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It's Over Incel trait: Your parents are losers



New Chains, Same Shackles
Aug 20, 2022
Everyone from my family is fat. My father, mother (though she isn't as fat as the rest), my sister, and last but not least me.

I was fat from the very beginning. I have a vivid memory of someone telling me, I should lose weight, when I was still in primary school. At this age, you cannot choose what to eat and it's up to the parents to feed you things that are healthy, obviously, so mine clearly didn't.

There are all kinds of parents out there, but generally speaking, parents want the best for their children, so I doubt that they didn't feed me properly because they didn't care about me, but rather because they are stupid and don't know anything about healthy eating habits. And by feeding me shit food, they practically trained me to become addicted to processed, unhealthy foods, leading to me, as an adult, being like a drug-addict who practically cannot get away from his bad eating-habits.

I predict that there will be people here commenting stuff like "Lose weight, fatty". Do me a favor, look up the probabilities of someone with obesity losing weight. If you have reached a certain point of obesity, you would need to live several lifetimes just to make sure that you are skinny at one point of your life. Don't get me wrong, it definitely is possible in theory, however, in practice, losing weight once you're fat is very, very unlikely.

Nowadays, if I blame them for my obesity, they tell me "You're an adult now. I am old, I can barely think for myself, so you yourself are responsible for your weight", as if they didn't contribute anything to me being fat.

My mother and my father are both very unsuccessful.

My father is even job-less nowadays and receives money on the account of being "mentally ill" and therefore "unable to work". I am very sure that he is faking his "mentally illness", so he does not have to work anymore, but prior to playing retaded, also side note: why are mentally ill parents even allowed to be parents?, he worked as a night-time security at a betting office. No idea what the fuck he was doing particularly, but as far as I'm concerned, he was sitting around and staring at a monitor all night. At least that's what he was supposed to do; God knows what he was actually doing because it is very likely that absolutely nothing was happening during his shifts. But anyway, as you can imagine, this isn't really a job you need to have skills for. Therefore, he was probably paid minimum wage.

Prior to this job, he was working for our cities train-company. No idea what he was doing there exactly either, but it for sure wasn't something you need to be an engineer for. Probably something that requires physical strength, so this job probably didn't get him much more than minimum age either.

My mother is currently working as someone who takes blood from patiens, don't know the english description for that job, and while this seems like a job that might get you a higher wage, both of her sisters are more successful than her. One is managing an entire grocery store and the other is a nurse at the division of the hospital where people with really messed up injuries go.

Prior to that job, she was an assistant at a kindergarden. Shit job - you have to deal with screaming kids all day and help the actual kindergardeners, who went to university to study how to deal with kids properly. Also, minimum wage.

They are aware of being losers in this category though. They are aware, that we cannot afford the things her sisters can. No Louis Vuitton bag, no second house in another city,... so what they do is expect me and my sister to become the way they wanted to be. I kind of made that happen. After working less than two years, I will be an engineer.

Did me graduating from a higher college of IT and being an engineer in the near future make them or me happy though? Of course not. How can you expect to be happy when your parents force you to do what they think is best for you? I never wanted to sit in an office all day, becoming fatter with each new day, programming my life away. And their respect for me has not increased at all. They still treat me like a child, asking me when I'll come home when I'm out doing something. They still call me immature. They simply don't treat me like an adult who has met the requirements they set.

Me and my father were assembling a wardarobe today. I was reading the instructions, because both my mother and my father told me that they couldn't read it. This is where the stupidity starts.

When I told my father that he needs to place something 101mm away from the edge of a wooden board, like the instructions tells you to, he took out his tape measure and, instead of pulling out 10cm, he pulled out 1m of tape. And this happened several times while we were assembling it.

Intelligence is genetic - If your parents are stupid, their children will likely be stupid too. With other words: It has not even began for you.

And while we were assembling the wardarobe, I was reading the instructions not as throughly as I should have, because I was tired of helping them when my help should not have been needed, and I just didn't take the whole thing seriously, after finding out my father is too stupid to convert millimeters to centimeters, which lead to me giving my father wrong instructions (that could be corrected easily) and him calling me stupid. Like, FUCK YOU. YOU CAN'T EVEN READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, YOU SON OF A WHORE!!!

He also kept getting annoyed at me "not helping him", even though he barely told me to help him. If he said "help me real quick", I would have helped him, but he, for some reason, expected me to fucking smell that he needs help or something. Communication? Fuck that I guess.

Both of my parents cannot use techonlogy. My father can, barely, but my mother is completely stupid. She keeps asking me the simplest stuff, and when I send her a link to instructions on how to do the thing she asked me for, she tells me "they are too complicated". She wants me to do everything for her and refuses to even attempt to learn anything. She even asked me things regarding her work. Like, BITCH, ASK YOUR CO-WORKERS!!!

