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Discussion Incel trait: Anxiety from a young age

  • Thread starter Deleted member 17606
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Deleted member 17606

Deleted member 17606

Rise and Rot
Mar 18, 2019
While chad was busy thinking about girls in class, I was trembling in the ER section because I had a panic attack that made me think my heart is failing, or something is seriously wrong with my body. And not once or twice, but over and over again. Decades later that same chad had experienced many parties, relationships, experiences. He may have experienced an ocassional nervousness, but few people have known the truest level of hell that comes with mental disorder. Every time I went to the mental section for panic it was always truecels suffering their own bent reality. Not once have I ever seen an 8+ individual suffering from this. I am now heading into oldcel territory, but what hasnt changed is the excruciating hours of anxiety I have to experience because my mind is damaged.
i can relate, my life is suffering
Extreme anxiety is hell, especially combined with being non-nt.
Definitely. My anxiety stems from being a subhuman currycel. I know for a fact I wouldn’t have anxiety if I was good looking.
Fuck Chad and his social gatherings
Yeah. Had anxiety since high school.
i remember back in elementary school having such anxiety for shit that never happened but i never had friends so i took all my ideas from stuff like Boy Meets World and The Wonderyears.
in those series they always got into an adventure and i thought all that shit would happen to me so id panic and try to prepare for those situations like a faggot
I've had this for as long as I remember. I felt isolated and afraid, as if my mind was filled with all these bad thoughts. I felt alone and when I went to sleep I'd shake uncontrollably out of fear. This continued until I was 12 or so.
i am terrified to look ppl in the eye
I only had anxiety if i had to find a place to sleep at -20°f with no dumpster nearby. If i was caught away from my cozy camp... Because the busses stopped.
Can relate.
I've had anxiety/panic attacks since I was a kid.
I have anxiety at night tbh
fuck fuck fuck, I can't even buy my own clothes
While chad was busy thinking about girls in class, I was trembling in the ER section because I had a panic attack that made me think my heart is failing, or something is seriously wrong with my body. And not once or twice, but over and over again. Decades later that same chad had experienced many parties, relationships, experiences. He may have experienced an ocassional nervousness, but few people have known the truest level of hell that comes with mental disorder. Every time I went to the mental section for panic it was always truecels suffering their own bent reality. Not once have I ever seen an 8+ individual suffering from this. I am now heading into oldcel territory, but what hasnt changed is the excruciating hours of anxiety I have to experience because my mind is damaged.
I deadass got a stomach ulcer that lasted a year all because I had to speak publicly one time.
Yes. In the worst phase I even had a slight incontinence and wore light diapers - I didn't consciously associate that with fear at the time, but it was safe. I always looked at people's mouths when they talked and never knew why. Maybe it was just a stupid habit or learned because I had a lot of problems with my ears as a toddler, but I also think fear unconsciously here.
Since I have known Jesus, it is much better, even if fear of man is hardly there anymore, fear of God defeats fear of man. But I still have this other side and I will probably never get rid of the Social Avoidant characteristics.
The awesome thing is that there are moments when I am super confident and there is a good flow with other people. It's like another life. When you think that this is normal for most people (and for Chads anyway) I would say that this is maybe even more drastic for well-being and self being than the possibility of sexual intercourse.
Out of the 30 pupils in my class I was the one who spoke the least
incel trait > anxiety over small things
I remember in kindergarten being so anxious I would vomit everyday during lunch, and crying to my mother begging to not make me go in the mornings.
I would always look down to the point it actually fucked my posture and people would make fun of me for it calling me hunchback, which just made me worse.

My dad and other authority figures would shit on me for it too, which just made me feel more subhuman I.e I looked down even more.

I always wore a hoodie and covered my face too.With a mask in very rare situations but there’s no viable excuse really. Sometimes I’d wear a surgical mask or those masks for people with the flu. again, very rare.

I haven’t worn just a T shirt in forever and I’ve never worn shorts in public. I’ve had a hoodie continually up since 12 or even before that. ive been at my credit recovery 3 months and don’t remember a single time I’ve removed the hood off my head.

it’s over

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