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Indian women are the filthiest of Allah's creatures

St. Incel

St. Incel

Nov 8, 2017
Such self centered sluts even though they are shitskinned and smell like garlic. They are the worst of all roasties
St. Incel said:
Such self centered sluts even though they are shitskinned and smell like garlic. They are the worst of all roasties

Not to mention they fucking reek worse than a garbage can. Do they not have showers in their homes?
I can't imagine the smell of fat Indian gunt.
Indian women have a lot of body hair, they are really bitchy and demanding. Far beyond white or oriental Asian women.

I also don't know why but they are the WORST drivers of any women and that really does say something. My driving instructor picked up an Indian girl for her lesson one day and made me sit in the back and I feared for my life. She confused the hand brake and the gear stick, didn't seem to understand the handbrake had to be down to be off. She kept grinding the gears so bad that gearbox must have had more metal filings than bloody oil in it by the time she finished.
They smell terrible (it's all that curry), and they all want white Chads. They won't settle for currycels. They all try to pretend to be blonde bimbos too...it's fucking pathetic. They take on fake accents and shit. Disgusting. Then they wonder why nobody wifes them up. After Chad has sampled the spicy curry, he is going to move on to some white girl and leave her.
I am pretty sure black women are the worst.
The worst thing about Indian femoids is they never spread for currycels, but they are massive whores towards White guys, they are also full of self loathing towards their own race and dark skinned people. They also pretend to be pure and chaste in order to trick Indian males into beta providing for them, chances are they will also cuck the male even after marriage, though they are unlikely to divorce. Furthermore most of them are ugly yet have massive egos believing they are 10/10 perfect looking goddesses which is reinforced by social media and thirsty men.
St. Incel said:
Such self centered sluts even though they are shitskinned and smell like garlic. They are the worst of all roasties

Low iq. Indian women don't worship allah
universallyabhorred said:
The worst thing about Indian femoids is they never spread for currycels, but they are massive whores towards White guys, they are also full of self loathing towards their own race and dark skinned people. They also pretend to be pure and chaste in order to trick Indian males into beta providing for them, chances are they will also cuck the male even after marriage, though they are unlikely to divorce. Furthermore most of them are ugly yet have massive egos believing they are 10/10 perfect looking goddesses which is reinforced by social media and thirsty men.

I don't know what your talking about. I see indian women with indian men.

incelkingkong said:
they worship white cock

No they don't, you guys don't live in reality. Indian women hang with indian men and date indian men.
Justice said:
I don't know what your talking about. I see indian women with indian men.

No they don't, you guys don't live in reality. Indian women hang with indian men and date indian men.

Not in the west retard
Anonymous said:
Not in the west retard

i am in the west and talking about indian women in the west you idiot
Justice said:
Low iq. Indian women don't worship allah

Well technically, my figures are probably a little out of date but there were 28 million Muslims in India. They included the guy who build India's atomic bomb - ironically to be used to kill Muslims in Pakistan. 800 million other Indians are Hindus though. You also have other religions and in some parts of the world a lot of the Indians you meet like round where i'm from are Sikhs from the Punjab.

Indian women do kind of smell funny. I've never seen them really going after white guys. They seemed to keep to themselves when i was around them a lot. Most of my friends were Punjabi's and a Gudji or two when i was growing up. I was never really accepted though.
commander_zoidberg said:
Indian women have a lot of body hair, they are really bitchy and demanding. Far beyond white or oriental Asian women.

I also don't know why but they are the WORST drivers of any women and that really does say something. My driving instructor picked up an Indian girl for her lesson one day and made me sit in the back and I feared for my life. She confused the hand brake and the gear stick, didn't seem to understand the handbrake had to be down to be off. She kept grinding the gears so bad that gearbox must have had more metal filings than bloody oil in it by the time she finished.

How is that possible?
commander_zoidberg said:
Well technically, my figures are probably a little out of date but there were 28 million Muslims in India. They included the guy who build India's atomic bomb - ironically to be used to kill Muslims in Pakistan. 800 million other Indians are Hindus though. You also have other religions and in some parts of the world a lot of the Indians you meet like round where i'm from are Sikhs from the Punjab.

Indian women do kind of smell funny. I've never seen them really going after white guys. They seemed to keep to themselves when i was around them a lot. Most of my friends were Punjabi's and a Gudji or two when i was growing up. I was never really accepted though.

there's more like 200 million Muslims in India
commander_zoidberg said:
Well technically, my figures are probably a little out of date but there were 28 million Muslims in India. They included the guy who build India's atomic bomb - ironically to be used to kill Muslims in Pakistan. 800 million other Indians are Hindus though. You also have other religions and in some parts of the world a lot of the Indians you meet like round where i'm from are Sikhs from the Punjab.

Indian women do kind of smell funny. I've never seen them really going after white guys. They seemed to keep to themselves when i was around them a lot. Most of my friends were Punjabi's and a Gudji or two when i was growing up. I was never really accepted though.
More like 280 million
Pakistanis = islamic currys, not point denying it.

And yes Indian femoids are disgusting animals that are pleased to be used as Chad cumpduster just to marry a poor cucked currycel in his 30, just like asian femoids.
They are the ugliest females, but are as entitled as any other femoid.
What if an Indian woman was your looksmatch? From how you guys describe them they would be your looksmatch. Why do you guys hate a potential looksmatch ?
Autistcel said:
What if an Indian woman was your looksmatch? From how you guys describe them they would be your looksmatch. Why do you guys hate a potential looksmatch ?

I hate them because they slut it up for white Chad
IlieknothingREAL said:
I hate them because they slut it up for white Chad

Would you hate them if they didn't? Looks are everything and while they can definitely date up, Chad's wouldn't waste time on a 1/10 girl when they have a literal army of 6+ women following them at all times ready to drop their panties the second Chad looks at them. The real issue istthe 5-7 normies who have no standardsand
  will take anything and everything that Chad rejects or dumps. Not Chad himself.
Autistcel said:
Would you hate them if they didn't? Looks are everything and while they can definitely date up, Chad's wouldn't waste time on a 1/10 girl when they have a literal army of 6+ women following them at all times ready to drop their panties the second Chad looks at them.

Chad fucks the whole spectrum and I would hate them a little less if they did not slut it up for Chad. Also not curry females are 1/10. I actually prefer them as they are the same race and we would probably have stuff in common.
IlieknothingREAL said:
Chad fucks the whole spectrum and I would hate them a little less if they did not slut it up for Chad. Also not curry females are 1/10. I actually prefer them as they are the same race and we would probably have stuff in common.

Why would Chad fuck a 0-1/10 when he has a literal army of 6+ girls following him at all times. Chad doesn't have time to worry about 1s because he has an infinite number of 6+s who are far better looking following him at all times. The issue is 5-7 normies who will take anything and everything after Chad uses it and will take the sub2s that Chad doesn't have time for leaving nothing for sub 4 makes
Weed said:
How is that possible?

Fucked if i know bloke. I did better the first time i drove. I was 14 on my great uncles farm and he sat me in some ancient series landrover long wheel base with this ancient non syncro mesh gearbox and i still did better than this Indian sloot. Hence the fearing for my life part!

I had no idea there were so many Muslims in India... So 1/5 of the population worships Allah and the other 4/5's worship cows.

But they will burn in the fires of Jahhana.

Praise be to Allah.
All women are trash tbh. But i hate black women the most.

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