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Incel Trait: You Reject Women



Aug 20, 2022
Title is kinda clickbait.

What I mean by the title is that you reject opportunities to interact with Foids. You don't sit with Foids in class, you don't talk to them, you don't try to befriend them or romantically befriend them etc. A few days ago I could have joined a chat group type thing with a lot of Foids in it but it was just full of simp orbiters. I never talk to Foids unless it's necessary. Ever. I just see no Net Gain.
Title is kinda clickbait.

What I mean by the title is that you reject opportunities to interact with Foids. You don't sit with Foids in class, you don't talk to them, you don't try to befriend them or romantically befriend them etc. A few days ago I could have joined a chat group type thing with a lot of Foids in it but it was just full of simp orbiters. I never talk to Foids unless it's necessary. Ever. I just see no Net Gain.
This is avoiding unnecessary rejection which more men will do.
fake cel trait
I avoid them for good reasons.
Reject rejection or not, either way the suffering will be the same.
Same. I try to avoid foids as much as possible irl. Which isn't normal at all!!
Maybe I have some sort of foidphobia or something:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:
same since I was 25 it was absolutely 100% over for me no point even trying all I am risking is liability and psychological pain by sitting in the same room as a toilet.
Same as I’ve gotten older I just realized i want nothing to do with them. Just tye sight of them and their voices piss me off. I avoid any interaction with them as much as possible
Avoid the modern foid. Nothing good can ever come from them
This is avoiding them because of past trauma. It's a natural reaction to the negative feedback loop we receive from them.
I’ve stopped approaching/initiating conversations. Complete waste of time as you know the end result.
Can't relate as im not a teenager in school or apart of any group chats whatsoever.

You're 6'2 in curry land, at least try and approach...
Same. I try to avoid foids as much as possible irl. Which isn't normal at all!!
Maybe I have some sort of foidphobia or something:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:
i started to fear my oneitis for sometime, i look like an autist everytime a woman wants to talk to me (on purpose)
Why do it when I know what they think about me? If you are in a group of simps they will manipulate the simps to act against you, if is a chat group is much easier because they won't be face to face.
For most of my life not the case. However nowadays sure I guess, IRL atleast, I don't really go out as often as I used too. I avoid it more because I know what to expect from other people and the world in general. I know what will happen and it always does. It's brutal tbh. It's nicer actually being able to interact with people properly online instead
Because we learned our lesson
Maybe I would interact with them more if it were possible to have an intelligent conversation with them. But obviously all cunts are dumb as shit, so what's the point?
Title is kinda clickbait.

What I mean by the title is that you reject opportunities to interact with Foids. You don't sit with Foids in class, you don't talk to them, you don't try to befriend them or romantically befriend them etc. A few days ago I could have joined a chat group type thing with a lot of Foids in it but it was just full of simp orbiters. I never talk to Foids unless it's necessary. Ever. I just see no Net Gain.
Youd think Im a cuck for being just freinds with women. But the things is, Im not really a freind. Im there to look for opportunities to make there life a living hell without them noticing. If the women are your enemy, somtimes its good to fake yourself. Lie to them. Let them be freinds until you can find ways to ruin there lives and get away with it. Be a spy. Outsmart the stacy.
Title is kinda clickbait.

What I mean by the title is that you reject opportunities to interact with Foids. You don't sit with Foids in class, you don't talk to them, you don't try to befriend them or romantically befriend them etc. A few days ago I could have joined a chat group type thing with a lot of Foids in it but it was just full of simp orbiters. I never talk to Foids unless it's necessary. Ever. I just see no Net Gain.
I try my damnedest to do all of those things but no dice.
I'm an apathetic old ricecel by now and I treat foids how they have treated me.

I am very rude to them and I don't put on the meek nice guy persona like the vast majority of asian dudes do.

The reason why foids and people in general walk all over you, is because you were conditioned your whole life to be meek, nice, and submissive to them.

Fuck that shit. All Asian dudes need to go full on anarchy nigger mode. Practice what I like to call, uncivilized disobedience lol. Thats what other races of men would do if they were in our shoes.
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Truecel trait : you reject gigaStacies.
The reason why foids and people in general walk all over you, is because you were conditioned your whole life to be meek, nice, and submissive to them.
Any interaction with a foid that does not imply sex is for bluepilled gigacucks.
Very relatable. I avoid any situations that could lead to me getting attached/brutally rejected by a girl I care about. If its just a casual interaction I don't mind anymore, but the possibility it could be more for me or her (unlikely), causes me to shut down and push women away. Avoidant personality in a nutshell
Volcel trait imho, but i will admit i do the same. I just don't trust women.
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