MGTOW is a near perfect example of the saying, "Ignorance is bliss".
I was MGTOW for two years, met a lot of like minded individuals, had a lot of intelligent conversations, etc.
If I can bring anything from those years of experience within their community - They're indeed coping. Although MGTOW and Incels share a lot of the same beliefs, one of the key differences is that MGTOW genuinely believe that if they
wanted a woman, they could easily get one. For obvious reasons, they're wrong. There are very few semi-desirable men in the MGTOW community and those types tend to lead the other incels in denial, because that's what the large majority of MGTOW are. Incels in denial.
A lot of them, although they will never admit it, hope that even though they can't get women in the present they will be able to in the future because they used their immense free time getting money and other resources. What they fail to realize, however, is that the idea of a "betabux" is dying, and it's dying fast. Because women can get well paying jobs and will get these jobs increasingly in the future, they soon will no longer need a beta provider. Soon, all men that hope to be "Betabux" (Which is almost all of MGTOW) will be just as alone as we are, if they were not already.
MGTOW is a very satisfying cope, however. I pursued many hobbies, did a lot of different things that temporarily distracted the feeling in my stomach that my life is over and would consider the time I was MGTOW as a positive experience, although it is a huge cope.
I used to identify as a MGTOW, but no matter how many redpills I would swallow, it only took one blackpill for everything to make sense.
we are both coping at the end of the day, who cares.