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SuicideFuel Incel Trait: This is how girls respond when they see you.

  • Thread starter Incel_Because_Short
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
Ezgifcom video to gif

For all you autistcels, I'm going to explain in detail her body language and what she's communicating in that split second.

The immediate tilt of the head away from OP is right away communicating a closed body language. She saw OP and looked away instantly so that he has no opportunity to speak to her. If OP chose to talk to her, he would seem creepy because in the girls' head, she thought she clearly expressed that she does not want to talk to him, so him doing so anyways creeps her out because she gets the feeling that you don't understand social cues.

It doesn't stop there though.

Notice how she tilted her eyes up and away from the OP? That kind of language indicates serious disapproval and a feeling of threat on her part. We tilt our eyes upwards when we are imagining something, so OP was so repulsive to her that she had to imagine something else other than the situation she's in.

Notice the pursed lips as well. People contract their lips like that when they are feeling anger, but are unable to express it in a socially acceptable manner. She could not directly yell at OP and tell him to go away, so she had to clench her lips closed so as to not embarrass herself in public.

You might think that she's calm because she's playing with her hair, but the reason she's playing with her hair is to calm her nerves. Hair playing calms you down when you're feeling anxious in a situation. Combine it with all of the above and clearly she's trying to calm herself down from what she perceives to be a threat.

Her body is screaming what her mouth will not, "EWW GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU CREEP I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE."

If the body expressions in the gif seem very familiar to you, or if you've noticed that a lot of women are giving off these bodily expressions when they see you, it's a true mark of being an incel.

The reason most guys end up being called a creep is because they either are ignorant of, or willingly ignore very clearly obvious body language that a woman is disgusted by your presence. The better you get at reading these expressions, the less likely you're going to end up in a social situation where you're seen as a creep.
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The image didn't appear but I know how it works very well. It happened to me thousands of times.
They just ignore me.
she was trying to do that head thing to push back her hair then she saw @taloh
They judge if you're worthy of living within seconds of seeing you. Jfl if you don't think women deserve a rock to smash their skull in Minecraft.

Also, was the original thread deleted? It seems like it.
They judge if you're worthy of living within seconds of seeing you. Jfl if you don't think women deserve a rock to smash their skull in Minecraft.

Also, was the original thread deleted? It seems like it.

Honestly glad it was deleted, because it could have resulted in the OP getting arrested or this website shut down.
i just checked the ban thread, it wasnt his vid and he got banned for a thread he made.
Yeah, just saw it too. Seems to be a faggot who hates us. The video was still based tho.
You can see that Is a look of disgust even with autism.
Based analysis
View attachment 303245

For all you autistcels, I'm going to explain in detail her body language and what she's communicating in that split second.

The immediate tilt of the head away from OP is right away communicating a closed body language. She saw OP and looked away instantly so that he has no opportunity to speak to her. If OP chose to talk to her, he would seem creepy because in the girls' head, she thought she clearly expressed that she does not want to talk to him, so him doing so anyways creeps her out because she gets the feeling that you don't understand social cues.

It doesn't stop there though.

Notice how she tilted her eyes up and away from the OP? That kind of language indicates serious disapproval and a feeling of threat on her part. We tilt our eyes upwards when we are imagining something, so OP was so repulsive to her that she had to imagine something else other than the situation she's in.

Notice the pursed lips as well. People contract their lips like that when they are feeling anger, but are unable to express it in a socially acceptable manner. She could not directly yell at OP and tell him to go away, so she had to clench her lips closed so as to not embarrass herself in public.

You might think that she's calm because she's playing with her hair, but the reason she's playing with her hair is to calm her nerves. Hair playing calms you down when you're feeling anxious in a situation. Combine it with all of the above and clearly she's trying to calm herself down from what she perceives to be a threat.

Her body is screaming what her mouth will not, "EWW GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU CREEP I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE."

If the body expressions in the gif seem very familiar to you, or if you've noticed that a lot of women are giving off these bodily expressions when they see you, it's a true mark of being an incel.

The reason most guys end up being called a creep is because they either are ignorant of, or willingly ignore very clearly obvious body language that a woman is disgusted by your presence. The better you get at reading these expressions, the less likely you're going to end up in a social situation where you're seen as a creep.

Honestly, the more I learn about communication the more I think that I am on the spectrum or something. Just highly functioning or some shit.
Are normies able to read this shit like you just described?
Because I would not have noticed this in a million years.
I would've probably just moved on with my day.

