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Blackpill Incels are a walking hypocritical, contradictory meme and will never be taken seriously.



Dec 4, 2020
Because lets face it: The overwhelming majority of you switch 180 degrees when you get as much as a whiff of female attention.

I've been in the incel spaces and talked to you long enough and a repeating pattern occurs:






Be it the numerous stories of your pathetic simping binges that weren't reciprocated, your onetities that live rent free in your heads, or the way you change your behavior even in online spaces that also happen to be occupied by women: you always change your tune.

The matter of fact is that the vast majority of incels are just bitter that they are being left out of the gynocentirc female worship game that normies partake in. You are nothing but slaves without a master, and turn into boot licking abused dogs the moment some e-thot appears. Once some (((femcel))) occupied discord server props up, you flock there like a moth to a flame, completely addicted to scraps of virtual female affection and validation. Heck, even the administration of this forum does this on a regular basis, so what can be said about the plebs?

And this is exactly why incels will forever be a joke: You are not "based" or "blackpilled", you are not fundamentally against your shackles, you are just bitter that you don't get to participate in the game of biological slavery that normies participate in, and that you don't have the genetic gifts of Chads to circumvent it, lashing out and mocking normies while wanting nothing more than to be wearing their leash.

Our ancestors were the truly blackpilled ones because they realized that the vast majority of men lack the resolve and willpower to rise above their lizard brain shackles, which is why every human society enacted some form of regulation on female sexuality and it's dominion over it's biological slave: The male.

Rethink your views on inceldom, don't drown in it's "philosophy" as it offers no true freedom or solutIon. Merely another side of the same shekel.
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This is true. I'm one of the few incels to not simp.
I remember when some guy from here (old user) went on a tangent of wanting to kill all the incels if they messed with his girl (the girl he was crushing on at this time). This was back on the old discord server, I think.

Better watch out for the so-called "oneitiscels" they kind of exhibit this sort of simping trait/behavior as well.
I remember when some guy from here (old user) went on a tangent of wanting to kill all the incels if they messed with his girl (the girl he was crushing on at this time). This was back on the old discord server, I think.

Better watch out for the so-called "oneitiscels" they kind of exhibit this sort of simping trait as well.
Too much estrogen
incels just change around all normies and foids. if we didnt we would either be in a psychiatric ward or a prison. this doesnt make us hypocrites, we just dont show it because we know the consequences.
incels just change around all normies and foids. if we didnt we would either be in a psychiatric ward or a prison. this doesnt make us hypocrites, we just dont show it because we know the consequences.
Yeah. Unfortunately, you gotta put the mask on to deal with normscums and foids.
incels just change around all normies and foids. if we didnt we would either be in a psychiatric ward or a prison. this doesnt make us hypocrites, we just dont show it because we know the consequences.
I did not mean becoming a rude sociopath.
True af but i cant say the same about myself. I can turn it off and on because i have no sex drive.
Years ago, when I was bluepilled one girl showed me interest and I bought her fucking flowers. It was at work and 30 people saw it. She said she likes it very much. Few days later I asked her out via SMS, but she ignored me.

Please kill me I can't bare this cringe and humiliation.
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You’ve been logged into your account for longer than my account has existed
Doesn’t mean shit. If my family would take me driving i’d already have my license and be a millionaire rn.
The overwhelming majority of you switch 180 degrees when you get as much as a whiff of female attention.
That's not hypocritical, all people put on facades and aren't entirely genuine IRL.
I openly admit to a contrast between my conversation and how I behave.
I think it would only be hypocrisy if one did not acknowledge this.
Also I put my best foot forward in case I meet a nice girl plus I think it just improves society if I act decently.
Because lets face it: The overwhelming majority of you switch 180 degrees when you get as much as a whiff of female attention.

I've been in the incel spaces and talked to you long enough and a repeating pattern occurs:






Be it the numerous stories of your pathetic simping binges that weren't reciprocated, your onetities that live rent free in your heads, or the way you change your behavior even in online spaces that also happen to be occupied by women: you always change your tune.

The matter of fact is that the vast majority of incels are just bitter that they are being left out of the gynocentirc female worship game that normies partake in. You are nothing but slaves without a master, and turn into boot licking abused dogs the moment some e-thot appears. Once some (((femcel))) occupied discord server props up, you flock there like a moth to a flame, completely addicted to scraps of virtual female affection and validation. Heck, even the administration of this forum does this on a regular basis, so what can be said about the plebs?