Meanwhile, her sisters and every other part of our family has already learned how to use technology to at least some degree. The fact that I have co-workers her age who know pretty much everything about how to use computers is just so fascinating to me. How can two women at the same age be so far apart intelligence wise?

If your parents are losers, it never began for you.You were doomed from the very beginning. They inherited all of their bad habits to you and now you're stuck with them.
fucking retarded losers brought another subhuman to this planet with their shitty DNA
You forgot mental illness and abusive "parenting".
You forgot mental illness and abusive "parenting".
True. Being fat comes with a buch of fancy mental illnesses by default, but shit parents will make sure, you‘ll get ill regardless of your looks.

I was beaten as a child. This was their way of „teaching“ me that I did something wrong. Amazing. I‘m sure this would translate into me being just as good as a parent :feelskek:. „Would“ because they ruined my chances of getting women.
When I told my father that he needs to place something 101mm away from the edge of a wooden board, like the instructions tells you to, he took out his tape measure and, instead of pulling out 10cm, he pulled out 1m of tape. And this happened several times while we were assembling it.

Everyone from my family is fat. My father, mother (though she isn't as fat as the rest), my sister, and last but not least me.

I was fat from the very beginning. I have a vivid memory of someone telling me, I should lose weight, when I was still in primary school. At this age, you cannot choose what to eat and it's up to the parents to feed you things that are healthy, obviously, so mine clearly didn't.

There are all kinds of parents out there, but generally speaking, parents want the best for their children, so I doubt that they didn't feed me properly because they didn't care about me, but rather because they are stupid and don't know anything about healthy eating habits. And by feeding me shit food, they practically trained me to become addicted to processed, unhealthy foods, leading to me, as an adult, being like a drug-addict who practically cannot get away from his bad eating-habits.

I predict that there will be people here commenting stuff like "Lose weight, fatty". Do me a favor, look up the probabilities of someone with obesity losing weight. If you have reached a certain point of obesity, you would need to live several lifetimes just to make sure that you are skinny at one point of your life. Don't get me wrong, it definitely is possible in theory, however, in practice, losing weight once you're fat is very, very unlikely.

Nowadays, if I blame them for my obesity, they tell me "You're an adult now. I am old, I can barely think for myself, so you yourself are responsible for your weight", as if they didn't contribute anything to me being fat.

My mother and my father are both very unsuccessful.

My father is even job-less nowadays and receives money on the account of being "mentally ill" and therefore "unable to work". I am very sure that he is faking his "mentally illness", so he does not have to work anymore, but prior to playing retaded, also side note: why are mentally ill parents even allowed to be parents?, he worked as a night-time security at a betting office. No idea what the fuck he was doing particularly, but as far as I'm concerned, he was sitting around and staring at a monitor all night. At least that's what he was supposed to do; God knows what he was actually doing because it is very likely that absolutely nothing was happening during his shifts. But anyway, as you can imagine, this isn't really a job you need to have skills for. Therefore, he was probably paid minimum wage.

Prior to this job, he was working for our cities train-company. No idea what he was doing there exactly either, but it for sure wasn't something you need to be an engineer for. Probably something that requires physical strength, so this job probably didn't get him much more than minimum age either.

My mother is currently working as someone who takes blood from patiens, don't know the english description for that job, and while this seems like a job that might get you a higher wage, both of her sisters are more successful than her. One is managing an entire grocery store and the other is a nurse at the division of the hospital where people with really messed up injuries go.

Prior to that job, she was an assistant at a kindergarden. Shit job - you have to deal with screaming kids all day and help the actual kindergardeners, who went to university to study how to deal with kids properly. Also, minimum wage.

They are aware of being losers in this category though. They are aware, that we cannot afford the things her sisters can. No Louis Vuitton bag, no second house in another city,... so what they do is expect me and my sister to become the way they wanted to be. I kind of made that happen. After working less than two years, I will be an engineer.

Did me graduating from a higher college of IT and being an engineer in the near future make them or me happy though? Of course not. How can you expect to be happy when your parents force you to do what they think is best for you? I never wanted to sit in an office all day, becoming fatter with each new day, programming my life away. And their respect for me has not increased at all. They still treat me like a child, asking me when I'll come home when I'm out doing something. They still call me immature. They simply don't treat me like an adult who has met the requirements they set.

Me and my father were assembling a wardarobe today. I was reading the instructions, because both my mother and my father told me that they couldn't read it. This is where the stupidity starts.

When I told my father that he needs to place something 101mm away from the edge of a wooden board, like the instructions tells you to, he took out his tape measure and, instead of pulling out 10cm, he pulled out 1m of tape. And this happened several times while we were assembling it.