I would've thought that she is just looking around and is bored or something, while waiting for the cashier to finish.

Am I that blind to this shit?

And btw, yes, women do behave exactely like this around me.
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Jfl I knew it would be this video
View attachment 303245

For all you autistcels, I'm going to explain in detail her body language and what she's communicating in that split second.

The immediate tilt of the head away from OP is right away communicating a closed body language. She saw OP and looked away instantly so that he has no opportunity to speak to her. If OP chose to talk to her, he would seem creepy because in the girls' head, she thought she clearly expressed that she does not want to talk to him, so him doing so anyways creeps her out because she gets the feeling that you don't understand social cues.

It doesn't stop there though.

Notice how she tilted her eyes up and away from the OP? That kind of language indicates serious disapproval and a feeling of threat on her part. We tilt our eyes upwards when we are imagining something, so OP was so repulsive to her that she had to imagine something else other than the situation she's in.

Notice the pursed lips as well. People contract their lips like that when they are feeling anger, but are unable to express it in a socially acceptable manner. She could not directly yell at OP and tell him to go away, so she had to clench her lips closed so as to not embarrass herself in public.

You might think that she's calm because she's playing with her hair, but the reason she's playing with her hair is to calm her nerves. Hair playing calms you down when you're feeling anxious in a situation. Combine it with all of the above and clearly she's trying to calm herself down from what she perceives to be a threat.

Her body is screaming what her mouth will not, "EWW GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU CREEP I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE."

If the body expressions in the gif seem very familiar to you, or if you've noticed that a lot of women are giving off these bodily expressions when they see you, it's a true mark of being an incel.

The reason most guys end up being called a creep is because they either are ignorant of, or willingly ignore very clearly obvious body language that a woman is disgusted by your presence. The better you get at reading these expressions, the less likely you're going to end up in a social situation where you're seen as a creep.

Btw, on the topic of body language:

Is it autistic to be unable to mirror other people in conversation?
Like when people laugh, I hardly feel that urge to love or smile as well so I usually fake it.
Someone will tell a joke, everybody laughs and I am just dead faces like a rock.

Shit got me into trouble during a company event. Multiple people told me to cheer up and loosen up, stop being grumpy.
I just sat there though.
idk wtf is going on.

I’ve often felt uneasy with voicel arguments and "you gotta try, bro". Even at a young age it was painfully obvious that a woman behaving this way is already uncomfortable with my mere existence and to approach her without introduction is painfully autistic. Call I don’t know what is worse 99% of women reacting to me this way or the one percent of women I made friends with who would take every opportunity to remind everyone how sexually unattractive they found me.
Btw, on the topic of body language:

Is it autistic to be unable to mirror other people in conversation?
Like when people laugh, I hardly feel that urge to love or smile as well so I usually fake it.
Someone will tell a joke, everybody laughs and I am just dead faces like a rock.

Shit got me into trouble during a company event. Multiple people told me to cheer up and loosen up, stop being grumpy.
I just sat there though.
idk wtf is going on.


Yes, those are classic signs of autism.
Btw, on the topic of body language:

Is it autistic to be unable to mirror other people in conversation?
Like when people laugh, I hardly feel that urge to love or smile as well so I usually fake it.
Someone will tell a joke, everybody laughs and I am just dead faces like a rock.

Shit got me into trouble during a company event. Multiple people told me to cheer up and loosen up, stop being grumpy.
I just sat there though.
idk wtf is going on.

At The minimum mirror their facial expression. If they are laughing you should at least smile
I would love to get reactions like that. Then I could experiment with how I can cause slightly different reactions and zero in on the best I could get.
Instead I get nothing. Nothing.
Very high IQ thread, OP. I understand body language like no other and more often this is the way I am told I am fugly rather than verbally, but it happens that way too sometimes.
I would love to get reactions like that. Then I could experiment with how I can cause slightly different reactions and zero in on the best I could get.
Instead I get nothing. Nothing.
Relatable, women refuse to even look at me.
i usually get ignored or get weird looks from women.They either stare at me,look at me as if they had seen death itself,take multiple glances as if they are confused etc etc.tfw you are so ugly,women have no fucking clue how to react when you are around.
Yes, those are classic signs of autism.
Lain suicide

At The minimum mirror their facial expression. If they are laughing you should at least smile

I do smile. But I copied my smile from some dude I saw on YT years ago, alongside some of my regular facial expressions.
And my smile is shit, people think I am pulling a face when I do.
Just this friday someone asked me if I was ok when I smiled.