And this is exactly why incels will forever be a joke: You are not "based" or "blackpilled", you are not fundamentally against your shackles, you are just bitter that you don't get to participate in the game of biological slavery that normies participate in, and that you don't have the genetic gifts of Chads to circumvent it, lashing out and mocking normies while wanting nothing more than to be wearing their leash.

Our ancestors were the truly blackpilled ones because they realized that the vast majority of men lack the resolve and willpower to rise above their lizard brain shackles, which is why every human society enacted some form of regulation on female sexuality and it's dominion over it's biological slave: The male.

Rethink your views on inceldom, don't drown in it's "philosophy" as it offers no true freedom or solutIon. Merely another side of the same shekel.
This is completely predicated on the assumption that all incels simp for women when they are around them


this kills your whole premise to shit

stop assuming to give yourself some kind of narcissistic all knowing position on the incel space, IT JUTS GOES STRAIGHT TO ELON MUSK STYLE DUNKING FOR YOUR OWN POSITION PATHETIC LOW IQ NARCISSISTIC EGO DRIVEN DRIVEL.

urge to reproduce is stronger than everything
Woman worth are just their body. I don't understand people who wanted to protect this weak creature.
Unless if it's family but cuck and simp:feelskek::feelskek:
Family you need them for stability and you can backup each other since people tend to help people who are similar to them
That's just how human are. A very tribal species
I saw what you posted on reddit copypasta
urge to reproduce is stronger than everything
:yes:Promise of pussy will make people go into simp mode. If a foid seeks out incels that can give a false hope.
Years ago, when I was bluepilled one girl showed me interest and I bought her fucking flowers. It was at work and 30 people saw it. She said she likes it very much. Few days later I asked her out via SMS, but she ignored me.

Please kill me I can't bare this cringe and humiliation.
Woman dont appreciate Shit , whats new
You use 'simping' in a very wide context. If your actions are reciprocated, then it's not simping in my book. E.g. some guy bought female a present and later got sex. This is not a simping, this is how nature operates, otherwise animals are also simps.
Simping is worshipping and/or giving presents and resources to female who continues to deny you sex.
you are not fundamentally against your shackles, you are just bitter that you don't get to participate in the game of biological slavery that normies participate in
This is precisely what inceldom is you retard. Everyone wants sex, everyone wants women, if you think you don't you're a delusional coper.

That doesn't mean we're simps. We're not all gigacucks like @HiddenUzer. Unfortunately the current administration is barely blackpilled and lets these soyboys run rampant.
Because lets face it: The overwhelming majority of you switch 180 degrees when you get as much as a whiff of female attention.

I've been in the incel spaces and talked to you long enough and a repeating pattern occurs:






Be it the numerous stories of your pathetic simping binges that weren't reciprocated, your onetities that live rent free in your heads, or the way you change your behavior even in online spaces that also happen to be occupied by women: you always change your tune.

The matter of fact is that the vast majority of incels are just bitter that they are being left out of the gynocentirc female worship game that normies partake in. You are nothing but slaves without a master, and turn into boot licking abused dogs the moment some e-thot appears. Once some (((femcel))) occupied discord server props up, you flock there like a moth to a flame, completely addicted to scraps of virtual female affection and validation. Heck, even the administration of this forum does this on a regular basis, so what can be said about the plebs?

And this is exactly why incels will forever be a joke: You are not "based" or "blackpilled", you are not fundamentally against your shackles, you are just bitter that you don't get to participate in the game of biological slavery that normies participate in, and that you don't have the genetic gifts of Chads to circumvent it, lashing out and mocking normies while wanting nothing more than to be wearing their leash.

Our ancestors were the truly blackpilled ones because they realized that the vast majority of men lack the resolve and willpower to rise above their lizard brain shackles, which is why every human society enacted some form of regulation on female sexuality and it's dominion over it's biological slave: The male.