Intelligence is genetic - If your parents are stupid, their children will likely be stupid too. With other words: It has not even began for you.

And while we were assembling the wardarobe, I was reading the instructions not as throughly as I should have, because I was tired of helping them when my help should not have been needed, and I just didn't take the whole thing seriously, after finding out my father is too stupid to convert millimeters to centimeters, which lead to me giving my father wrong instructions (that could be corrected easily) and him calling me stupid. Like, FUCK YOU. YOU CAN'T EVEN READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, YOU SON OF A WHORE!!!

He also kept getting annoyed at me "not helping him", even though he barely told me to help him. If he said "help me real quick", I would have helped him, but he, for some reason, expected me to fucking smell that he needs help or something. Communication? Fuck that I guess.

Both of my parents cannot use techonlogy. My father can, barely, but my mother is completely stupid. She keeps asking me the simplest stuff, and when I send her a link to instructions on how to do the thing she asked me for, she tells me "they are too complicated". She wants me to do everything for her and refuses to even attempt to learn anything. She even asked me things regarding her work. Like, BITCH, ASK YOUR CO-WORKERS!!!

Meanwhile, her sisters and every other part of our family has already learned how to use technology to at least some degree. The fact that I have co-workers her age who know pretty much everything about how to use computers is just so fascinating to me. How can two women at the same age be so far apart intelligence wise?

If your parents are losers, it never began for you.You were doomed from the very beginning. They inherited all of their bad habits to you and now you're stuck with them.
It’s even more brutal if you’re a single-child
It’s even more brutal if you’re a single-child
It's even more brutal if you have 3 brothers who are all just as big of bullies as your parents
It's even more brutal if you have 3 brothers who are all just as big of bullies as your parents
IMG 0133
My dad was a tallfag incel gamer that somehow ascended cuz he was 6’2 and bred a 5’2 roastie
both my parents had mad post-war ptsd, i was fucked at birth
So many different factors fuckin coalesced to make me an incel it's insane. My parents are a significant piece of that puzzle though.

The short version is that they're both so autistic I have no idea how or why they got together and thought having kids would be a good idea...
It's even more brutal if you have 3 brothers who are all just as big of bullies as your parents
Well I’m in danger of my linage to disappear, you can at least pass down your genes to 3 other guys your brothers, me and others are at risk of the end of our linage
They simply don't treat me like an adult who has met the requirements they set.
hits way too hard home. They dont respect my privacy and randomly search for stuff in my room without asking me and when i confront them about it they go apeshit
e also kept getting annoyed at me "not helping him", even though he barely told me to help him. If he said "help me real quick", I would have helped him, but he, for some reason, expected me to fucking smell that he needs help or something. Communication? Fuck that I guess.
Also hits hard home. My parents always expected me to ask them if they need help, instead of asking for help like any normal person with an IQ above room temperature does.
Both of my parents cannot use techonlogy. My father can, barely, but my mother is completely stupid. She keeps asking me the simplest stuff, and when I send her a link to instructions on how to do the thing she asked me for, she tells me "they are too complicated". She wants me to do everything for her and refuses to even attempt to learn anything. She even asked me things regarding her work. Like, BITCH, ASK YOUR CO-WORKERS!!!
Not my mom but my grandma. She is basically a caveman when it comes to technology
High iq thread @incelerated
lose your weight, ppl that have drug addiction still be able to rehabilitated. your eating addiction is far easier to rehabilitated. rather than arguing about it u using that time to start running now and burn that fat of yours would be far better solution, anyone that capable of working out can lose their weight u can look up any research in the world for it anyone denying that is coping. do it now not only it could help your lookmaxxing its also make u stay healthy. if u have time u better search how many disease causes by obesity and ask yourself if u wanna be like that or live like that. i might come off rude but ask yourself if what i said benefit u or not rather than getting angry
Yep, hit all 3 for my parents
lose your weight, ppl that have drug addiction still be able to rehabilitated. your eating addiction is far easier to rehabilitated. rather than arguing about it u using that time to start running now and burn that fat of yours would be far better solution, anyone that capable of working out can lose their weight u can look up any research in the world for it anyone denying that is coping. do it now not only it could help your lookmaxxing its also make u stay healthy. if u have time u better search how many disease causes by obesity and ask yourself if u wanna be like that or live like that. i might come off rude but ask yourself if what i said benefit u or not rather than getting angry
Fatasses will always find an excuse to not go work out
I inhERited my mom’s ugly looks and my dad’s weird pERsonality
Yeah mines divorced back in 2006 after 20 years of marriage however they never slept in the same bed for the last 14

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