.
Absolutely! You have hit the nail on the head. This is also another reason they should focus on doing the work of adopting the local breed "Indie dog" and putting in the time and effort instead of wanting a "furniture piece" type of dog who the neglect to take out for exercise on a daily basis. This is unbelievable and it's the lazy disorganised population's fault not the poor canines who are just trying to survive.
And don't forget about the laws! If we had some rules in place that hold people accountable for their pets, we might see fewer strays. This could mean mandatory neutering, fines for just abandoning pets, and maybe even needing a license to breed dogs.
Finally, if we had more animal shelters and foster systems, and teamed up with NGOs doing great work already, we'd have a way better shot at controlling the stray dog problem.
This has picked up some in the last several years in India, but it needs to improve. Well said !
Cats are much better animals and live mutualistic to humans
No that's not true. Cats are good for managing mice and rodent populations, but for many reasons they fall short of the canine when making indoor and outdoor companions. I also can not interact well with a cat, they have some behaviors which I feel are just strange and even undeserving of my energy. That's not to say all cats are unaffectionate, but most are difficult in terms of exchanging communication and teaching trust levels. Canine respond much better to teaching/training than cats.
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Indians buy foreign dogs more than their own native dogs cause they are retarded
No that's not true. Cats are good for managing mice and rodent populations, but for many reasons they fall short of the canine when making indoor and outdoor companions. I also can not interact well with a cat, they have some behaviors which I feel are just strange and even undeserving of my energy. That's not to say all cats are unaffectionate, but most are difficult in terms of exchanging communication and teaching trust levels. Canine respond much better to teaching/training than cats.
Maybe that’s cuz you’rea dog nutter? Just learn how to treat cats like a life and love them

They will love you back unlike dogs
Indians buy foreign dogs more than their own native dogs cause they are retarded
Yes. There was on idiot who spent Rupees 22 crores, on some weird Japanese hybrid dog and shipped it from there. Terrible.
Translation...anyone...anyone Bueller? Bueller? :feelsjuice:

Unlike dogs? Bruh bruh. My pouches love being en casa de Goptri and they display that love constantly :feelsUgh:
cats literally do the exact same thing man and they are much more intelligent and decent creatures

ı think you are so biased against cats that nothing will change your mind ,ı was kinda like that too but learning about the evil and deceiving nature of dogs ı become a better smarter person

either dont let your dogs hurt anything or kill your dog and get a cat instead ,they are better and more intelligent creatures and wouldnt eat you instead of available food like dogs,cats display they love better ,its so obvious you never met a cat and learned their love,just treat cats good and they will do the same to you and will not hurt you like dogs,and they care more than food ,hold your hand in front of the cats then they come and touch the hand ,that says he trusts you ,also dogs are very stupid and dont know right from wrong and will kill you for fun

no wonder every dog nutter ı talked to hates cats for no reason
dog media and lobbyists are brainwashing you bro
cats literally do the exact same thing man and they are much more intelligent and decent creatures.
LoL. Intelligent? You have proof of that? Cats are not more intelligent than dogs, and I don't know if one could say they are less intelligent or not. I don't believe I claimed they were, however..

...what is clear is that cats don't understand a transparent relationship of Trust as much as canines are capable of understanding and implementing !
ı think you are so biased against cats that nothing will change your mind.
You're probably correct.
ı was kinda like that too but learning about the evil and deceiving nature of dogs ı become a better smarter person.
What the hell are you talking about here bud? "The evil and deceiving nature of dogs", explain yourself using proper linguistic terms or layman's terms that make coherent sense please. This is a very odd claim, and it goes against the majority of human experience and history with canines for over the last 500-1000 years (at minimum) and 500-3,500 years or more maximum. This means an enormous amount of information regarding the usefulness of canine living with human exists. I can personally validate the same conclusions myself, after having lived with them for many years now.
either dont let your dogs hurt anything or kill your dog and get a cat instead.
LOL. You are the comedic relief of this forum.
they are better and more intelligent creatures and wouldnt eat you instead of available food like dogs.
Dogs don't eac people.
cats display they love better ,its so obvious you never met a cat and learned their love,just treat cats good and they will do the same to you and will not hurt you like dogs.
Dogs don't hurt people, 95% of the time. Where as cats scratch some of their owners eyes out. My dogs never have, nor never would hurt me. Ever.
and they care more than food.
No cats really do not do this as well as dogs.
,hold your hand in front of the cats then they come and touch the hand ,that says he trusts you
I've always seen the opposite with cats as pets. In every instance seem I've observed them, the trust factor and relationship between cat and owner did not seem genuine..idk maybe there are a few exceptions, but I feel like it is very few.
,also dogs are very stupid and dont know right from wrong and will kill you for fun.
The fuck? I've even been around wild wolves who wouldn't do this.
no wonder every dog nutter ı talked to hates cats for no reason
anyway, in Europe most people let their cats roam. Germany, Switzerland and UK I know of and know these countries all very well (have lived in all)
anyway, in Europe most people let their cats roam. Germany, Switzerland and UK I know of and know these countries all very well (have lived in all)
Incorrect. My furry son.
Incorrect. My furry son.
All my neighbours let their cats out plus I see it on instagram. And look here:

Evidence you are wrong:

"In the UK, allowing cats outside is actually rather common. According to International Cat Care, a whopping 90% of cats are given the freedom to come and go as they please, with only 10% of owners choosing to keep their cats permanently inside."
- https://www.purina.co.uk/articles/cats/kitten/welcoming/outdoor-cats

"However, most owners in Europe still allow their cats the freedom of the great outdoors and then care for, feed and enjoy social interaction with them when they return home."

