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Serious Incels who are 30+ years old, why are you still alive



Jan 28, 2018
You are completely past your prime so why live?
i dont get it neither, i know that if i wont make any significant move till my 25 i will rope, may be even sooner
It kinda gets easier on a physiological level as your libido sharply decreases and also bein ugly in your 40's is not as bad as being ugly in your 20's, on your 40's you're seen as the non sexual gentle old man living next door by society while at your 20's youre seen as a potential rapist or the next Cho. Im also to much of a coward to rope. I cant get high caliber guns in my country
I got copes to keep me docile. Sure a wife and kids is nice, but since I can't achieve it, I just accepted it as my fate and try to make the best of it.
lets see how u will talk at 45 without family and nothing waiting for you at home.
I have a small citrus orchard and animal buddies! And...

I got copes to keep me docile. Sure a wife and kids is nice, but since I can't achieve it, I just accepted it as my fate and try to make the best of it.
And I'm not willing - or indeed capable, since that requires a foid to actually like me - of cucking for a single mom roastie! So i cope.
because life just goes on and suddenly you are 30

see you soon
roping takes courage
They're not edgy teenagers.
Because these salted peanuts I'm eating taste good.
I never had a "prime" and my life and mental state are a lot better than when I was in my teens and 20s. If I was going to rope, it would have probably been in my mid 20s, but I got over that hump and now it'll take some painful terminal illness for me to sui.
retard brain says to stay alive
because life just goes on and suddenly you are 30

see you soon
YEah man

I still remember my 20's as if it was yesterday

Im caught in the dilemma of what is worse becoming an old ass or enduring those painful lonely horny years again
YEah man

I still remember my 20's as if it was yesterday

Im caught in the dilemma of what is worse becoming an old ass or enduring those painful lonely horny years again
there are some things I could do better if I went back to 20. but to be honest it would have to go all the way back to 5-6 to really fix things.
When I was 14 I used to think that 20yo people were old and dumb.
I just became accustom to the incel lifestyle, it's the NORM for me.

You know, it is weird, to be 32, and I feel like I have the mind of a 100 year old, in that, my time is over, it's done, it doesn't matter what happens to me now, since it's already over for me.

What I mean by this is, I don't really stress or worry about stuff anymore, and I have nothing to lose except my freedom (ie: going to jail), but other than that, I have no extended family connections, no wife, no kids, no social networks, nobody relying on me, nothing to lose in any of that regard.

Money isn't an issue either because I live with my parents, and I have a lot of money saved, enough to last for years, and ultimately I will inherit their house which is paid off.

You could say I am LDARmaxxed.
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i dont get it neither, i know that if i wont make any significant move till my 25 i will rope, may be even sooner
I used to believe the same when I was a NEET at 23. Then a few copes later I hit 25 while still NEETing and still living
I used to believe the same when I was a NEET at 23. Then a few copes later I hit 25 while still NEETing and still living
well u dont have my head, its real punishment having my thoughts
we're past our prime the day we're born, so being a 30-year-old incel isn't different to being a 20-year-old incel other than staying alive for this long requires more mental strength/weakness (depends on how you look at it) I guess
besides, they have magic powers to cope with

It kinda gets easier on a physiological level as your libido sharply decreases
ngl sounds great
well u dont have my head, its real punishment having my thoughts
I had suicidal depression and alcoholism, but I did start to take antidepressants again so if you can avoid that then maybe you'll manage to rope
Because foids and joos want me to rope. So a big fuck you to them is to keep on trucking. I’ll NEET, leeching off the system once my investments are passive and put them offshore away from government hands while getting hand outs.
there are some things I could do better if I went back to 20. but to be honest it would have to go all the way back to 5-6 to really fix things.

Same here. I've learned to recognize and control the most off-putting aspects of my autism, so if I could go back to high school and not act like such a cringy sperg, I might be able to make something work - especially if I were also going back to the 90's before Tinder and MeToo.

But now, it's too little too late. To date at my age with no romantic experience, I'd have to maintain an academy award-worthy performance at all times to pass myself off as a normal, functioning human who hasn't lived as a total outcast for over 30 years.
I think also when you're younger incel (whose not in denial about it) you feel a lot more pain and agony that you're seeing people your own age doing all the shit they do, and you feel completely fucked and out of it, but this is kind of new to you in your life, around the 15-20 age bracket where everyone around you is partying, having sex, being normies, etc, you feel like something is really wrong with you, which makes you feel worse, but as the years go on, it doesn't affect you AS much to the point where you feel really terrible about it, it's more so you become more numb and tired.
They're not edgy teenagers.

Late 30s, I'm as edgy as any of you FUCKS. As for why I'm still alive, you just don't care about dying or living anymore, you just wanna buy shit and masturbate, that's all there is to life, and then you die. Somehow I'm content with that.
Such is a zoological existence, primitive.
Yet everyone here yearns to experience such an existence, no matter how advanced civilization becomes, we all always give in to those primal desires.
I had suicidal depression and alcoholism, but I did start to take antidepressants again so if you can avoid that then maybe you'll manage to rope
is antidepressants good mix with alcohol?
It's not bad compared to when I was bullied incessantly in middle school, you just learn to live with your own thoughts. Creating plastics and metal based "lifeforms" is pretty comfy btw.

