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terrible place to beTempus Edax Rerum said:. I'm really NEEDY now, in terms of emotional/physical intimacy is concerned, idk how I am going to go on like this tbh
terrible place to beTempus Edax Rerum said:. I'm really NEEDY now, in terms of emotional/physical intimacy is concerned, idk how I am going to go on like this tbh
Tempus Edax Rerum said:LOL I asked you how old you are, and you went off on I don't know what.
It matters, because when you grow older, your body ages and weakens, and in effect, your mind weakens. I use to think that I won't really need anyone, when I was in my early twenties, but now I am beginning to see a negative shift in my psyche. I wake up in the middle of the night, hungry for skin contact and feeling NEEDY, it's very weird.
On top of that if you have a flesh and blood gf, your qualify of life improves probably 100 fold.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:On top of that if you have a flesh and blood gf, your qualify of life improves probably 100 fold.
BlackPillDealer said:Says the virgin who has never been in a relationship.
Here are some things you'd have to potentially deal with:
- Constant nagging and criticism
- Arguments and fights
- Forced to go to more social events and gatherings
- More expenses, need to make more money
- She'd expect you to help pay for her debts, must make more money
- Possible cheating and cucking (over 50% of women cheat)
- Unwanted pregnancy and child support
- False domestic assault allegations
- STDs from the Chad she cheated on you with
- Common law marriage, palimony, cohabitation asset division if you break up
Kointo said:My quality of life and happiness won't increase. Maybe for some it will, but not for me. Women don't deserve validation or desire from males since they don't give it to ugly males. It is unfair.
I'm 27.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:I see you are the same age as me lol.
You can't really blame women, they are programmed by their genetic makeup to seek out the highest quality male. The "unfairness" is the necessary quality that enables life to exist in the first place.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Womens value past 25 drops, they know it. I think the odds of getting a girlfriend that is past the age of 25, are at very least in the realm of "remotely possible".
You are not getting a girlfriend to benefit her or validate her, you are getting a girlfriend so she could benefit you.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Being alone, and bitter ABOUT IT, into your 30s and esp into your 40s will be unbearable. The past cannot be changed, there's really no point in crying about it, the future can be changed.
BlackPillDealer said:Says the virgin who has never been in a relationship.
Here are some things you'd have to potentially deal with:
- Constant nagging and criticism
- Arguments and fights
- Forced to go to more social events and gatherings
- More expenses, need to make more money
- She'd expect you to help pay for her debts, must make more money
- Possible cheating and cucking (over 50% of women cheat)
- Unwanted pregnancy and child support
- False domestic assault allegations
- STDs from the Chad she cheated on you with
- Common law marriage, palimony, cohabitation asset division if you break up
Minjaze said:Same here.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:LOL don't tell me you prefer walking up alone and cold when compared to the idea of waking up with a warm woman next to your side.
Also are you a KHHV?
Tempus Edax Rerum said:lol, those are memes. Of course, you hear about the women that complain and nag, and cheat, and cuck their husbands. But you don't hear about the girlfriends,wifes that are obedient cheerful loving companions for their husbands/bfs, simply because no one is complaining about such women.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Also, with women you kind of need to oversee their actions like you would with animals or children, you need to have certain level of passive dominance over them, if they feel like you are being dominant over them in a passive way, they will respect you, and will not cuck you.
Kointo said:Yes I agree. That's why I don't like life in general.
Women past their prime will want a Chad or betabux as a husband, and I'm not either.
Impossible reworking of genetics can't change. Women will never seek out an ugly male as a partner.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:You can find a woman that has never used online dating, and she won't have the over-inflated ego that comes with E-Whores. If shes 25+, she will know that her time is running out, and that she needs to secure "a stable/safe male", namely a less attractive male.
Women are not stupid, they know that the attractive male, is only after one thing ,which is a quick bang lol... they know that they will be pumped and dumped... and they know that less attractive men have fewer options and therefore are more likely to be "stable/loyal and loving. I think dating dynamics change once you go into the 25+ age range, women are not so hormone driven anymore, they can think a little bit more rationally... and WOMEN ARE TERRIFIED OF BEING ALONE, they will feel pressured to secure a guy thats shows them genuine attention.
