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Incels and Politics



Nov 8, 2017
/r/Incels had a following of over 40k before the banhammer. Assuming most of us live in democratic societies we incels have the right to vote. We should focus all of our energy behind creating/promoting political candidates that will bring back a patriarchy. Most of us are unemployedcel and have more than enough time on our hands to run massive propaganda campaigns on the internet. We can be very similar to the Christian right wing and we might actually be able to change our nation and the world.
Sadly, (((they))) banned fascism in 1945. Politics and the West itself has been cucked ever since.
I don't even have to vote since all parties are conservative leaning in my country, some more than others.
On a side note i rly hope this community doesn't turn in to /pol or some wierd off-shoot of alt-right like mgtows.
BlackPill47 said:
Sadly, (((they))) banned fascism in 1945. Politics and the West itself has been cucked ever since.

I find fascism to be attractive as an option. Intellectually, it is far superior to liberalism and resolves some issues that Communism had.

(((they))) can't really do much unless people are waving swastika flags around, which is a bit stupid this day and age considering how demonized that ideology has become.

It is literally more acceptable to be a Satanist than it is to be NS. That's how far society has fallen in a few decades.
Incelicious said:
BlackPill47 said:
Sadly, (((they))) banned fascism in 1945. Politics and the West itself has been cucked ever since.

I find fascism to be attractive as an option. Intellectually, it is far superior to liberalism and resolves some issues that Communism had.

(((they))) can't really do much unless people are waving swastika flags around, which is a bit stupid this day and age considering how demonized that ideology has become.

It is literally more acceptable to be a Satanist than it is to be NS. That's how far society has fallen in a few decades.

Agreed. Yet these SJW faggots today can walk around with hammer and sickle t-shirts with zero stigma, even though communist regimes were responsible for over 100 million dead. SMH.
Notice how only "fascist," right-wing subs are being banned.
I had hoped that the election of the God-Emperor and the Brexit referendum last year had started to turn the tide against neo-communist globalism and the EUSSR, but the SJW's incessant commie screech has seemingly negated it. Merkel is further destroying Europe with mass-immigration. SMH.
Yes, i think that`s why they ban us, we were getting too knowed and influential and subhumans are the 10% of the male population everywhere, we literally can recruit millions into the Blackpill, that`s an inherent threat to the society that treat us like shit for existing, its like the black civil rigths movement existing just before the civil war.
BlackPill47 said:
I had hoped that the election of the God-Emperor and the Brexit referendum last year had started to turn the tide against neo-communist globalism and the EUSSR, but the SJW's incessant commie screech has seemingly negated it. Merkel is further destroying Europe with mass-immigration. SMH.

Honestly what is left to save? What is remaining to fight for? Shit like CuckTears and RedditFaggotry?
Just LOL @ thinking your vote matters.
Grotesque said:
Just LOL @ thinking your vote matters.

Does anyone here actually believe their vote matters?
Whatever your political affiliation is, you must ALWAYS be pro guns. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that we are gazelles locked with hyenas in a forest. Only in this forest there is a thing called rule and law. Often the hyenas will team up on an innocent gazelle munching on some grass and growl at him as they show their sharp, rotten teeth, but they know that there is consequences for their actions therefore they do not harm him.

Undoubtedly there will come a time where the savages are free to do whatever to the innocent souls, and that is why we must be armed to the teeth. Ultimately, what can a set of sharp teeth do to a 12 gauge shotgun?
I don't support democracy, its only possible archievement is to cater the normie opinion. Wanting the state to suport us is pointless, they will only care for the butthurt SJW. Now, if there were no votes, i'd prefer a system where i am free rather than one where the state is allowed to cuck me as much as they please. If you care about having a chance at your dreams, no matter how little it might seem, be a person, not a part of a hive mind. I doubt if we could bring back a patriarchy, all of us would be happy, i'd not be happy treating someone as inferior (discriminating will always make trouble, the same kind of trouble we are suffering right now, being treated as dipshit because we men are the current target of the leftist trendy 'proggresive' ideas). I'd rather go for a system where nobody is forced to be any way. If you dissagree with me, i just hope you're part of the benefited and not of the opressed. Chads and whiney bitches are the cause of laws and violence, laws and violence spawn chads and whiney bitches.
No thanks. Hardcore lefty and democratic socialist. On hard, economic issues, anyway. Hate the SJW shit and neo-feminism and mass immigration.

BlackPill47 said:
Sadly, (((they))) banned fascism in 1945. Politics and the West itself has been cucked ever since.

How many men died in WW2 again?
Patriarchy can't be reimposed by democracy. The second we gave women the vote we set in motion a chain of events which would lead to the collapse of the western world.

What we need is liberty. How can you have liberty when butt hurt normies and SJW's are constantly voting to cuck you and ban dissenting opinions as "hate speech". If we can destroy the welfare state and the right of the government to cuck you then females and cucks loose their power. Women have to put out and behave themselves and will be much happier for it too.
Voting is cope. Trump is a zionist neocon, like every other Republican. I'm so stupid for believing otherwise.
My vote means nothing. We are all just pawns to politicians.
there's no reason incels should even care a bit about politics, the entire world hates you and is against you all. wtf is going from (((capitalism))) to fascism going to change lol

also every single republican who will ever be elected as president will be a zionist neocon, lol if you expect any different in (((America))), the Israel away from Israel. Not like Hillary was a better choice by any stretch of the imagination though
I also live in a cucked democracy that doesn't have proportional representation or a direct election for the head of government. My vote is always wasted, as 'my' representative for my area is in one of the safest areas and therefore cannot be voted out of office.

existentialhack said:
No thanks. Hardcore lefty and democratic socialist. On hard, economic issues, anyway. Hate the SJW shit and neo-feminism and mass immigration.

How many men died in WW2 again?

About 60 million. Which is 40 million less than the communist regimes killed in the past 100 years. WW2 was an unnecessary war.

Ironically, I do agree with your first statement. I am fiscally liberal, but obviously against immigration as well. I'm probably only a little more nationalist than you. National Socialism is often mis-labelled as far-right, when it reality it was more centrist, albeit authoritarian.

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