Rethink your views on inceldom, don't drown in it's "philosophy" as it offers no true freedom or solutIon. Merely another side of the same shekel.
Based and high iq. Most incels would simp and cuck themselves for the pleasure of foids at the first opportunity. :feelsjuice:
You use 'simping' in a very wide context. If your actions are reciprocated, then it's not simping in my book. E.g. some guy bought female a present and later got sex. This is not a simping, this is how nature operates, otherwise animals are also simps.
Simping is worshipping and/or giving presents and resources to female who continues to deny you sex.
yeah simping is a buzz term thats overused and as a result now means next to nothing. I agree with your definition of simping.
Our people perish for a lack of knowledge, ignorance and lazyness are both our enemies :feelswhere:

We have an opportunity to do better with the knowledge we've aquired
Correct, I would simp if I was attractive enough, but I’m not, so I wouldn’t get anything out of it. This isn’t an own, it’s just a logical conclusion. Of course, every single one of us, if given the opportunity, would be a total simp cuck if we had gf’s to show for it
It’s true I have been like that and maybe I still am but the more you have lived as an incel the deeper it gets imprinted in your mind that you don’t stand a chance and there is no unicorn to save you. But even after taking the blackpill and even after having had lived as an incel in certain circumstances there is always a glimmer of hope left (“what if people only hated me in high school/college/at that job/country and somewhere else it will be different” ). Imo you have to know a lot about looks and to properly asses your (un)attractiveness and also to go through some brutal rejections or other experiences of such nature with women and society after you have taken the blackpill to finally come to terms that it’s over for you and prevent becoming a simp at any given point. Of course this doesn’t apply to everyone, maybe only to a few like me who are predisposed to simp or too stupid know when it’s over.
if we didnt we would either be in a psychiatric ward or a prison
inceldom is like a psych ward without doctors/nurses on it. hopelessness + craziness literally kills you.
Because lets face it: The overwhelming majority of you switch 180 degrees when you get as much as a whiff of female attention.

I've been in the incel spaces and talked to you long enough and a repeating pattern occurs:






Be it the numerous stories of your pathetic simping binges that weren't reciprocated, your onetities that live rent free in your heads, or the way you change your behavior even in online spaces that also happen to be occupied by women: you always change your tune.

The matter of fact is that the vast majority of incels are just bitter that they are being left out of the gynocentirc female worship game that normies partake in. You are nothing but slaves without a master, and turn into boot licking abused dogs the moment some e-thot appears. Once some (((femcel))) occupied discord server props up, you flock there like a moth to a flame, completely addicted to scraps of virtual female affection and validation. Heck, even the administration of this forum does this on a regular basis, so what can be said about the plebs?

And this is exactly why incels will forever be a joke: You are not "based" or "blackpilled", you are not fundamentally against your shackles, you are just bitter that you don't get to participate in the game of biological slavery that normies participate in, and that you don't have the genetic gifts of Chads to circumvent it, lashing out and mocking normies while wanting nothing more than to be wearing their leash.

Our ancestors were the truly blackpilled ones because they realized that the vast majority of men lack the resolve and willpower to rise above their lizard brain shackles, which is why every human society enacted some form of regulation on female sexuality and it's dominion over it's biological slave: The male.

Rethink your views on inceldom, don't drown in it's "philosophy" as it offers no true freedom or solutIon. Merely another side of the same shekel.
Give me your avi name
too stupid know when it’s over.
humblecels are too blind to realize it's really over for 99% incels (1% left are just volcels). i really feel sorry for humblecels: i've been there, i had some kind of hope towards humankind once... but NO MORE from now on.
Correct, I would simp if I was attractive enough, but I’m not, so I wouldn’t get anything out of it. This isn’t an own, it’s just a logical conclusion. Of course, every single one of us, if given the opportunity, would be a total simp cuck if we had gf’s to show for it
The reason why simping is cucked is because simps get zero reward for it. If simping actually got you a girlfriend it would be betabuxxing which is not ideal but far preferable to inceldom.
Good post tbh
Because lets face it: The overwhelming majority of you switch 180 degrees when you get as much as a whiff of female attention.

I've been in the incel spaces and talked to you long enough and a repeating pattern occurs:






Be it the numerous stories of your pathetic simping binges that weren't reciprocated, your onetities that live rent free in your heads, or the way you change your behavior even in online spaces that also happen to be occupied by women: you always change your tune.

The matter of fact is that the vast majority of incels are just bitter that they are being left out of the gynocentirc female worship game that normies partake in. You are nothing but slaves without a master, and turn into boot licking abused dogs the moment some e-thot appears. Once some (((femcel))) occupied discord server props up, you flock there like a moth to a flame, completely addicted to scraps of virtual female affection and validation. Heck, even the administration of this forum does this on a regular basis, so what can be said about the plebs?

