Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

SuicideFuel Inceldom apparently is a big societal problem, so why are there only 30k members on .is?

This forum is oriented towards:
  1. Adult virgins (and escortmaxxing losers).
  2. Adult virgins who are open about their sexual inexperience online.
  3. Adult virgins who have accepted the total defeatism of the :blackpill:.
  4. Adult virgins who enjoy (or tolerate) edgy and offensive content.
  5. Adult virgins who aren't too sensitive to being associated with nasty and hateful stereotypes.
  6. Adult virgins who would rather vent on here than cope with some other mindless hobby.
And the forum itself is very obscure. We are the minority of a minority.
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It's weird that there has never been (afaik) a single Mainland Chinese member.

700 million men, 70 million of them surplus, this site isn't even blocked over there.
Im sure there’s a very tame congregation area for Chinese incel males to talk about their problems however it won’t be able to collectivize, that and many of them might not speak English or have internet access… idk

My guess is that Chinese people in general mainly congregate around official websites and don’t question the narrative much because there is no sign they can win or change anything. Better to duck your head and stay alive than poke it out and get your head cut off.
SFcels. That simple.
when normies talk about incels, they automatically associate them with SFcels. Reason why a regular incel won't identify himself with that tag
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With the hundreds of ´male loneliness´ and ´dating is dead´ doom and gloom video´s on Youtube that have millions of views, I expected more online traffic on this forum
instead of a mere 200 ish active members at peak traffic hours, 30k members and always the exact same group of loyal .is members posting on a daily basis.
The reality is that most incels don't identify with the incels here, and it doesn't take a genius to see why. Just look at how vulgar this forum is. Many posts are just people fantasizing about committing violence against women and normies. The stereotype of incels conjured up in the public consciousness is the reality here.
The reality is that most incels don't identify with the incels here, and it doesn't take a genius to see why. Just look at how vulgar this forum is. Many posts are just people fantasizing about committing violence against women and normies. The stereotype of incels conjured up in the public consciousness is the reality here.

Of the people who do find this site, >>>95% will leave the first time they encounter the at times repulsively vulgar, stupid and offensive shit posted daily. If you make your site the place where you can say nigger and talk about why all jews should be minecrafted that comes at the cost of total isolation. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is all just a fed project to keep incels with extremist tendencies nicely grouped up in one place & easy to monitor.
:yes: :yes:

Most incels (actual involuntary celibates) are alienated by that content. After years of bullying and rejection, they're already insecure about their public perception, so they are going to avoid this site like the plague. I can't really blame them. The majority of incels are actually meek, kind and unassuming men. They don't want to be associated with bigotry, hate or violence.

You will find the majority of (open) incels on much tamer communities like Wrong Planet and r/ForeverAlone. The only problem with those communities is that they still censor the :blackpill: and gaslight incels. I wish there was a community like this which embraced the :blackpill: but banned gratuitous fedposting.
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:yes: :yes:

Most incels (actual involuntary celibates) are actually alienated by that content. After years of bullying and rejection, they're already insecure about their public perception, so they are going to avoid this site like the plague. I can't really blame them. The majority of incels are actually meek, kind and unassuming men. They aren't bigoted or hateful.