Or when someone tells a story. Even if it is interesting to me I can not emote correctely.
So I just do the smile thing and people look at me and even though they are smiling they look mildly uncomfortable.

Honestely, just fucking kill me. I am not one of these people to idealize mental disorders.
I don't want to be a fucking sperg, for fucks sake.

But the more I look into this shit the more afraid I become.
I score way above average (130-140) on the RAADS-R, even when I try to manipulate my score down
but that test is biased towards normies so I dont give a fuck.

And my uncle has 3 kids on the spectrum and I am like him in some ways.
I just dont wan this to be true, I just dont :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hPm4eiiD08

There's a sperg who leads a life of danger
To everyone he replies he stays a stranger
With every post he makes another chance he takes
Odds are he won't see alerts tomorrow

Secret incel man, secret incel man
They've given you a ban and crossed out your name
Beware of pretty avis that you find
A pretty avi can hide an evil mind

Ah, be careful what you say
Or you'll give yourself away

Odds are you won't live to post tomorrow
Secret incel man, secret incel man

They've given you a ban and crossed out your name
Secret agent man, secret agent man
They've given you a ban and crossed out your name

Swingin' on the Forum one day
And then layin' in the Sewers next day
Oh no, you let the wrong word slip
While kissing mod ass
The odds are you won't live to post tomorrow
Secret incel man, secret incel man
They've given you a ban and crossed out your name
Are normies able to read this shit like you just described?

I would've thought that she is just looking around and is bored or something, while waiting for the cashier to finish.
Am I that blind to this shit?
And btw, yes, women do behave exactely like this around me.

I wouldn't say that people would be able to truly read into body language like this, but yes most people are aware when someone is disinterested in talking or not having a good time.

Girls are extremely good at picking up on how people feel based on the expressions they make or their body language. Any time a dude is called a creep, it's 99% of the time because the guy did not acknowledge all the body expressions she was making that she wasn't interested (even if she seems calm and well mannered while talking). To women, their body language is clear as day, but a lot of guys who are interested in a girl will sometimes be too smitten to take note of it.

Almost every time you see a situation where the guy gets called creep, it's a guy who keeps trying to force an interaction with a girl that is giving a closed body language.

Btw, on the topic of body language:

Is it autistic to be unable to mirror other people in conversation?
Like when people laugh, I hardly feel that urge to love or smile as well so I usually fake it.
Someone will tell a joke, everybody laughs and I am just dead faces like a rock.

Shit got me into trouble during a company event. Multiple people told me to cheer up and loosen up, stop being grumpy.
I just sat there though.
idk wtf is going on.


I'll be honest, I'm sort of on the spectrum and it took a lot of practice in reading people and social situations before I got good at reading this stuff.

In short, it's not autistic, but when you aren't mirroring someone in conversation or not matching the vibe of the people in a room, people sense that there is something wrong with you. Not you personally, but they get the impression that you're not really enjoying yourself, which some people perceive as being rude.

Something you have to acknowledge is that MOST people are hiding their true feelings about shit, and going with the flow. If I were to describe autism in one word, I would say honesty, but autistic people do not know how to separate their inner feelings from their external expression.

In general, just try to match the vibe of whatever group you're in. That will make sure you stay out of trouble.

Drinking helps with this a lot, which is why normies need alcohol to socialize.
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i usually get ignored or get weird looks from women.They either stare at me,look at me as if they had seen death itself,take multiple glances as if they are confused etc etc.tfw you are so ugly,women have no fucking clue how to react when you are around.

JFL you literally are the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Just live in a pond bro, we are just pond scum anyways, amiright lol?

That glorious moment when someone asks you why you are so sweaty and you say "that's not sweat, that's lake water"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI1PWcTe0W4
I see this often in white women. They hate me because i am ugly creepy curry. And they all react that way. Annoyed and angry because of my existence.
View attachment 303245

For all you autistcels, I'm going to explain in detail her body language and what she's communicating in that split second.

The immediate tilt of the head away from OP is right away communicating a closed body language. She saw OP and looked away instantly so that he has no opportunity to speak to her. If OP chose to talk to her, he would seem creepy because in the girls' head, she thought she clearly expressed that she does not want to talk to him, so him doing so anyways creeps her out because she gets the feeling that you don't understand social cues.

