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Incel trait: The only good thing you had in high school were your grades



May 13, 2018
While all the other high schoolers were having a social life, making important memories, dating and having that feeling of camaraderie with all the high school mates I didn't have any of those.

All I had to cope was getting good grades which are fucking useless after getting admitted to uni, really nobody cares about your high school grades since the content is so generic and basic it's not too useful in the real world.

Jobs where only high school is necessary will be interested just in your diploma, not your grades. And skilled jobs don't care because it's obvious that if you have a uni degree you passed high school.

But when I was a bluepilled youngcel I felt fucking important getting 8s and 9s in high school courses. Thinking the rest was secondary and I would be rewarded some day. How innocent I was kek.
It is an incel trait but I gave up on that. My oneitis gets straight A's.
nah my grades were either meh or shit
The only thing I did good in was the incel subjects such as computer class.
more like truetistic trait
This one is brutal. I spent my formative years rotting over a textbook instead of making memories. And now I never get the opportunity to make memories ever again. It's not fair :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal:
While all the other high schoolers were having a social life, making important memories, dating and having that feeling of camaraderie with all the high school mates I didn't have any of those.

All I had to cope was getting good grades which are fucking useless after getting admitted to uni, really nobody cares about your high school grades since the content is so generic and basic it's not too useful in the real world.

Jobs where only high school is necessary will be interested just in your diploma, not your grades. And skilled jobs don't care because it's obvious that if you have a uni degree you passed high school.

But when I was a bluepilled youngcel I felt fucking important getting 8s and 9s in high school courses. Thinking the rest was secondary and I would be rewarded some day. How innocent I was kek.
My grades were also shit
(from a lack of care, not intelligence - dw I'm retarded actually, but I gave up before it could ever begin)
The tall monkeys who didn’t do shit and got bad grades and disrupted the class are out living life and fucking bitches. They may have minimum wage jobs but they are still happy. Over.
I had good grades
No I'm fucking terrible at everything and had shit grades, I'm a fucking disappointment :fuk:
I got mostly B-D's, rarely A's. So, no.. this isn't one of those dumb stereotypes in movies where the "virgin weirdo" kid is an A+++ student, in reality most incels are like most losers, we suck not only in social situations but also work that provides our undivided attention. Besides, school was created for foids and is taught for foids, thats why most dudes either flunk out or just don't go to college. I never went to college, sounds gay asf.
I was academically genius till class 10,at that time i was only focused on studies and doesn't care on dating and teen love, but after class 10 my academics gone through a total and brutal collapse
This one is brutal. I spent my formative years rotting over a textbook instead of making memories. And now I never get the opportunity to make memories ever again. It's not fair :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal:
I was addicted with playing World of Warcraft, there was no time to get good grades.
Nice job getting good grades. I barely passed middle and highschool with D's and C's.
Imagine having a triple digit IQ as a brainrot incel.
Truecel trait: even your grades were bad in high school.
Good grades are important in high school insofar as they allow you choosing your uni and therefore your job
I was good till 3rd year of high school then the last 2 years of hs I got depressed cause I was a 17-19yo khhv and I got addicted to League of Legends, barely passed the final exam then with 66 out of 100
My grades were quite decent in HS, but at college I was one of the worst and in the beginning of 3rd semester I had to "drop out"/take a health leave for one year
Yes me too, wasted every second of highschool
Truecel trait: Not only were you a failure in terms of socializing with others, but you also didnt even get good grades either.
I know (online) a guy like this. He dropped out of high school because he was too obsessed with videogames and anime, wanted to become a youtuber but failed because he's just so boring. He had to finish high school in a high school for adults course.

He mogs me physically but has social awkwardness of a truecel and usually cryposts saying foids don't talk to me or I'm a virgin.
i had boardline failing grades
That's very common in Asspain, we probably have the highest drop out rate of all western Europe.
My grades were not good because i'm not high IQ and i didn't give a fuck about school, many days i wouldn't even go to school because i just wanted to stay home and not be around people. Somehow i managed to not fail a single year
Tbh to fail middle or high school in Spain you have to be really dumb or just don't try, specially middle school or ESO how it's called here.

If you're an idiot they put you in a personalised group with other idiots and they give you dumbed down versions of exams and assignments. I think schools get less money if too many students fail so that's why they do it.





While all the other high schoolers were having a social life, making important memories, dating and having that feeling of camaraderie with all the high school mates I didn't have any of those.

