ramdom normaldons would often come up to me and try to get a rise of me, i’d tell him to put my book back on the desk he took and knowing he wouldn’t i got up and did my low inhib thing. (he dodged my kick so i didn’t even hit him) some black kids in pairs came up to me informing me i was racist when i’m not i just preferred to be alone and ignore everybody, and these brown kids got all up on me saying ‘i hate you too’ when i didn’t bother them. nowhere near insufferable as the asians, what comes out of their mouths is simply passive incitement but this rice kept kicking the back of my seat and i’d have to stare him down so he’d stop after going ‘what the fuck are you looking at’ only to shortly get flustered like a foid pretending to flip through his binder because i held my “low inhib” stare. i would try to walk out the door like everyone else and get elbowed in the face sent flying to the back of the room, my left jaw still hurts to this day