I think also when you're younger incel (whose not in denial about it) you feel a lot more pain and agony that you're seeing people your own age doing all the shit they do, and you feel completely fucked and out of it, but this is kind of new to you in your life, around the 15-20 age bracket where everyone around you is partying, having sex, being normies, etc, you feel like something is really wrong with you, which makes you feel worse, but as the years go on, it doesn't affect you AS much to the point where you feel really terrible about it, it's more so you become more numb and tired.

Came to post this. "Stress" as described by primate researchers is when one's position in the social hierarchy is obviously low. Low status baboons have higher levels of stress hormones than the Chad baboons, but their lives never extend past their competitive social/sexual structure. The thing is as modern humans, after college being an incel isn't really the bottom of the hierarchy anymore. People with drug problems, money problems, criminal issues, child support and alimony, etc. rank as worse off than someone who is more or less neutral.
Not really, but they might have improved my mood while drunk at least.
i need some good mix to make me feel like after drugs but not damage my skin too muchd
Because foids and joos want me to rope. So a big fuck you to them is to keep on trucking. I’ll NEET, leeching off the system once my investments are passive and put them offshore away from government hands while getting hand outs.

Exactly. Play that long game, or take the othER path. Either is far more admirable than just killing yourself.

Besides, I want to see how high the incel percentage gets before society collapses. If I live long enough to see that, I will have essentially outlasted the society that rejected me, which I would consider a victory of sorts.
But now, it's too little too late. To date at my age with no romantic experience, I'd have to maintain an academy award-worthy performance at all times to pass myself off as a normal, functioning human who hasn't lived as a total outcast for over 30 years.
Yeah, there's just too many pitfalls to keep track of. I keep forgetting them because I don't get enough practice either, without proper followups it's impossible and people rarely want to hang out serially or frequently.
Because foids and joos want me to rope. So a big fuck you to them is to keep on trucking.
most of incels start to die at age 40s or 50s and if thes boios live in non first world it is 100% sure they will die at those ages
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Because I wanna live as long as possible to pay off my karma so my next life would be better
They just ldar.
Too scared to die I guess. My copes of videogames music, internet and hating betacucks sustain my life force.

Also past mid 20s you mellow a bit in your inceldom and move into acceptance mode, I think about having sex and women the same way I think about playing basketball for the LA lakers, its an absurd idea that's never going to happen.
roping takes courage

Besides, my parents will be upset. I am trying to cope with my hobbies and curious what my measurable life can bring to me at all.
About to turn 26, the only cope is age reversing technology and godlike body trading looksmatching technology existing in the future... If that shit isn't out when I'm 40, I'm going GIGA ER.
Suicide is really fucking hard, and as long as I earn enough money to cope, I might as well.

Besides I want to see WW3, it’ll be nice to watch the shitty world that fucked me for my whole life burn to ashes.
The male brain isn’t even fully mature until 25 that means, neurologically, you become a young adult at 25. I think the teens and 20s are stupid and anyone who is prostrating themselves and worshipping idols such as foids and sex are just pawns of the system and need to stop dedicating their energy and lives to futile endeavors.

I think through your 20s especially you should be exclusively living for yourself. Going after or chasing something external to yourself or doing things for yourself (education, grade, etc) will lead you to disappointment I promise.

Now In my 30s, my way of viewing it is that I don’t go looking for things I feel like are a waste of time (don’t try to date tinder etc you guys need to all get off those) but I don’t be shut off to an opportunity should it present itself to me (if someone were to talk to me in a line or in my regular life encounter I will talk back)
30 is far from old for a man. And I think you start to care less after your mid 20s about this shit. And you can always earn money and get a foid from a poor country.
30 is far from old for a man. And I think you start to care less after your mid 20s about this shit. And you can always earn money and get a foid from a poor country.

Lol 30 is old. Your body is decaying.
As of now I'm trying to do other things in order to at least have some meaning in my life, it's only going to get worst when I'm near 40, hopefully by then I could be living as a monk in some mountain,if not i may then rope
I just became accustom to the incel lifestyle, it's the NORM for me.

You know, it is weird, to be 32, and I feel like I have the mind of a 100 year old, in that, my time is over, it's done, it doesn't matter what happens to me now, since it's already over for me.

What I mean by this is, I don't really stress or worry about stuff anymore, and I have nothing to lose except my freedom (ie: going to jail), but other than that, I have no extended family connections, no wife, no kids, no social networks, nobody relying on me, nothing to lose in any of that regard.

Money isn't an issue either because I live with my parents, and I have a lot of money saved, enough to last for years, and ultimately I will inherit their house which is paid off.

You could say I am LDARmaxxed.
how is living with your parents when you are 32? do you live in an apartment or a house?
Chad prime at 35

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