You will find the majority of (open) incels on much tamer communities like Wrong Planet and r/ForeverAlone. The only problem with those communities is that they still censor the :blackpill: and gaslight incels. I wish there was a community like this which embraced the :blackpill: but banned gratuitous fedposting.
I have only been on this forum for a short time but I don't think I belong here. I just wish there was an openly blackpilled forum that was more positive than this one, but I don't think such a thing exists.
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Blackpill is small
Shut up nig I don't even care at all about leftists and faginists
Weird, considering how they are stomping our heads in in terms of political success. Maybe you should start caring about the people who not only hate you but have the means to harm the collective interests of your sex as a whole. Maybe you should stop making their job as easy as possible for them. Maybe if more men would care about the effects their own actions have on our chances in the political arena, we wouldn't be where we are now.
Weird, considering how they are stomping our heads in in terms of political success. Maybe you should start caring about the people who not only hate you but have the means to harm the collective interests of your sex as a whole. Maybe you should stop making their job as easy as possible for them. Maybe if more men would care about the effects their own actions have on our chances in the political arena, we wouldn't be where we are now.
Muh bolitics
I don't know I don't care I have no money and nothing and no brain and I am an excess male and the world doesn't need me. And I also don't know or care about the political arena
Muh bolitics
I don't know I don't care I have no money and nothing and no brain and I am an excess male and the world doesn't need me. And I also don't know or care about the political arena
That's like saying "I don't care about war" while your own house is getting bombed into the ground. You don't have the option not to care. You only have the option to surrender without a fight. But you're still partaking in the process, if you want to or not. Politics is non-consensual.
For some reason, I believe that this forum will be a milestone in the history of the planet
With the hundreds of ´male loneliness´ and ´dating is dead´ doom and gloom video´s on Youtube that have millions of views, I expected more online traffic on this forum
instead of a mere 200 ish active members at peak traffic hours, 30k members and always the exact same group of loyal .is members posting on a daily basis.
Most ugly short people are redpilled anyways,maybe a bit blackpilled but they still have the redpill beliefs
That's like saying "I don't care about war" while your own house is getting bombed into the ground. You don't have the option not to care. You only have the option to surrender without a fight. But you're still partaking in the process, if you want to or not. Politics is non-consensual.
Actually you can not care. Caring won't stop the bombs. So you may as well stop care.
You should check out the health and wellness journal

1 in 3 men in european countries are sexless.

60% of younger men are single and sexless. It's not due to video games and porn,
it's due to women, and their unrealistic standards.

Everyone knows this - we try to meet women on dating apps and in real life,
all they do is say no, and then just run off with the first chad they find on dating apps.

A guy showed me his TINDER and WHATS UP - he has about 200 girls on there. About
40 are texting him at once. The girls then just complain they can't find anyone decent.
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They are also hiding this forum from the search bar, trying to damage the 'identities' of incels. Everyone
thinks feds are all over it, despite no one here actually going on murder sprees. You'll notice there are
thousands of guests logged in.
Not only that but this forum is dying compared to what it was a few years ago

2021-2023 wasn't great ofc, the blackpill had already been overdiscussed, and in a few ways the site was even worse but overall it was more active & also had a lower rate of turnover compared to now
Majority of incels are in first world countries. In first world countries you have abundance of copes while in asian countries the other place where are more incels they cope with endless working days
This is a good point also
cus not everyone knows about this website + they don't want to be associated with DA BIG BAD INCELS AHHHHH!!!
they'd rather just vent on r/depression or something.
Yeah this is a valid point, they probably are subconsciously blackpilled but don't want to take the plunge and become a "misogynist"
A lot of incels are actually Incels-In-Denial and they still believe that they can make it through redpill or bluepill nonsense.

Many are still very bluepilled & redpilled, I know people who should be posting here
Two possibilities. One: They blindly believe the utter nonsense that bluepillers say. Two: Virgin but not incel retards. These jackasses sincerely believe that the "Virgin but not incel" makes any fucking sense at all.
Yeah I've seen tons of these on Reddit
Majority of incels are in first world countries. In first world countries you have abundance of copes while in asian countries the other place where are more incels they cope with endless working days
Never crossed my mind before, but this also seems like a good point.

A lot of people here I think are dopamine-addicts
Many high IQ users like @laanda @GeckoBus @WorthlessSlavicShit doesn't really post anymore. Assuming the Must Read Content is the best this forum has to offer, most of the posts are years old and no new post are really getting added to it.
>tfw I've mad tons of contributions and not get recognized. :feelsUgh:

But nah one of them is still active and also, most people hardly even read what's shared.
Pretty sure you won't even find this site when googling for "incel forums" or something similar. This place isn't that easy to find.
Yeah I just did a check on google by tying in "incel forum" or "incel websites" and nothing even related to this appeared. :shock:
Of the people who do find this site, >>>95% will leave the first time they encounter the at times repulsively vulgar, stupid and offensive shit posted daily.
Eh, not sure tbh

