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Blackpill Indian girl from Cuck Tears "dated" a currycel



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
I bet that she never fucked her ex. She only dated him for a while. Why? So she can say that she has dated her own race. Her past and current boy friend are all tall and White.


Wow. Idk what to say, except that it's fucking over for currycels.
Too many points hit.....I'm calling bullshit....this is an indirect trolljob on this forum probz.
Her ex was right. It's immoral. Degenerate whore.
Apparently her ex at time is asshole because he know that she was going to leave his ass for Chad and he was right. Kek
The worst part is that these shits think being an Incel is synonymous with advocating violence.

Inceldom has nothing to do with violence. I get that they are seen together sometimes, but they are not equivalent.

For example, peanut butter is often seen with jelly, but it comes in other forms like for example in a Reese's Cup.
> "A good majority were above 6' tall"
> height doesn't matter

Why did they break up? Is it because he couldn't compete with her previous BFs?

And then cucktears shits on us for being "insecure" lmao, it's for good reason.
currywhores are such trash, gas them all
Too many points hit.....I'm calling bullshit....this is an indirect trolljob on this forum probz.
Women can be so stupid there’s no telling if it’s trolling or larp.
Women can be so stupid there’s no telling if it’s trolling or larp.

it hits so many points it seems that it was created to have a thread on incels.is...

not buying it. plus as others said there are contradictions that don't make sense.

btw: killing joke is DOPE.
I hope when femoids are getting eliminated, currywhores get eliminated first. They are the worst.
I'll take the bait and call her out as a degen cumslut whore. I love how the cumwhore/cumdegen casually talked about her previous FWBs, what a filthy curryroastie! I bet her pussy is stretched out like crazy. She is such a shame on her family.
stupid curry bitch. thinks shes so good "yeah all my exs were atheletes white chads ummm yeah lol my X was a curry incel thehehehe" bitches love to be passive aggresive and insulting in a indirect way.
This is sad. Curries and ricecels is so over..
Noodlewhores are rank 1 at betraying their ricecels.
Look at their post history and check how the "relationship" with the currycel ended. They cheated with a white guy.
Damn, didn't know currycels had it this bad tbh
Look at their post history and check how the "relationship" with the currycel ended. They cheated with a white guy.

she didn't fuck the curry once, I know I.
Is anyone not going to comment on the height thing?
The girl is 5'1 and is dating 6' and higher.

What the fuck.
Brown girls are freaking trash. Will take every opportunity to hate their race just for whites (and sometimes blacks).
> "A good majority were above 6' tall"
> height doesn't matter

When will these retards learn they're not fooling anyone?!
Brown girls are freaking trash. Will take every opportunity to hate their race just for whites (and sometimes blacks).

When will these retards learn they're not fooling anyone?!

Like I said, this is why I am not friends with most Indians and try not to be. I am worried I have to cut my relationship with my asian bestfriends now since I discovered that there are divorces in their asian family.

Like as a Muslim I want to be around people that don't drink, and I happen to stumble across people that are allergic to Alcohol, and we have been really good friends since start of Uni, I wish I could meet more people that are allergic to drinking, and don't do drugs.

I hate being pure. I wish God told me what I was owed in life for all my struggles...but for the near future I don't want to be around people that drink.
She probably made him wait like 5 months to even have sex with her (only once) or didn't engage in sexual aspects with him at all.

Women cannot be attracted enough to incels and have sex with them casually like they do with Chad.
>(most of my ex boyfriends/FWBs are White or Black and some are East Asian and Indian).
damn :lul::lul::lul:
this cunt wanted to taste the entire rainbow before settling down with a currycel, holy fuck
sounds like a troll post tbh
Anyone remember that post where a currywhore who rode the white cock carrousel and later settled with an arranged marriage curry betabux?

She was pregnant with his kid and then the betabux received a video via facebook of his currywhoring wife being gangbanged by white guys KEK.