I mean I know the cards are stacked against an ugly male, but remember you are not pursuing women to benefit or validate them. You are pursuing them for your own personal benefit.
Kointo said:Do you think this is the reason why @grotesque got a girlfriend?
Also this seems a lot like more of a friendly relationship than an intimate one. If I wanted friends then I wouldn't look for women that have none of the same interests as me.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Well, if you want to keep her long term, you will need to be her best friend. That's the only way to keep the woman from cheating on you or leaving you, you need to make a strong bond, women are weaker by nature, they NEED someone to RELY on(emotionally), men can endure solitude, women absolutely can't. She has to prefer spending time with you over anyone else(thats why you need some highly introverted/aspie girl). Then she won't ever want to leave your side, and she won't ever consider cheating on you with another man.
And I don't know if a follow any of the incel drama... I am not familiar with his situation or who he is lol.
But a woman that goes out partying/drinking or likes to go out, or has any tattoos, is not a girlfriend material. You want high-level INTROVERT(with a full-time job), like a mathematician, historian, librarian. They do exist, try signing up for www.meetup.com groups... and just attend various events... eventually you will meet someone lol.
nausea said:man, you really really need to give da book a try ASAP
yes man yesTempus Edax Rerum said:Sperm wars?nausea said:man, you really really need to give da book a try ASAP
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Well, if you want to keep her long term, you will need to be her best friend. That's the only way to keep the woman from cheating on you or leaving you, you need to make a strong bond, women are weaker by nature, they NEED someone to RELY on(emotionally), men can endure solitude, women absolutely can't. She has to prefer spending time with you over anyone else(thats why you need some highly introverted/aspie girl). Then she won't ever want to leave your side, and she won't ever consider cheating on you with another man.
And I don't know if a follow any of the incel drama... I am not familiar with his situation or who he is lol.
But a woman that goes out partying/drinking or likes to go out, or has any tattoos, is not a girlfriend material. You want high-level INTROVERT(with a full-time job), like a mathematician, historian, librarian. They do exist, try signing up for www.meetup.com groups... and just attend various events... eventually you will meet someone lol.
nausea said:yes man yes
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Well, humans occupy a higher order of informational complexity. We can oversee our biological biases and tendencies and control them... even for the lower animals... you can oversee their instincts and evolutionary drives and manipulate them (train). The same thing applies to humans and women, thats why you should be a friend and a "master" to your woman(have some understanding in the evolutionary theory, and "guide" the flow of the relationship from a higher perspective...)
furthermore, some humans(typically the ones with higher education(that involves abstract thinking) or the ones that have suffered a lot and reflected as the result of it) ascended into that higher level of personality and understanding. They can make the transition, where the intellect becomes not the servant of the "bio evolutionary mechanism", but rather the servant of the individual/ego.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Well doesn't it just follow and expand on the ideas of the Selfish Gene/evolutionary theory?
"The gene will do whatever is necessary to produce the most successful offspring, it doesn't matter how it does it, who it hurts or w/e."
Kointo said:I can relate to this...
I've done this to overcome my desire of women. I've become content without them since I have my hobbies and interests.
This doesn't make me any less a failure of a human being though. A human's main goal in life is to produce offspring and carry on one's genes, even if that goal is meaningless.
RageAgainstTDL said:This. I have a 1 million dollar home and I live here alone and all I think about is killing myself. It gets worse every day.
Work is the only remotely good thing in my life and I'm getting tired of trying to cope with it too.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Your individual quality of life would increase if you got sex and affection from a woman on a regular basis.
What you are doing now, is merely existing in a vegetated state. You can still keep your hobbies and interests, but I think the dating dynamics really change for 25+ year olds, I think there's a different dating market, with different new opportunities.
Kointo said:I wouldn't be happy with a woman nagging me 24/7.
nausea said:cucking you 24\7 you mean
how do you think you will bare with that kind of loneliness?anon_899 said:Living alone, getting a job and LDAR at the weekends is my dream life, can't wait.
anon_899 said:Living alone, getting a job and LDAR at the weekends is my dream life, can't wait.