I mean, this site is for sure still somewhat niche and you have to already be an "online" type to understand stuff like this in a way, so it's common this stuff is online. The media also has made it so we're synonymous with vulgarity, "edgyness" etc
If you make your site the place where you can say nigger and talk about why all jews should be minecrafted that comes at the cost of total isolation.
I mean I don't think we need to ban either of those, and as LFC once said if they had to really, literally enforce the "no racebait" as intended most users here are gonna get warned, temp. banned or permabanned

We just have to accept that race is gonna get discussed, and that race-realism in a way is part of the blackpill, but this is difficult to discuss ofc.
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is all just a fed project to keep incels with extremist tendencies nicely grouped up in one place & easy to monitor.
Problem is "extremist" nowadays is an epithet they use to brand anyone who disagrees with them
Looking at old posts and web archives of this site, it seems like it had higher quality content in the past. Don't think this place holds on to the types of people who create good content very well.
Yes and no, but the site did have a much more prolific issue with JBW in the past

Same for faggotry up until mid-2018, but yes this is a good point.
Low amount of inflow and low retention rate -> slowly dying out, only people with no place else to go stay around.

Basically, this site will never truly "die" in the sense it will dip to below 100 on average daily. You will ofc always have normies, trolls, etc. infiltrating, feds, and ofc genuine users who will want to come here, but will be put off by the low quality of things.
Alot more infiltrators and fakecels too.

Advertising this site isnt really worth it.
Yeah I was about to add on, since the whole "Tik Tok" invasion shit, we've seen
It's the most low effort way to guarantee no one will feel any sympathy for you while offering nothing in return. If I was a politician and I could decide one thing about the behavior of my opposition, I might decide for them to always use the most offensive terminology possible in public. It's the real life equivalent of walking to lane in league without buying items. It's the political equivalent of trolling your team. It's basically inting.
This is a good point, I do ofc believe in the "Jewish Question" but I'm aware that it's not all 100% "da joos" as well as that we should try and be a bit factual

I could show for instance, how they had many traders in the Atlantic slave trade...despite being a minority

do the math
50% of society gets sex for free (women)
20% of men easily get it (chads)
remaining men end up beta-buxxing, so you have to subtract that amount
remaining = actual incels for life.
It's actually a small number of society that is absolutely sex less. It will never be a massive social issue, since at least 50-70% of society (women + chads) can always get sex.
This is the simple truth, to add on many normies are ware that dating/sex is harder, but they can get it still so to them the concept of being "Incel" is incomprehensible
That's like saying "I don't care about war" while your own house is getting bombed into the ground. You don't have the option not to care. You only have the option to surrender without a fight. But you're still partaking in the process, if you want to or not. Politics is non-consensual.
Opportunity to drop the legendary meme:

001 1
They are also hiding this forum from the search bar, trying to damage the 'identities' of incels. Everyone
thinks feds are all over it, despite no one here actually going on murder sprees. You'll notice there are
thousands of guests logged in.
Tbf yea, a lot of would-be-users here probably think that by joining they're gonna get a visit a month later or something

But also a lot of "guests" are bots
its obvious that we are too racist. Most incels cant tolerate nigger and kyke being thrown around like 2006 4chan
This is a good point, I do ofc believe in the "Jewish Question" but I'm aware that it's not all 100% "da joos" as well as that we should try and be a bit factual
Who cares about factual, try being marketable. What's right or not doesn't matter when it comes to winning in politics.

Something along the lines of "Incels' goal is not to get pussy. If that was what we are about at our core, there would be no incels in countries where prostitution is legal and legalizing prostitution everywhere would be our primary demand. What incels are about, if they are thoughtful enough to realize it or not, is empowering men, the naturally devalued and disadvantaged sex on the sexual and romantic market (and on the market for societal sympathy). Creating equality and fairness where right now there is just a class of nobels, a sexual bourgeoisie (women, chads) and a sexual proletariat (low status men, increasingly just average men as conditions get worse through tech advances and societal and cultural norms empowering the already dominant players even more)." Making our plight sympathetic isn't even that hard once you stop having voluntary Tourette's.

Also, the second you start talking about us Jews at all you have already surrendered.

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