The worst part was that she always told betabux she doesnt like giving blowjobs because she is not that kinda girl...but in the video she was sucking white cock as if her life depended on it TOP FUCKING KEK :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

She made a thread on r/relationships and somehow still managed to put herself in the victim position lel..the betabux told her he wanted to divorce and that the kid should be aborted. I always get warm feelings inside just thinking about that thread..whether it was real or not.

@chudur-budur @RREEEEEEEEE @GreenCel
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Anyone remember that post where a currywhore who rode the white cock carrousel and later settled with an arranged marriage curry betabux?

She was pregnant with his kid and then the betabux received a video via facebook of his currywhoring wife being gangbanged by white guys KEK.

The worst part was that she always told betabux she doesnt like giving blowjobs because she is not that kinda girl...but in the video she was sucking white cock as if her life depended on it TOP FUCKING KEK :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

She made a thread on r/relationships and somehow still managed to put herself in the victim position lel..the betabux told her he wanted to divorce and that the kid should be aborted. I always get warm feelings inside just thinking about that thread..whether it was real or not.

@chudur-budur @RREEEEEEEEE @GreenCel
TopKEK. I do not doubt that when the parents of this currywhore mentioned in OP go to arrange her marriage with an innocent curry, they'll tell him ,"humari beti to gau hai gau. Kabhi kisi ladke se bat bhi Nahi Ki." (Our daughter is extremely innocent. She has never talked to a boy even.) LOL . And then she'll be fucking every men that comes in her sight. These currywhores should be killed and dumped in Mariana Trench.
TopKEK. I do not doubt that when the parents of this currywhore mentioned in OP go to arrange her marriage with an innocent curry, they'll tell him ,"hum Sri beta to gau hai gau. Kabhi kisi ladke se bat bhi Nahi Ki." (Our daughter is extremely innocent. She has never talked to a boy even.) LOL . These currywhores should be killed and dumped in Mariana Trench.
Hahah yeah no doubt. Fuck man i think curry males in the US have it the worst. Every curry femoid there dreams about riding the white cock caroussel. Self-hating chutiyas they are
Hahah yeah no doubt. Fuck man i think curry males in the US have it the worst. Every curry femoid there dreams about riding the white cock caroussel. Self-hating chutiyas they are
Chutiya is such a nice word. They all are plain "Randis".
Fake, I been on this site for too long and I can easily tell when it’s a incel larper
Too many points hit.....I'm calling bullshit....this is an indirect trolljob on this forum probz.
Anyone remember that post where a currywhore who rode the white cock carrousel and later settled with an arranged marriage curry betabux?

She was pregnant with his kid and then the betabux received a video via facebook of his currywhoring wife being gangbanged by white guys KEK.

The worst part was that she always told betabux she doesnt like giving blowjobs because she is not that kinda girl...but in the video she was sucking white cock as if her life depended on it TOP FUCKING KEK :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

She made a thread on r/relationships and somehow still managed to put herself in the victim position lel..the betabux told her he wanted to divorce and that the kid should be aborted. I always get warm feelings inside just thinking about that thread..whether it was real or not.

@chudur-budur @RREEEEEEEEE @GreenCel
Correction, in the video she was sucking 3 white cocks at once.
Looks like a typical never-happened piece of straw grasping cucktears propaganda to me. No way in hell this foid actually lowered her sights to a curry manlet after having 6'+ chadlites.
closed after reading top comments. hurr 'someone isnt incel unless they consider themself incel'. Bluepilled incels who dont say they are incels are incels you fucking retards

to answer the question, no he wasnt an incel hes a fakecel as he had a gf
I bet he bought her nice stuff.
Looking at her post histroy, she's either a troll or a complete train wreck.
Off with her head.:feelsgah:
Looks like a typical never-happened piece of straw grasping cucktears propaganda to me. No way in hell this foid actually lowered her sights to a curry manlet after having 6'+ chadlites.
Ikr ,my first inclination that this was fake. Femoids doesn’t lower their standards.
based currycels need to restore order when it comes to their women tbh. I've never seen a group of women so self-hating

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