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News Incel threatens to go ER on personal Facebook;gets kidnapped by police(“arrested”) in an act of state-sponsored bullying



Nov 10, 2017
0A92DD4A AD17 41F0 8935 4A5AC9BBC89E

Chris Cleary

Imo he’s not that ugly, but I don’t know his height. He probably is a legitimately low IQ individual given that he posted specific threats of violence on a personal Facebook. There’s no shot this guy was gonna actually do something.

All I wanted was a girlfriend, not 1000 not a bunch of hoes not money none of that. All I wanted was to be loved, yet no one cares about me I'm 27 years old and I've never had a girlfriend before and I'm still a virgin, this is why I'm planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter cause I'm ready to die and all the girls the turned me down is going to make it right by killing as many girls as I see."​

This was his threat. All the guy wanted was to be loved, but he’ll end up being hated, laughed at, and beat up in jail for the sole crime of being disliked by women. I hope someone tells him about this site, it’ll do him a lot of good to be able to talk with other incels in private instead of venting on FB.
its over for threatenstogoER onpersonalFacebookcels
Its over for low iq cels
>threatens to commit a crime
>didnt do it and just waited
what did he mean by this
Arrested, but was he convicted?

You should know not to make threats like this on Facebook. My kid sister was in college, and she once jokingly said she was gonna kill herself. Then she took a nap. And then she woke up to campus security busting her dorm room door in. The authorities don't just wait for you to commit your crime before they act. What kind of police work is that? They haven't prevented the crime, just punished someone after the crime is committed.
Mogs me in every way
All the guy wanted was to be loved, but he’ll end up being hated, laughed at, and beat up in jail for the sole crime of being disliked by women.
Well he was going to go ER. The “authorities” don’t take too kindly to that you know
It's over man. He looks so much like me.
hahahahah IT will be all over this.

man, i hope the mods do a good job of protecting this site from being taken down :D
It's over man. He looks so much like me.
What the fuck why are you still a graycel? You've had more than enough posts to rank up twice and get that light blue color
Going ER is retarded in my opinion what would killing a bunch of dumb thots really accomplish?1 million roastie lives arent worth the death of even one incel.
JFL @ using cuckbook
What the fuck why are you still a graycel? You've had more than enough posts to rank up twice and get that light blue color
Each rank takes a week to register to stop spammers
Each rank takes a week to register to stop spammers
I never had that problem i always ranked up within 15 minutes of getting every 500 post
death to "incels" with hair
Friend of mine wrote some stupid shit on Facebook and is still on probation for it. It's more pointless than the war on drugs given the threat-to-acts ratio and the general lack interest in enforcing the law consistently.
I never had that problem i always ranked up within 15 minutes of getting every 500 post
No I mean if you joined and get to 500 in a day, you have to wait until a week after you joined to rank up
It's kind of sad that naive and dumb psychotics end up being harassed the most. They are already inferior and at a disadvantage mentally, and on top of that they are bullied. I hope he goes ER after he's let go. And saying that is ironic if I get the FBI shitting on me for it. Amiright??!?"

He's in jail. Do you think he's going to get sentenced? freeeeeedom of speeeeech
If this idiot seriously wanted to go ER he would have done it, instead of just ranting on Facebook for attention. Pathetic.
Exactly what are they planning to charge this guy with??
What the fuck why are you still a graycel? You've had more than enough posts to rank up twice and get that light blue color
You have to have had your acc for at least 5 days for a color change. I suppose when my color change happens it'll skip right over the first rank. :feelsokman:
Aesthetically, he's only slightly below average. But his IQ is far, far below average. Threatening to go ER on your personal Facebook? A quite astonishing display of stupidity.
Kickspassion is that you?

"Police said they were concerned for women's well being". Just LOL at how big of WK's cops are. If a feminist was planning on shooting up men, they wouldn't make it about gender.
Whoever did that needs to serve jail time for breaking the first amendment.
Don't tell people if you're gonna go ER. Everyone spergs about shit like that.
Its over, he did it for attention, what a fakecel btw
The normies want to make it look like we're all about to go ER, but the normies are the ones who go ER on us every day and where are the crying crisis actors to shed tears for all the incels killed by Gog and Magog police and normie bullies? It's only violence when good looking people die, meanwhile good looking people torture us and use us for target practice and nobody objects...
Looks like the stereotypical school bully in shows
feeling like you are justified in threatening to kill people does not make it less of a crime
The definition of a crime is based on laws which can be changed. Saying you want to kill someone or going to kill someone is not the same as actually doing it, it should not be a crime and should be covered under free speech. More importantly murder is allowed in some cases like self defense, being a cop or in the army and feeling physically threatened, cops kill way more people every year in the US than rampage killers do. Arguably this man's happiness and life was threatened by females which forced him to consider going on a rampage, honestly his post seems like a cry for help and he should not be jailed. In a fair society he would have been granted a bride which cannot divorce him after mental health treatment for his depression and suicidal tendancies instead of being imprisoned for writing out his thoughts.
An idiot for sure...
mah boy, you just needed to not type this shit then you would become a saint
Going ER is retarded in my opinion what would killing a bunch of dumb thots really accomplish?1 million roastie lives arent worth the death of even one incel.
Dont threaten or give hints to it.
Good, now he'll finally lose his virginity to tyrone.
Friend of mine wrote some stupid shit on Facebook and is still on probation for it. It's more pointless than the war on drugs given the threat-to-acts ratio and the general lack interest in enforcing the law consistently.
What was it?
Incels with social media lol
jfl @ announcing even vague threats on SpyBook. Hollow skull IQ
What was it?

A superhilarious edgy joke (XD) that was pretty much just a threat to go ER. Dude in this story will do extra time because of the incel angle.

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