I don't apply for this as Anna is near certainly fucking other guys. I just don't care and am willing to fuck any female that's not obese and I don't have to be betabux.Kointo said:Do you think this is the reason why @grotesque got a girlfriend?
Grotesque said:I don't apply for this as Anna is near certainly fucking other guys. I just don't care and am willing to fuck any female that's not obese and I don't have to be betabux.
please tell me about this gf you had, like when-how-etcGrotesque said:I don't apply for this as Anna is near certainly fucking other guys. I just don't care and am willing to fuck any female that's not obese and I don't have to be betabux.Kointo said:Do you think this is the reason why @grotesque got a girlfriend?
nausea said:how do you think you will bare with that kind of loneliness?
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Well, if you want to keep her long term, you will need to be her best friend. That's the only way to keep the woman from cheating on you or leaving you, you need to make a strong bond, women are weaker by nature, they NEED someone to RELY on(emotionally), men can endure solitude, women absolutely can't. She has to prefer spending time with you over anyone else(thats why you need some highly introverted/aspie girl). Then she won't ever want to leave your side, and she won't ever consider cheating on you with another man.
And I don't know if a follow any of the incel drama... I am not familiar with his situation or who he is lol.
But a woman that goes out partying/drinking or likes to go out, or has any tattoos, is not a girlfriend material. You want high-level INTROVERT(with a full-time job), like a mathematician, historian, librarian. They do exist, try signing up for www.meetup.com groups... and just attend various events... eventually you will meet someone lol.
anon_899 said:biggest coper in this forum KEK
SaintMarcLepine said:Get a dog, at least you'll have someone who is excited every time you come home and who loves you and won't cuck you with Chad. (get a male dog to be sure).
anon_899 said:biggest coper in this forum KEK
Well, actual bitches > bitches, still.nausea said:I already have dog and cat both females lol
SaintMarcLepine said:Well, actual bitches > bitches, still.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:You can find a woman that has never used online dating, and she won't have the over-inflated ego that comes with E-Whores.
nausea said:how do you think you will bare with that kind of loneliness?
Tempus Edax Rerum said:I can relate but a week lol?MayorOfKekville said:Been living alone for many years.
In some ways its good, you can create your own comfortable incel mancave where you are protected from the degeneracy and evils of the world. On the other hand, you can go mad with the lack of human contact - ever gone a week without talking to a single human being? It's weird, believe me.
Wait till it gets to be intervals of 2-3 months, and then 6-12months between any conversation with anyone.
The biggest problem with this is, that the brain begins to vegetate, your faculty of speech, when not exercised on a daily basis, begins to slowly decay. I remember when I was 16 years old, I could probably speak 10 words per second,and I could go on for hours with this type of "tempo"/"momentum"... now after years of social alienates, it takes conscious effort to speak.
It's no longer my looks alone that are holding me back. My neurological pathways are now completely rewired, whatever brain region I've had for the faculty of speech, has been now rewired and reassigned to a different function, like abstract thinking or just internal monologue.
I can't be witty, or spontaneous, I can't hold a conversation anymore, the natural flow is gone... the speaking and thinking faculties are not related, they are two different systems in the brain...So while I am able to think perfectly fine, I can't express my self verbally anymore. My faculty of speech is very degraded, and it's not something I can fix just by having a positive attitude, the neural connections responsible for speech literally atrophied from inactivity.
not if I have my baby with meshadowsoulz125 said:U will go fucking insane in less than a year living as an incel alone.
Kointo said:That too.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:I think this is a good video for you to watch.
the fact is I am already suicidalDankIncel said:I did so for nearly a month. It is ok at first. I love the calmness and the alone time. But eventually this depressing bleak atmosphere started to form. I really think I understood how suicidalcels feel. I understood why they do it. Doesn't help that I embrace the LDAR lifestyle.
If you will be living alone try to change your routine from time to time. Try to go out a lot. Be in contact with your social circles and don't be lonely. Focus on your career or improving yourself. Enjoy your hobbies. You know, these things. Don't just LDAR, unless you don't mind the rope.
Minjaze said:Same here.nausea said:I live with my sister