Curry people are gods. I see it now, they are so much superior, I went to my college gym today and there was a big women volleyball toumament, I seen so many people in attendance they were all curry. They all seemed very healthy and high class, dressed well mannered and properly, while I'm here with my white skin and redneck clothes, I feel so inferior too them. And wholly shit I seen so many healthy young jbs curries I walked past some of them, I felt like legit giant ogre. Anyways curries are perfect, everything about their skin, mannerism and complexion is amazing. They are truly the master race. I hate living in call curry town since they all tog me to oblivion looks and race colour wise. Its sad when i see beautiful or average curry weemen, because they are reserved for curry men only, JFI if think I have a chance with curry wee men. TBH I shouldn't even coexist with curry people, they are so much superior to me that I shouldnt even be near their proximity since it's an insult to their godly presence, Curries are the best