And this is exactly why incels will forever be a joke: You are not "based" or "blackpilled", you are not fundamentally against your shackles, you are just bitter that you don't get to participate in the game of biological slavery that normies participate in, and that you don't have the genetic gifts of Chads to circumvent it, lashing out and mocking normies while wanting nothing more than to be wearing their leash.

Our ancestors were the truly blackpilled ones because they realized that the vast majority of men lack the resolve and willpower to rise above their lizard brain shackles, which is why every human society enacted some form of regulation on female sexuality and it's dominion over it's biological slave: The male.

Rethink your views on inceldom, don't drown in it's "philosophy" as it offers no true freedom or solutIon. Merely another side of the same shekel.

I don't have the attention span to read this so I'm just going to bump this, I don't disagree with you
Because lets face it: The overwhelming majority of you switch 180 degrees when you get as much as a whiff of female attention.

I've been in the incel spaces and talked to you long enough and a repeating pattern occurs:






Be it the numerous stories of your pathetic simping binges that weren't reciprocated, your onetities that live rent free in your heads, or the way you change your behavior even in online spaces that also happen to be occupied by women: you always change your tune.

The matter of fact is that the vast majority of incels are just bitter that they are being left out of the gynocentirc female worship game that normies partake in. You are nothing but slaves without a master, and turn into boot licking abused dogs the moment some e-thot appears. Once some (((femcel))) occupied discord server props up, you flock there like a moth to a flame, completely addicted to scraps of virtual female affection and validation. Heck, even the administration of this forum does this on a regular basis, so what can be said about the plebs?

And this is exactly why incels will forever be a joke: You are not "based" or "blackpilled", you are not fundamentally against your shackles, you are just bitter that you don't get to participate in the game of biological slavery that normies participate in, and that you don't have the genetic gifts of Chads to circumvent it, lashing out and mocking normies while wanting nothing more than to be wearing their leash.

Our ancestors were the truly blackpilled ones because they realized that the vast majority of men lack the resolve and willpower to rise above their lizard brain shackles, which is why every human society enacted some form of regulation on female sexuality and it's dominion over it's biological slave: The male.

Rethink your views on inceldom, don't drown in it's "philosophy" as it offers no true freedom or solutIon. Merely another side of the same shekel.
I won't get women ever. I will be seen as tieeeny tiney manlet midget that deserved to get aborted. Any women who want me are lying and will try to get humiliation points out of me along with the camera man...... HUAMNSN ARE EVIL
just look at todd's stream whenever cole joined jfl
Nah, I'm one of the few based ones here who'd rather burn their money than give it to some whore.
Let us cope in peace :feelsseriously:
A truly bizarre take.

Presented with the choice between ascension or staying here debating incel ideological purity with you, I would take ascension in a heartbeat.

But you do you, I guess.
Because lets face it: The overwhelming majority of you switch 180 degrees when you get as much as a whiff of female attention.

I've been in the incel spaces and talked to you long enough and a repeating pattern occurs:






Be it the numerous stories of your pathetic simping binges that weren't reciprocated, your onetities that live rent free in your heads, or the way you change your behavior even in online spaces that also happen to be occupied by women: you always change your tune.

The matter of fact is that the vast majority of incels are just bitter that they are being left out of the gynocentirc female worship game that normies partake in. You are nothing but slaves without a master, and turn into boot licking abused dogs the moment some e-thot appears. Once some (((femcel))) occupied discord server props up, you flock there like a moth to a flame, completely addicted to scraps of virtual female affection and validation. Heck, even the administration of this forum does this on a regular basis, so what can be said about the plebs?

And this is exactly why incels will forever be a joke: You are not "based" or "blackpilled", you are not fundamentally against your shackles, you are just bitter that you don't get to participate in the game of biological slavery that normies participate in, and that you don't have the genetic gifts of Chads to circumvent it, lashing out and mocking normies while wanting nothing more than to be wearing their leash.

Our ancestors were the truly blackpilled ones because they realized that the vast majority of men lack the resolve and willpower to rise above their lizard brain shackles, which is why every human society enacted some form of regulation on female sexuality and it's dominion over it's biological slave: The male.

Rethink your views on inceldom, don't drown in it's "philosophy" as it offers no true freedom or solutIon. Merely another side of the same shekel.
I don't simp and I always ignore or insult women online but unfortunately I can't say the same for brocels.
Incredibly based and high IQ post

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