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Discussion Incel trait : You are a misanthrope, but you enjoy being around animals



Court Jester
Jan 6, 2024
I hate humans, I cant stand them. But I love being by the side of a dog, cat or another animal. There’s a simplicity to them that is just endearing.

I can’t stay more than two hours with a human without turning insane. 99% of human interactions feels forced and fake to me. With animals, its the opposite. I can hang with them all the time and I’ll enjoy my time with these fellas
I hate humans, I cant stand them. But I love being by the side of a dog, cat or another animal. There’s a simplicity to them that is just endearing.

I can’t stay more than two hours with a human without turning insane. 99% of human interactions feels forced and fake to me. With animals, its the opposite. I can hang with them all the time and I’ll enjoy my time with these fellas
especially birds and cats
Iv met some good people. I also like animals.
No. I hate every single living thing.
Nothing in this world brings me any interest anymore.
I hate humans, I cant stand them. But I love being by the side of a dog, cat or another animal. There’s a simplicity to them that is just endearing.

I can’t stay more than two hours with a human without turning insane. 99% of human interactions feels forced and fake to me. With animals, its the opposite. I can hang with them all the time and I’ll enjoy my time with these fellas
I love my dogs. They're the only living beings that make me happy.
Bird singing is lifefuel
same, also even insects are better than humans and I'd rather choose them
My Doggos were the only thing that gave me a little bit of happiness.

Walking through woods at night with a Dog is bliss
My three cats are my best friends
I hate dogs, they disturb your peace by jumping on you or barking they also lick their asshole and try to lick people after.
I don't hate dogs since they have been comforting me many times while humans don't. You can pet animals for free, foids ask 200€+ for that and hate you.
domestic animals are nice
I have cats bc of local mice infestations but thats it.

I dont like dogs bc they stink and also fuck foids
I hate animals. They're no different than people. The only difference is people find more "complicated" ways to fulfill their base instincts.
I hate humans, I cant stand them. But I love being by the side of a dog, cat or another animal. There’s a simplicity to them that is just endearing.

I can’t stay more than two hours with a human without turning insane. 99% of human interactions feels forced and fake to me. With animals, its the opposite. I can hang with them all the time and I’ll enjoy my time with these fellas
white person trait tbh.

Though turtles snakes are cool, monitor lizards are fun to rape, then eat, with my currybros
Misanthropy is literally defined as the distrust / dislike of other human-beings, so no shit you'd like animals over people, tho almost every human being nowadays pretends to be misanthropic as well as "muh depression / a-sexual / fag" etc. Actual Misanthropes is rare alongside actual depressed people and gays, same with introversion. All of these words are just labels / buzzwords for sensitive modern humans who grew up with narcissistic parents.

Besides, animals are lots of work to take care of and they can get sick easily and die, then you have more responsibilities as well with them. If your dog bites someone, you can get sued. You let your cat out of the house for just a second, she's gone forever and will get hit by a car. lol
I love petting moths
this thread i can relate. i love nature and i love machines. i hate humans like you wouldn't believe.
I like birds the most & enjoy being around them.
I relate tbh, I like taking care of my brother's pet bird and guinea pig. I miss my dog a lot too, its only been a few months but I'll always miss her. I'm considering getting another dog or maybe a cat this time instead in a few years
My only friend in childhood were dogs, but they still would cause trouble in house so we kept them outside , and they were just extra mouths to feed
I also fucking hate cats because cats would come to our house, steal or beg for food and expect to receive it no matter what. and pissed everywher
Yes animals are better than humans
My only friend in childhood were dogs, but they still would cause trouble in house so we kept them outside , and they were just extra mouths to feed
I also fucking hate cats because cats would come to our house, steal or beg for food and expect to receive it no matter what. and pissed everywher
Humans are worse then cats though
I hate animals. They're no different than people. The only difference is people find more "complicated" ways to fulfill their base instincts.
Humans are way worse atleast an animals won't betrayal or take advantage of you common bro give some love
I hate humans, I cant stand them. But I love being by the side of a dog, cat or another animal. There’s a simplicity to them that is just endearing.

I can’t stay more than two hours with a human without turning insane. 99% of human interactions feels forced and fake to me. With animals, its the opposite. I can hang with them all the time and I’ll enjoy my time with these fellas
I fucking hate humans so much too to the point that I sometimes the only people I love are my parents since they give me unconditional love, I have less interest in making new friends to as I get older and I hate it when my dad thinks that I like people when I really don't I just want to be rude because as a people pleaser I got tired of dislike by people so I hate humans back, I'm a proud misanthrope but I love cats and dogs and other animals, they won't betray, reject, have more empathy then most people, won't take advantage of you, ostrize you, rhey seem to be more reciprocated to love you then a human will, hate you, judge you, be disinterested in being you're friend, gossip, or use you like we humans do. I love animals way more then people, most of them are innocent
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Humans are way worse atleast an animals won't betrayal or take advantage of you common bro give some love
They will. If they're starving they'd eat you alive if they found you weak and sick.
They will. If they're starving they'd eat you alive if they found you weak and sick.
Well depending on what animal and species they are too, I don't literally like all animals on earth, there's definitely animals that I don't like
I don't enjoy being around animals. That's just more lookism.
Animals can’t tell that I’m sub5

but you enjoy being around animals​

i think its weird people call themselves animal lovers and eat meat
i see this shit all the time
"bro, i love animals" while you eat dead animals who screamed in fear before being killed
how does that work?

Faggot no one loves you. Your pets don't care about you.
your opinion, I just think some animals do a better job then others when it comes to friendliness and love like a dog for example especially like a golden retriever
Faggot no one loves you. Your pets don't care about you.
If they do then it would be better then most humans general love atleast they won't take advantage, betray, or gossip like human plus they do a better job on having empathy then most people

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