It doesn't stop there though.

Notice how she tilted her eyes up and away from the OP? That kind of language indicates serious disapproval and a feeling of threat on her part. We tilt our eyes upwards when we are imagining something, so OP was so repulsive to her that she had to imagine something else other than the situation she's in.

Notice the pursed lips as well. People contract their lips like that when they are feeling anger, but are unable to express it in a socially acceptable manner. She could not directly yell at OP and tell him to go away, so she had to clench her lips closed so as to not embarrass herself in public.

You might think that she's calm because she's playing with her hair, but the reason she's playing with her hair is to calm her nerves. Hair playing calms you down when you're feeling anxious in a situation. Combine it with all of the above and clearly she's trying to calm herself down from what she perceives to be a threat.

Her body is screaming what her mouth will not, "EWW GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU CREEP I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE."

If the body expressions in the gif seem very familiar to you, or if you've noticed that a lot of women are giving off these bodily expressions when they see you, it's a true mark of being an incel.

The reason most guys end up being called a creep is because they either are ignorant of, or willingly ignore very clearly obvious body language that a woman is disgusted by your presence. The better you get at reading these expressions, the less likely you're going to end up in a social situation where you're seen as a creep.
They make up their mind about you within three seconds of seeing you, before you can say or do anything. Never forget that. I know this rejection glance all too well
Btw, on the topic of body language:

Is it autistic to be unable to mirror other people in conversation?
Like when people laugh, I hardly feel that urge to love or smile as well so I usually fake it.
Someone will tell a joke, everybody laughs and I am just dead faces like a rock.

Shit got me into trouble during a company event. Multiple people told me to cheer up and loosen up, stop being grumpy.
I just sat there though.
idk wtf is going on.

I was the same but I learned to mimic them. Normies are like NPCs so just larp as an NPC and you kind of don't set off their npc alarm
In short, it's not autistic, but when you aren't mirroring someone in conversation or not matching the vibe of the people in a room, people sense that there is something wrong with you.

This kinda reminds me of the Matrix or Inception where the projection of a dream could sense someone from outisde altering the dream therefore reject the intruder or in this example reject someone who is not normal. This all feels like a weird dream anyways.
Something you have to acknowledge is that MOST people are hiding their true feelings about shit, and going with the flow. If I were to describe autism in one word, I would say honesty, but autistic people do not know how to separate their inner feelings from their external expression.

In general, just try to match the vibe of whatever group you're in. That will make sure you stay out of trouble.

Drinking helps with this a lot, which is why normies need alcohol to socialize.

But I can't do that. It just feels forced as hell and I can not keep it up for long at all.

autistic people do not know how to separate their inner feelings from their external expression.
:dafuckfeels: uh oh

In short, it's not autistic, but when you aren't mirroring someone in conversation or not matching the vibe of the people in a room, people sense that there is something wrong with you.

I can sense the vibe but I can not alter my behavior to fit in. I just dont know how to do that. I didnt even know people did that. Sounds creepy as fuck.
Like they are Vibe-Slime or something. They just fit whatever mold presents itself.

It's hard to judge for me how other people perceive the world and act. So I don't know if what I am doing is actually normal.
I am just super uncomfortable around people all the time but I don't put a lot of effort into hiding it.
I just withdraw and do nothing I guess.
I don't think it is autism though, I am just ugly.

Also, why match the vibe if I can just leave? I get not pleasure from being accepted tbh, it is uncomfortable and feels intrusive to hang out with normies.
Its very exhausting.

Btw, you seem to know about autism, is this childhood behviour out of the ordinary:
I used to refuse playing with other kids a lot.
I remember one time we went sleding and this parent suggested that I play with her kids and I started crying.
My mom also says that I would always say that I was "dirty" even while bathing.

I also did this thing where I invited the only friend I had in gradeschool over and in the middle of playing with him I would just go in a corner and read a book and ignore him. He was diagnosed with ADHD btw.

I don't have any of the usual sperg signs though.

Gimme some hints, I need to figure this out to live with myself.

I just don't want to think that I am some actually undiagnosed sperg.
Probably nothing.
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But I can't do that. It just feels forced as hell and I can not keep it up for long at all.