"cat owners habits are different. In Europe, cats can go out when they want by a pet door or a window whitout mosquito net. In north America, cat has to wait until the owner is home to go out. By being free, cats will establish a territorial routine allowing them to avoid each other. There is very little agonistic encounters between cats and dangers are limited to cars and natural predators."

"In Europe, the danger of cats wiping out entire species is rather low because animal species have always learned to deal with the natural presence of predators such as wild cats, martens and other mammals. Nevertheless, the problem is immense. 17 million domestic cats live in German households, most of them have free access."
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Incorrect. My furry son.
"Within Europe, cats are typically afforded an indoor/outdoor lifestyle whilst cats in the USA are more routinely kept indoors."
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Incorrect. My furry son.
Austria: "Unlike other pets, cats are often kept outdoors. In terms of numbers, the domestic cat is the most important medium-sized predator in urban areas."


"In Switzerland, most cats live as so-called free roamers; they therefore have the opportunity to get outside and back into the house or apartment more or less independently."

"Being outdoors has many advantages for your cat: outdoor cats are often better utilized, are less bored, move more and thus prevent unhealthy obesity. A cat that spends most of the day outside means less work for its owner: when it comes home, it will probably sleep a lot and process the day's experiences."
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Incorrect. My furry son.
I've lived in Europe my whole life, unlike you - I found out you're in America. I see outdoor cats of my neighbour everyday.
We have an electronic cat flap where only our cat can enter (she's chipped). We have to treat her against lice, tics and worms once per month (with prescribed gels). She wears a instant-release collar and a small GPS so we can track her.
I've lived in Europe my whole life, unlike you - I found out you're in America. I see outdoor cats of my neighbour everyday.
We have an electronic cat flap where only our cat can enter (she's chipped). We have to treat her against lice, tics and worms once per month (with prescribed gels). She wears a instant-release collar and a small GPS so we can track her.
Austria: "Unlike other pets, cats are often kept outdoors. In terms of numbers, the domestic cat is the most important medium-sized predator in urban areas."


"In Switzerland, most cats live as so-called free roamers; they therefore have the opportunity to get outside and back into the house or apartment more or less independently."

"Being outdoors has many advantages for your cat: outdoor cats are often better utilized, are less bored, move more and thus prevent unhealthy obesity. A cat that spends most of the day outside means less work for its owner: when it comes home, it will probably sleep a lot and process the day's experiences."
All my neighbours let their cats out plus I see it on instagram. And look here:

Evidence you are wrong:

"In the UK, allowing cats outside is actually rather common. According to International Cat Care, a whopping 90% of cats are given the freedom to come and go as they please, with only 10% of owners choosing to keep their cats permanently inside."
- https://www.purina.co.uk/articles/cats/kitten/welcoming/outdoor-cats

"However, most owners in Europe still allow their cats the freedom of the great outdoors and then care for, feed and enjoy social interaction with them when they return home."

"cat owners habits are different. In Europe, cats can go out when they want by a pet door or a window whitout mosquito net. In north America, cat has to wait until the owner is home to go out. By being free, cats will establish a territorial routine allowing them to avoid each other. There is very little agonistic encounters between cats and dangers are limited to cars and natural predators."

"In Europe, the danger of cats wiping out entire species is rather low because animal species have always learned to deal with the natural presence of predators such as wild cats, martens and other mammals. Nevertheless, the problem is immense. 17 million domestic cats live in German households, most of them have free access."
Incorrect. My furry son.
Before you say anything look at ALL my evidence..
:feelskek: :lul: Just as I thought. You're a dumb asshole and you're American, according to your profile, who won't even look at the evidence. You live in AMERICA dude, stop thinking you know what happens in Central Europe. Well I know I'm right – so I'll just put you on ignore. Goodbye, asshole
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Before you say anything look at ALL my evidence..

:feelskek: :lul: Just as I thought. You're a dumb asshole and you're American, according to your profile, who won't even look at the evidence. You live in AMERICA dude, stop thinking you know what happens in Central Europe. Well I know I'm right – so I'll just put you on ignore. Goodbye, asshole
Incorrect. People like you will die in the apocalypse.

The poor Brits and the gobble gobbles and sandbox jabas don't have enough erenyeagerism to survive.
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I rescue street dogs... They are tough! Grateful! Nice!

My cats are outside only because I need space!

Cats do understand trust. They only go to people they trust. Humans are huge giant's compared to them. Same with dogs tbh.

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