All I had to cope was getting good grades which are fucking useless after getting admitted to uni, really nobody cares about your high school grades since the content is so generic and basic it's not too useful in the real world.

Jobs where only high school is necessary will be interested just in your diploma, not your grades. And skilled jobs don't care because it's obvious that if you have a uni degree you passed high school.

But when I was a bluepilled youngcel I felt fucking important getting 8s and 9s in high school courses. Thinking the rest was secondary and I would be rewarded some day. How innocent I was kek.
JFL my grades were trash
My grades were very average. Some bad, some good, some meh.
This is so true and happened to me as well. My parents were very strict, demanding and wanted me to stay out out trouble. They are awful parents and failed me because THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS AND WILL DRIVE YOU TO A SUCCESSFUL ADULTHOOD IS EXPERIENCE TEEN-LOVE AND SOCIALMAXXING WHEN YOUNG. Not getting good grades that don't matter for anything and staying out of trouble.

But when I was a bluepilled youngcel I felt fucking important getting 8s and 9s in high school courses. Thinking the rest was secondary and I would be rewarded some day. How innocent I was kek.
Classic sign of clueless boomer parents.
About to finish highschool and last I checked I had a 1.8 GPA. I don't even look anymore because it just makes my stomach sink anytime I think about it . Not out of school yet and it's already over
This is so true and happened to me as well. My parents were very strict, demanding and wanted me to stay out out trouble. They are awful parents and failed me because THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS AND WILL DRIVE YOU TO A SUCCESSFUL ADULTHOOD IS EXPERIENCE TEEN-LOVE AND SOCIALMAXXING WHEN YOUNG. Not getting good grades that don't matter for anything and staying out of trouble.

Classic sign of clueless boomer parents.
Yeah If you are a complete loner at 20 It's already over
you can't live your 20s with a brain of a 13 yo.
Yeah If you are a complete loner at 20 It's already over
you can't live your 20s with a brain of a 13 yo.
If you reached your 20s as a virgin you're at least 5 years behind. You might have matured about some things because of suffering, but these things don't matter. The only thing that matters are romantic relationships.
This is so true and happened to me as well. My parents were very strict, demanding and wanted me to stay out out trouble. They are awful parents and failed me because THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS AND WILL DRIVE YOU TO A SUCCESSFUL ADULTHOOD IS EXPERIENCE TEEN-LOVE AND SOCIALMAXXING WHEN YOUNG. Not getting good grades that don't matter for anything and staying out of trouble.

Classic sign of clueless boomer parents.
I didn't even have good grades. :feelsbadman:
But when I was a bluepilled youngcel I felt fucking important getting 8s and 9s in high school courses. Thinking the rest was secondary and I would be rewarded some day. How innocent I was kek.
I unironically peaked in primary school
In my early years i did well, but i just stopped trying cause i had no friends, no gf and really no reason to try any harder then what's good enough to pass.
It is an incel trait but I gave up on that. My oneitis gets straight A's.
My oneitis who led me on for years, who I want to describe but won't to be on the safe side, and the cohort of stacys who constantly gossiped about one another who she was in with always got top grades but had the most retarded opinions and knew fuck all about the world. I did shit in school so I can't relate to this thread but even the most stupid foids seemed to be god tier in their studies compared to me.
Some stacys and a few beckys but mainly stacys would even cry about hard the exams were in class and it was fucking hilarious. :feelskek:
And foids say they want equality and to work in the same jobs as men but throw tantrums when they actually have to put some effort into something
Kind of unrelated but most of my teachers actually cared about me. One, who was a lady, not calling her a foid because she seemed to be a genuinely good person, willingly stayed behind on her own time to help me out on some maths.
99% of women are foids but some are worthy of respect. :feelsautistic:
as I have non-verbal learning disorder I only did well in humanistic subjects, which are of no use to an incel.
While all the other high schoolers were having a social life, making important memories, dating and having that feeling of camaraderie with all the high school mates I didn't have any of those.

All I had to cope was getting good grades which are fucking useless after getting admitted to uni, really nobody cares about your high school grades since the content is so generic and basic it's not too useful in the real world.

Jobs where only high school is necessary will be interested just in your diploma, not your grades. And skilled jobs don't care because it's obvious that if you have a uni degree you passed high school.

But when I was a bluepilled youngcel I felt fucking important getting 8s and 9s in high school courses. Thinking the rest was secondary and I would be rewarded some day. How innocent I was kek.
Inceldom made my grades shitty.
What part of spain are you from?

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