:dafuckfeels: uh oh

I can sense the vibe but I can not alter my behavior to fit in. I just dont know how to do that. I didnt even know people did that. Sounds creepy as fuck.
Like they are Vibe-Slime or something. They just fit whatever mold presents itself.

It's hard to judge for me how other people perceive the world and act. So I don't know if what I am doing is actually normal.
I am just super uncomfortable around people all the time but I don't put a lot of effort into hiding it.
I just withdraw and do nothing I guess.
I don't think it is autism though, I am just ugly.

Also, why match the vibe if I can just leave? I get not pleasure from being accepted tbh, it is uncomfortable and feels intrusive to hang out with normies.
Its very exhausting.

Btw, you seem to know about autism, is this childhood behviour out of the ordinary:
I used to refuse playing with other kids a lot.
I remember one time we went sleding and this parent suggested that I play with her kids and I started crying.
My mom also says that I would always say that I was "dirty" even while bathing.

I also did this thing where I invited the only friend I had in gradeschool over and in the middle of playing with him I would just go in a corner and read a book and ignore him. He was diagnosed with ADHD btw.

I don't have any of the usual sperg signs though.

Gimme some hints, I need to figure this out to live with myself.

I just don't want to think that I am some actually undiagnosed sperg.
Probably nothing.
You’ve ever heard the theory that if you’re not with a woman then you’re gay? Like it doesn’t matter if you’re attracted to guys or not just the fact that you’re not getting laid by women then you’re gay.

I would say by a similar metric that if you cannot blend in with the Normie‘s then you are autistic.
JFL you literally are the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Just live in a pond bro, we are just pond scum anyways, amiright lol?

That glorious moment when someone asks you why you are so sweaty and you say "that's not sweat, that's lake water"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI1PWcTe0W4

what's worse is that my mom thinks my next door cute becky english girl with a fringe(who is also skinny and 6'1 in fucking london) has a secret crush on me just because she seems to stare at me.I say seems because she might be a dyke and might be actually staring at my mom.My mom legit thinks i am sad chad and that i am voluntarily celibate.my life is a joke.if i could stop her from staring at our house whenever she goes do her backyard exercise,i would stop her gladly.
Also, why match the vibe if I can just leave? I get not pleasure from being accepted tbh, it is uncomfortable and feels intrusive to hang out with normies.
Its very exhausting.

I just don't want to think that I am some actually undiagnosed sperg.
Probably nothing.

Honestly dude it's chill. Don't worry about it too much.

As a whole, people are not as rude as you think. You just gotta practice vibing with others. Even if it's forced, man most people are forcing it too, but you can still have a good time, that's what I've learned.

Even if you are autistic, so what? Doesn't mean anything. Again I'm also on the spectrum a bit, you just gotta practice. Then when it's too exhausting, there's nothing wrong at all with excusing yourself. For every hour I socialize, I need like two hours of my own tie.

I believe in you bro.
I would love to get reactions like that. Then I could experiment with how I can cause slightly different reactions and zero in on the best I could get.
Instead I get nothing. Nothing.
For me also. I suspect a possibility that this exception was kind of ascension tough:

I don't get it really. I look at every person a small amount of time who walks nearby me. But today I already saw it again: Not a single look and sign given. As if I were air.

I never saw me in the autism spectrum btw, but I also not saw all the signs OP described.
I haven’t left my house in quite a while so I can’t remember if this happens or not. I am 90% sure i it did tho and I am having trouble remembering it
should have just shoved his hand under her dress and press her up against the register the finger her to oblivion. make her cum so hard she has no other choice but to acknowledge his presence.
Every single girl in my school acted like this when she was near me.
Very high IQ thread, OP. I understand body language like no other and more often this is the way I am told I am fugly rather than verbally, but it happens that way too sometimes.
I haven’t left my house in quite a while so I can’t remember if this happens or not. I am 90% sure i it did tho and I am having trouble remembering it
Every single girl in my school acted like this when she was near me.

It's a confused look of disgust. They have that "why are you even here?" look on their face when they see you.
Women looking at you nervously but not smiling isn't a good thing like normies think.
That reaction is brutal as fuck
You can tell her disgust and fear just by looking at this truecel.
For me, the don't look back
Thanks for explaining. I'm shit at reading non-verbal signals. And yes, I get this reaction a lot from girls, especially the eyes tilting upward
This hurts to watch, I see this on a daily basis
If you're incel, then don't even approach women. Don't look at women. Don't get close to them.

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